
the beginning

The story begins with you waking up in a room crowded with too many people, it's a big room with three or four beds, the walls are painted with blue and there are two windows letting a fresh and cold air enter and touch your skin gently. The people in this room are all dressed in white, most of them are women, two of them came to you, took a closer look at you then went so fast. The bed that you're laying on is so soft and comfortable that you almost forgot that you don't know where you are. Suddenly, a man and a women dressed in red entered the room from the door that you didn't see before, it was behind you. Without saying anything, they gave you a hand to help you standing, the women from your right, the man from your left, and you stand without even realizing it. They took you through the door and you entered a big hall, the air was different, it was warm and refreshing and the end of the hall wasn't seen yet, then the man finally spoke:" now let's get to the important point, I know that you have heard many things about hell, maybe a big hole full with flames or some kind of places that imprisons you in the saddest moment of your life or something else but I want you to know that you're absolutely wrong. Hell isn't a place, it's an entity that will show you your scariest nightmares, whatever the most loved thing you have, he will take it from you over and over until that thing loses its value, and your suffer won't end with losing everything you love, he will show you things that your little mind couldn't imagine, thing that will literally make you wish for death, ripping you apart and burning you down to ashes will seem like mercy in hell. And when finally after spending two or three eternities in hell, you'll be like a zombie waiting for the pain to end that he can begin again in this endless cycle of torture, in that point, hell will give you the opportunity to live in a very realistic dream that you can call it a new life, you'll reach the highest level of happiness you have ever reached, and you'll love even the air that you'll be breathing more than ever, then you'll go crazy and make yourself believe that it all was a bad dream. In that point, all of that will break down and you will begin another, more painful, cycle of torture from the beginning like the first time and like that over and over without stopping or a rest, and above it all, without stopping". You got scared because you can tell from the hard and serious expression on that man's face that he's talking seriously and for a reason you don't know you believed all what he said. The time suddenly became too slow, you're feeling like you're chained from your legs, you're feeling a cold and thick sweat on your head and you felt like imprisoned between those two human-like beings. Suddenly, that silence was interrupted by the sweat voice of the women, she said:" don't freak the poor human like that, don't worry dear, you'll be okay" in that moment, you saw a little light in that darkness and you sensed hope again. And talking about senses, you realizes that you are now in the end of the hall where there's a big and black frightening door, it was covered by some kind of traces, maybe a text with some sort of language, maybe a picture that you didn't see properly but whatever it is, it's scary, very scary that you're struggling to breath. The women catches you from the head roughly and forces you to look at here, her face didn't change it was the same as before but she seemed a little bit sad, then she speaks:" now you're going to the circle, and they will decide how painful you'll spend the rest of your miserable presence. So remember, whatever happens from now on, it's all because of you". You're shocked and you didn't understand why she said that, your brain is numbed after all this so from all the questions you can ask you only chose: "why are you sad?" The man took from the hand leading you to the door and he said with a large weird smile:" it's because she can't watch you suffering from now on you little bastard" and he opened the door letting him go inside.