
Living Happily In The Originals (ETC)

A guy wants more in life and gets it after an unexpected death...... First Volume: The Originals Second Volume: The Originals/ Teen Wolf Third Volume:???????

KillingSoftly · TV
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4 Chs

4) Chapter 4

After posing for more than an hour which he enjoyed doing he left Davina with a smile on her face making him entirely pleased with himself. He had to tell her goodbye though since he still couldn't make to much headway with he he decided to take it slow instead going out to do something else, he told her he would see her again when he brought dinner before letting the shadows take him in. When he walked out he was in front of the manor that the Mikaelson's and one Hayley Marshall was staying.

Walking in like he owned the place he came across an angry Rebekah who was still trying to find the location of her brother Elijah, the only reason he could still find Davina was because she couldn't wipe his mind. (Not that she tried to) When he walked in she turned on him ready to break his neck but instead he flung her across the room making her hit a couch breaking it instantly, ignoring her he walked to Hayley who was standing on the stairs. "Hey there momma wolf how are you since I left?"

Hayley giggled noticing he had more power than the originals and was treating them like play things it was funny to her, "I'm good thanks for asking just listening to her grumble I'm about her missing brother but....." she stopped there knowing he wouldn't care about the originals in anyway seeing the way he treated them.

"But what?" He asked taking her hand and leading her into their sitting room helping her gently to the couch before he followed her sitting next to her.

"Well the thing is... Elijah has been good to me since I've been here so I'm a little worried too." She said looking down at her hands instead of him hoping he wasn't upset with her in anyway.

He looked her over smiling gently at her she wasn't just his favorite character because she was housing one of his other favorites but because of her personality change through the series which was from meek to alpha wolf. "Well let me let your worries go Elijah is okay he is with a friend of mine."

Her head whipped to him along with Rebekah speeding over standing in front of them but she didn't try anything seeing him handle her like a rag doll, "Where is my brother?!" She practically growled trying not to shake him for answers.

Of course he ignored her instead keeping his eyes locked with Hayley who didn't ask but just nodded her head, she understood that if she didn't ask he wouldn't tell. At the same time coming from him she knew Elijah wasn't in any real danger and that he could be brought back at anytime if she just ask Aaron to go get him. "So can I ask you something?" She didn't even look at Rebekah who wanted to rip their throats out.

"Sure, go right ahead." He smiled pulling out his phone and switching to the camera mode and snapping a smiling selfie of him and Hayley who went along liking his behavior.

"Is anyone going to tell me where my brother is!!!!???" Rebekah screeched but was ignored.

"Why is the baby so fond of you. I know it's just a fetus but when you are near it's like it is radiating joy." She smiles putting a hand on her stomach, she had thoughts to get rid of it but ever since he showed up those vanished like everything will be okay.

"Well truthfully I couldn't tell you why she is happy to see me I—" he was stopped midway by her excited squeal.

"SHE!!!!? The baby is a girl?" She was practically bouncing and he could see a small smile come from Rebekah to although she tried to hide it by keeping her scowl.

"Haha yes it is a girl. And continuing my earlier words I couldn't tell you why she is happy to see me other than something she might feel from me. The reason we have a connection though is because we are both TriBirds Wolfs/Vampire/Witch she is more than just wolf like you expect." He smiled at her and Rebekah's shocked expression.

"Yeah shocking right she won't need to drink blood or anything but her blood has the cell of Vampires making her live for a long time how long I don't know. Her wolf is just like yours though and can only be activated by a curse. And the being a witch will just come naturally to her if she is trained correctly."

"Wait but where does the witch part even come from me and Niklaus can't even do magic." She added pointing out the flaw in his words.

"Well my mother——" Rebekah tried starting but Aaron cut her off.

"Well it comes from both of you that is why it is in her. You have ancestors who were strong witches even stronger than their mother while at the same time their mother was one of the strongest witches of her time." He explained not wanting Rebekah to be all smug just because her mother knew a little magic but didn't use it correctly.

She nodded thinking it all over liking that her daughter would be more but she still had many questions in her head and didn't know where to start. "Well if you don't mind I still want to ask a couple of things."

He smile leaning back and getting comfortable, "Sure you have me until about eight then I need to do something so let's get to it."

Hayley smiled and launched into all sorts of questions like his origins and other things of course he lied about some of it since he was in mixed company, their was a lot of idle chat but she was starting to learn stuff she didn't even learn in the series. She gasped an was a little afraid when she learned she had to die in order to give birth but he assured her he would be their so she would be perfectly fine, in the show she hated being a vampire so he would stop it. She laughed at his exploits learning about his time with some Native American tribes when he tripped on PCP ending up in the ocean butt naked fighting off a shark.

The day slowly passed and after making her a dinner which she enjoyed he took off saying he would visit her soon he had some stuff he wanted to get done tomorrow which would lead him out of town so he told her to call if something happened. When he left he shadow walked into Davinas room where she sat at a table waiting for him giving a small smile when he came in with another container of food that smelled as good as the first he brought in. This time it was spicy steak and potatoes with macaroni and cheese, he made the macaroni from scratch so they were better than store bought boxes made with extra cheese.

"Someone looks hungry." He joked watching he devour the food getting a smudge of cheese on her chin. Taking his thumb he wiped it off and licked his finger smiling at her blush but that didn't stop her from eating, he also noticed that Elijahs coffin was open but didn't say anything about it he knew curiosity won her over.

"So what did you do after I left?" He asked loving that she liked his cooking he only worked on it since he knew this day would come if not he would have just done nothing interesting.

She looked at him after finishing her last bite of the steak, "Same old same old, I just painted a little and spent some time reading not much to do really when their isn't a tv or computer in here."

He nodded noting that down so he could bring her one himself, even if she had to stay here to hide that didn't mean she couldn't have a little fun. "Well we will have to change that won't we." He smirked taking away the dishes so he could take them when he left.

He had shown up later than he expected since he got so caught up in talking to Hayley so Davina was tired and fell asleep after a quick shower not even telling him to leave. Aaron smiled at that and walked over to her and pulled the covers it was kind of drafty but he set up a barrier that controlled the temperature making her more relaxed, taking the pendant from his pocket he set it in a black case open by the night stand. Before leaving he walked and stood in front of Elijah's coffin looking down at him, "She is a good friend of mine and if you or your family try anything then I don't think there needs to be Originals anymore. Goodbye Elijah."

He knew he could hear him since he was coming out of desiccation, it would be another day at most.

***********<(^•^)> >^•^)> <(^•^<***************************

The next morning Aaron went to drop Hayley off some food before seeing Davina before he left town to see and old friend, walking into the room he saw Elijah was almost awake but shrugged it off. "Breakfast." He said gaining her attention but was also carrying a laptop, tv, and game system for her. Davina smiled she didn't have wifi but that was just because Aaron hadn't told her yet that he hooked it up, seeing her smile though made him reveal getting a wide grin that took his breathe away making him stop his actions of hooking up the game system.

"So I woke up to this," she said holding the pendant with the wolf head and vampire fangs, "Anything you want to tell me?"

"Haha yeah I left it there last night for you it's something for people in my pack well at least on of the symbols for it." He gave her a cocky smile when he saw her mouth hang open.

"Why?" She asked softly looking at it she didn't put it on because she didn't know if it was cursed or not and was now even more on the fence.

"I will tell you later I didn't put it on you because it can only go on if you accept being apart of the pact," he got up and walked over hugging her, "Don't think to much and take your time I can wait for an answer.... I wish I could stay longer but I have someone I need to go meet I will see you for dinner yeah?" He didn't just want to just come back in case she needed time to think about things.

"Yeah I will see you then." She smiled holding the necklace to he chest, she didn't even push him away and let him hug her for the moment.

Aaron pulled away smiling down at her, "I'll bring you something delicious and that is my favorite to eat for dinner tonight." He did his famous shadow walk leaving but smiled at her until he was gone.


Beacon Hills, Vet Clinic*

Aaron came out of the shadows next to the place he didn't want to just show up inside since he actually respected the man who ran the place, he was a friend and a confidante so he didn't. Walking inside the animals that were barking or making noise stopped and all looked to the door making Deaton look over and his eyes go wide seeing someone he hadn't seen in the past ten years thinking he was dead. "It can't be." He said in shock.

"Hey there Alan, how are things going." Aaron asked with a smile.

"It is you I can't believe it I haven't seen you since....." he stopped looking a little sad.

It was a little mission the both set out on to get back a rare plant he needed to cure someone from Talia Hales pack and while there Wolfs didn't take to kindly to the intruding in their territory so they attacked them. Seeing that it was a wild pack that choose to live in the elements rather than society they were more feral so it was a tough battle or so Aaron made Deaton think while he let him escape while fighting the off, he didn't see him again until now. "Sorry I was recovering from my wounds and went into hiding I should have called you friend."

"No it's fine I'm just glad to see that you are okay but seeing you here can only mean one thing." Deaton sighed things were going to get messy in town again.

"Ahh don't worry about that I had a question about some witch things and I know you are a Druid but I figured you could still help me out." Aaron said with an easy smile.

"Sure anything for you." He said with any easy smile leading Aaron into the back where they sat in some stools, "So what is it you need."

"I have a friend who didn't finish her ancestral ritual since she was afraid that she would die and not come back. Is there anyway to take the magic and give it back without killing her?" He could have done this in his own but it would be harder to figure out since he didn't now much about life and death Druids kept their information close to the chest and didn't really write it down so he had to ask.

"Well that's tricky ancestral magic is something old and powerful and the ritual is meant to make them one with earth and give power back to the ancestors. If you really want to do this without killing her then the only thing I can think of is finding a link between her and the ancestors so that they can from the magic while still keeping it in their coven." Deaton put on a thoughtful look since it was actually harder than it sounded they needed something old and directly from the ancestors or for someone to replace her death and be that link.

"What aren't you telling me." Aaron had seen that look to many times to know that something was off.

Sighing Deaton smiled wryly at his friend, "You need something for that link either something old enough to set it or for someone else to die to be that link even if they aren't in the coven just make sure you are near the one who has the magic."

Aaron nodded, "Thanks for the information friend."

"Well it's nothing you said my life once but if you don't mind me asking, how do you still look so young after all these years." He had a theory but didn't want to say it aloud unless Aaron told him himself.

"Well as you might be thinking I'm a Vampire but I'm more than that I'm a Tribrid Wolf/Vampire/Magician I cant call myself a witch since I practice a different type of magic. That's why I haven't aged a day. Ahh I forgot to say sorry about Talia friend." He knew about the fire but couldn't stop it since it was something that was a big thing in the Teen Wolf series.

"Yeah it was a tragic thing." He said not saying more he didn't mind his friend being what he was since he had seen a lot. The death of Talia hit him hard though.

"How's her brat doing?" Aaron met and kind of helped raise Derek when he was younger so he did care for him some.

"He's changed since the fire but coping best he can he just become all broody though, you should see him while you are in town." Deaton suggested know the two were close up until Aaron had to go away.

"I will hold off until I come back next time I still have things to do but thanks again friend this is my number call me if you need anything" Aaron smiled and walked away waving at him as he walked into the shadows disappearing surprising the Druid who thought he'd seen it all.

Aaron didn't immediately go back to New Orleans though instead going by and buying a house in Beacon Hills since he came the plot would start a year later. He didn't know why there were no vampires here in Beacon Hills but he would make sure to ask Deaton the next time he was in town, after buying a newly built two story house he went back to New Orleans.