
Living as an SSS Ranked Ninja

As a normal person, you are reincarnated as a regular ninja, only, your talent can rival that of Madara Uchiha, or even more. Witness, Kai, a 18-years old, whom experienced hardship in Earth, attempts to achieve SSS rank Abilities, and thrive in the Naruto world. Note: Kai only read until before the shippuden arc.

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29 Chs

Minato vs Obito

As Minato and Obito locked eyes, the atmosphere crackled with tension, a sense of impending conflict. Their gazes held a world of history, a clash of ideals and destinies that reverberated through the very air. Without hesitation, they lunged forward, their movements a blur of speed and precision.

Minato's form became a whirlwind of motion, his distinctive yellow flash jolting through the battlefield like lightning. Obito, his masked countenance a mask of cold determination, met each strike with eerie grace, his Sharingan eyes tracking Minato's every move. The clash of their techniques echoed through the night, a symphony of power and skill that painted a canvas of brilliance against the darkness.

Minato's Hiraishin technique, the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, was a dazzling display of teleportation mastery. He shifted across the battlefield with uncanny speed, his kunai leaving trails of light in their wake. Obito's Sharingan eyes mirrored Minato's movement, allowing him to predict and counter each teleportation attempt with unnerving accuracy.

Kai watched in awe as the battle unfolded before him, the sheer intensity of their clash sending shivers down his spine. It was a dance of deadly precision, a battle of wits and prowess that defied the limits of human ability. The ground trembled with their every collision, the very fabric of reality warping and distorting as their techniques met head-on.

As the battle raged on, a critical moment approached, a convergence of fate and opportunity. Obito's form blurred as he unleashed his Kamui, a technique that allowed him to phase through objects and space itself. The blade of his kunai sliced through the air, aimed directly at Minato's heart. Time seemed to slow as the blade drew closer, the specter of death looming over the Fourth Hokage.

In that heart-stopping moment, Kai's instincts kicked in. A surge of pure chakra coursed through him, a raw force that flowed from his core. Without hesitation, he threw himself in the path of Obito's attack, his body a shield of ethereal energy. The blade struck against his barrier, the impact sending shockwaves through the air.

Kai gritted his teeth, his whole being focused on maintaining the barrier as Obito's attack pressed against it. The strain was immense, a test of his newfound abilities that threatened to overwhelm him. But he held firm, his willpower and determination fueling his defense.

Seizing the opportunity, Minato's eyes blazed with determination as he channeled his chakra. With a thunderous roar, he unleashed his signature technique – the Rasengan. The spiraling sphere of energy crackled with power, hurtling towards Obito with a force that defied comprehension. The impact was cataclysmic, an explosion of energy that rent the air and sent shockwaves rippling through the forest.

Obito staggered, his form flickering as the onslaught of Minato's attack disrupted his phasing ability. The momentum had shifted, the tide of battle now in Minato's favor.

Obito's anguished grunt pierced the air, a reflection of the pain that surged through him as Minato's final blow struck true. The battle had been fierce, a tempest of power and wills that had finally reached its inevitable conclusion. Through the haze of agony, Obito's Sharingan eyes bore witness to the sight he had both sought and dreaded – the Kyuubi, once again sealed within Kushina's form. His gaze narrowed in bitter defeat, a maelstrom of emotions swirling within him.

Curses spilled from Obito's lips like venom, his voice a chilling echo in the aftermath of the battle. His words were a promise, a vow of vengeance that hung in the air like a shadow, a reminder of the enmity that had fueled his actions. With a final look that seemed to pierce through the very soul, Obito vanished in a swirl of dark energy, his Kamui carrying him away from the battlefield.

Minato's exhausted but relieved gaze shifted from the vanishing figure to Kai, gratitude and exhaustion etched across his features. The weight of the world seemed to lift from his shoulders as he clutched Naruto close, a protective embrace that spoke volumes. "Thank God," Minato breathed, his voice a mixture of weariness and overwhelming relief. He had managed to safeguard his village, his family, and the future.

A quick exchange of words passed between Minato and Kai, the urgency of the situation hanging heavy in the air. Minato's plea was clear – the safety of his child took precedence above all else. "Please, lead my baby to the village. I'll check on Kushina and I'll be back," Minato implored, his voice a solemn echo that resonated with the weight of his responsibility.

Without hesitation, Minato extended an emblem to Kai, a symbol of trust that would grant him unfettered access to the village. As Minato's footsteps carried him towards Kushina, Kai turned his gaze to the emblem in his hand.

Kai's approached the village in vigilance, the emblem securely nestled within his grasp. The guards, their watchful eyes assessing his intent, granted him swift passage as they recognized the emblem's significance.

Led by the guards, through the labyrinthine streets, Kai's stood at the doorstep of the Hokage Mansion. The building stood as a testament to the village's resilience, its history etched into the very stone from which it was built. Each step he took carried a weight of anticipation.

Amidst the quiet halls of the Hokage Mansion, a scene of reunion unfolded, hidden from the world beyond its walls. Minato's worn form stood before Kushina, her presence a beacon of strength even amidst her evident fatigue. Her gaze, a mixture of worry and hope, sought reassurance in his eyes. Between labored breaths, she voiced a question that bore the weight of the world – "Naruto, is he safe?"

The solemn nod that Minato offered transcended words, a gesture that spoke of both relief and affirmation. The release of pent-up tension was palpable, a wave of emotion that crashed over them, two parents united by the shared bond of love for their child. In that fleeting moment, their connection held fast, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

In the aftermath of their ordeal, Minato and Kushina found themselves united in gratitude, their hearts echoing a debt of appreciation owed to a stranger who had stepped into the chaos to aid them. The name "Kai" lingered on their lips, a reminder of the role he had played in a battle not his own.

With a tenderness that contrasted the turmoil they had faced, Minato carried Kushina into his arms. Together, they embarked on the journey back to the heart of the village, a pair of figures carrying with them the weight of responsibility and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. The night had been one of trials and tribulations, but as they navigated the village streets, a sense of tranquility slowly settled over the Hidden Leaf Village.

Hey everyone! Just a headsup that I'm trying to rewrite my older version of this novel, and hopefully it will be much better!

If you would like to see something more, or want me to focus on certain elements of the story, Do tell me! I'd love to do anything that's interesting, especially since this is just for me to have fun

MarSuscreators' thoughts