
Living My Best Life In The World Of Pokémon

Roman Saelle gets truck-kun’d and finds himself on a dirt road down the hill from a laboratory. Only he also has a sheet of paper in his hands explaining everything that’s happened. He now is one of kids that will be accepting a Pokémon from Professor Oak. He was gifted an inventory that comes stocked with all the Pokémon and human food and necessities he could need. As well as Pokéballs. Now he can live his best life in this new Pokémon world. Gym battles? Eh sure why not. Trainer battles? Only for money. Pokémon? As many as he can capture. Perhaps even some friends along the way.

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4 Chs

Should I catch them all?

It wasn't long down the trail when we came across our first Pokémon and even though it hadn't been long I was already pouring sweat from the physical activity and hot sun. Coming to a stop I put the bike back in my inventory and stood beside Charmander.

"I hope you're ready Charmander, our first fight is against a Rattata."

"Char!" He cried in return and stood in a slight crouch and his arms pulled out to his side. The Rattata turned toward us and let out a chittering cry and shot toward Charmander with streams of white surrounding it.

"Get ready Charmander and grab it when it hits you!"

Charmander nodded and let the rat crash into his stomach and while wincing he wrapped his arms around it.

"Great now slam it on the ground and use scratch!"

Following the instructions he lifted the purple rat up and then brought it down, it hit a protruding rock and squealed in pain. Before it could recover Charmander unleashed a powerful scratch attack that sent it rolling backwards into the brush.

Pulling a Pokéball from my inventory I tossed it and captured the Rattata. Now holding the Pokéball in my hand I turned to Charmander and crouched down to his level with a smile.

"Good job Charmander. You won your first battle as well as helping me catch my first wild Pokémon!"

He tilted his head back with his fist at his side and snorted pridefully. I sent a karate chop to his head and eyed him seriously.

"Don't get arrogant just yet, you were still too slow that you had to take the attack of a Rattata instead of being able to dodge or counter attack. Don't get complacent if you want to become the strongest." I said seriously and Charmander looked down with an expression of regret so I patted him on the head.

"It's good to have some pride just don't over do it. Don't sing your own praises, be great enough that others do that for you. Now come on let's keep going."

"Charmander!" He nodded with a new fire in his eyes and fell into step beside me as I pulled the bike back out.

We fought and captured a few more Pokémon on our travels down the trail, adding a Mankey, Sandshrew, pidgey and a Spearow to our growing list of Pokémon. Eventually we can upon a stream and I decided it was time for us to take our first break of the day with sun shining high overhead.

"Alright Charmander find a shade and take a rest, you can take off your weights if you want." I said but he just shook his head and patted his weights so I shrugged as I got out some Pokémon food and mixed in some spicy berries for him. Call it cliche but we found out that he likes the spicy berries, I assume because of his typing but who knows.

"I'm gonna take a quick dip in the water to cool off and then we'll continue soon. It looks like it may rain soon."

"Char?" He responded quizzically and I just chuckled knowingly as I stripped naked and jumped into the stream. As I sunk into cold water I opened my eyes looking around at the Pokémon swimming around in the river. I decided quickly that I would definitely be catching a few of these before we moved on.

Soon I came back up for air and saw Charmander standing at the edge of the water with his back to me as he growled at something or rather someone. An orange haired girl in short shorts held up by red suspenders over a yellow crop top exposing her midriff and shoulders. Before I could continue admiring her figure she began shouting.

"You! How could you do this to your poor Charmander! It's absolutely exhausted and you have it in these weights, don't you care about your Pokémon at all!" Charmander growled louder and I just stayed floating in the stream before sighing and beginning to climb out of the water.

She blushed heavily and turned around as she realized I was completely naked and I grinned at the reaction. That got her to shut up at least, and I began pretending to grab clothes out of my back pack when in reality it was from my inventory.

I took my time toweling off, not bothering to turn away as I wasn't ashamed of my body and it was funny watching her peek back occasionally. Once finally back in my original outfit I cleared my throat.

"Ahem, alright how about we have this conversation without screaming this time. Didn't your father ever told you that you'd scare the water Pokémon?"

She blushed again this time, but not in embarrassment like before but in anger.

"Don't you lecture me! I'm not the one hurting my Pokémon! Bastard." She retorted angrily, but I just laughed.

"Charmander are you hurt? Go ahead take off your weights then." When Charmander just shook his head and growled at Misty again I smiled.

"Well, you see? He like his weights. Just because your Pokémon don't use them doesn't mean they are bad. Now if you're done I've got some water Pokémon I'm going to catch in this stream" I began to turn and I could see her fuming as I did so and began stomping up to me.

Ugh why me.

"Then battle me! If I win then you have to never use those weights on Charmander again. Matter of fact I'll take him away from you an-" Her words stopped midway as my eyes met hers, my bored expression was gone and replaced with one of anger before quickly going back to bored.

"You should watch what you say, had I not been having a good day I might have said something I would have regretted. As for your battle what do I get when I beat you? I'm partial to money but I'll take other forms of payment too" I laughed when I saw her shutter and continued.

"Not that you gutter brain, but if that's what you want to offer up I won't say. I'll admit I find you attractive, besides you've seen me without my clothes it would only be fair."

She blushed furiously as a growl bubbled in her throat.

"I wasn't the one swimming naked in a stream right off the main trail." I just shrugged with a smile.

"Anyways what are you going to offer up that's equal to me giving you Charmander?"

She shifted nervously before getting a smirk.

"I'll give you the badge to the Cerulean city gym, you're a trainer right? Surely you can't pass that up." She said confidently and I just deadpanned.

"Are you kidding me? I could get that without you. Next." She looked shocked but just began thinking again

"Ugh! I can't think of anything. If you somehow you manage to win you can decide what you get! But don't get your hopes up! I'm Misty Waterflower from the Cerulean City gym and I won't lose to a fire type."

She said and tossed out her Staryu.

"Alright you asked for it. The battle will be first to lose 2 Pokémon." I said and pulled a Pokéball from my pocket that had been in my inventory.

"Go Mankey." She looked shocked and yelled indignantly.

"Why aren't you using your Charmander?!"

I just looked back at her like she was stupid.

"You want me to use a Pokémon that has been fighting all day against a water Pokémon no less? I'm a tough trainer but I'm not an asshole." She spluttered and turned red.

"Whatever just fight! Staryu use water gun!"

"Here we go Mankey, time to prove yourself. Dodge to the right and close the distance with a sand attack."

With a snuffle Mankey rolled to the right kicked up sand in Staryu's direction obstructing it's view slightly. Mankey didn't waste anytime and charged forward hand glowing as it brought it down with a chop. Staryu took the hit and slid backward and shook side to side.

"Staryu, hurry use water gun again and get some distance!"

"Don't let her get away Mankey, use low sweep!" While Staryu charged up another water gun Mankey was already there to kick out at the points of its star like body. It connected and Staryu flipped backwards on to its back firing the water gun up into the air.

"Finish it off with karate chop Mankey!" With a snort Mankey leaped and came flying down connecting its chop on the gem of Staryu and knocked it out. Mankey came back in front of me and dance happily.

"Good job Mankey, that was just our first battle so I can't wait to see what you can do once you start undergoing training." I praised him and he preened.

"Mankey mank!"

"That was your first battle with Mankey? But how your better than some challengers I've seen at the gym!" I smirked as I patted Mankey on the head and motioned for him to sit back. He grunted in annoyance but complied.

"It's all about knowing their lives and their specialties. You lost as soon as you let Mankey get close especially since you didn't use the water." She frowned but nodded as she whispered to her Pokéball and sent out a new one. This time it was Starmie.

"Starmie huh? You ready Charmander?" Charmander nodded seriously and went to the battlefield.

"I thought you just said you wouldn't use him against a water type! You are cruel I knew it!" I just shook my head at her words.

"No, before I didn't know your skill level and gave you too much credit for being one of the Waterflower sisters. But now I see that wasn't needed and I feel Charmander will beat you even against a stronger water type." Her face went red with anger and she growled.

"You'll regret that! Starmie water gun, but make sure to keep your distance!" It nodded and fired off a water gun much faster than the previous Pokémon.

"Charmander roll and use sand attack like Mankey." I said with a smile and saw Misty smile too.

"I won't fall for the same trick twice! Starmie dodge to the side and fire another water gun! He's trying to close the distance!"

My smile grew and I laughed a little.

"Charmander smokescreen." The next moment their field was covered in a black smoke and Misty had to cover her mouth with her shirt causing it ride up her torso a little higher exposing more of her flat and toned stomach.

"Careful Starmie! Use rapid spin to dispel the smoke!"

As soon as Starmie chirped in response a fire ball shot out and it hit Starmie before it could begin spinning. It chirped again as it stood up and got hit by another fireball directly on the gem.

"Wha-? What's going on?!" Misty asked in shock and I just smiled.

"Now Charmander!" With that he fired another ember and ran out from the smoke behind 2 more spurts of fire.

"Dodge Starmie!" And it dodged the first but then quickly had to dodge the next only to get hit by the final embers. They had been placed in such a way that it's movements had been predicted. Misty was stunned and just fumbled over her commands as Starmie was getting pelted by scratches mixed up with Embers.

"Now Charmander our new attack! Iron tail!" Charmander responded instantly and spun with the force of his last scratch attack and whipped out his tail at the stunned Starmie and connected with the gem sending it flying back and crashing against a tree. Slumping down fainted.

Hmm, still not able to use iron tail yet. Just a tail strike, but soon he'll get there.

"Good job Charmander! We won our first trainer battle!" Me and Mankey patted Charmander on the shoulder in congratulations. With that done I walk over to Misty and hand her a couple berries.

"Here, give these to your Pokémon. It was worth the experience for my Pokémon after all." She accepted the berries and quickly gave them to her injured Pokémon with a mumbled thank you.

"Now for my reward." I smiled deviously and I could see her shrink back with a blush, but began lower one suspender.

"I did say you could choose the reward." She said with a slight stutter only to stop when I laughed.

"Wha-?" She looked up in surprise

"Hahaha, did you think I'd actually fuck you as the reward for a Pokémon battle? No sorry I'm not that much of a scumbag. Now for what I do want, hmmmm I'll claim it someday down the line. I'm sure we'll meet again someday."

She sputtered and continued to stare at me not knowing what to say as I walked away. I called Mankey over and gave him his own weight set like Charmander and walked behind a tree pretending to grab my bike.

"See you later Misty! Maybe next time I'll take you up on your offer." I waved as I hopped on the bike and began pedaling down the trail with Mankey and Charmander following on either side.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter end~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I've always like Mankey so I decided to add him to the party. Probably not going to add any others from the ones I caught this chapter, but I will be adding a water type next chap. Most likely magikarp even though it's over used.

Anyways until next time.