
Memory of the King n°2

Asuma didn't know what to think. Just when he thought he had figured the red head out, the man had to go and casually throw a philosophical paper bomb in his head and then not talk about it.

When Haruki had first pulled the book out the bearded Jonin had been curious about what he would say but confident in his own answer to the question. But then the red head began reading. Not only was the story entertaining, but it was easy to pick up on the meaning underneath each of the three kings. Even if the genin were not mature enough yet to see it, Haruki had shaken Asuma and, from the looks of things, the other three adults present with the challenge the story raised. And if he was honest with himself, he found that he immediately wanted to discuss the matter further even when the man decided to start their actual training. Asuma had been through two cigarettes since the story finished, and it had only been ten minutes, just to calm his nerves.

The three kings each represented actual positions in the world. The First King, Gilgamesh, represented how most Daimyo behaved. The Daimyo had existed for as long as there have been nations. Families of high influence that lived in a world set apart from the average person. Many, having made fortunes years in the past now owned most of the land within their respective nations or critical business to their region of influence. This hoarding of money and valuables fueled their secluded and privileged lifestyle and often gave them power over individuals. It was common then for those that grew in such environments to view themselves as superior and often snobbishly so. And there is some measure of credence to their point of view. The nation doesn't exist without the Daimyo. Their wealth or business controls the flow of the economy for all that dwell with in. It is because of this wealth that Ninja villages even came to be. Almost every village and certainly the larger ones are subsidized by the ruling lord of their land. They are symbols of might and a powerful fighting force that can counter forces much larger than them. Yet despite a village's considerably larger fighting power, they are still dependent on the daimyo. Sunagakure is learning that first hand if the rumors circling lately are any indication. Konoha is fortunate to have a rather reasonable lord ruling Hi no Kuni, but that doesn't change the fact that the Old Man still answers to him.

The second king represented the Hokage or some other village leader. A kage's word was law in most instances. Not only was the ruling kage typically the most powerful ninja in the village but was also the example that every ninja in the village looked up too. This was especially true in Konoha. The Hokage was the defender of the Will of Fire, and while he expected absolute obedience from those under him, he also cared for them. The ninja of the village in turn defend the Hokage even as he stands both above everyone and between them and the enemies that would destroy the village if they could. Regardless of their personal prowess what sets kage apart is not only their authority but also their ability to inspire and empower those beneath them. A kage is often called to make difficult decisions. Decisions that often time do not allow them to keep their own morals intact but put the village first. They don't have time for regrets and second guessing.

The final king represented the common people whether that be the client on a mission or the ninja underneath a kage's authority that are expected to lay down their lives in defense of the village. The ninja in Konoha hold to the Will of Fire. The idea that everyone in the village is part of one big family that each member protects. Those apart of it now and those to come. And for the longest time this was the group that Asuma had placed as the true king. The future generation, what he was fighting to protect. But that story had raised some valid points. 'Why did Haruki have to stop there?' he thought with a slight whine. Asuma had always seen himself as the sacrificial pawn. Only important enough to give up his life in preservation of the next generation. "You may indeed have saved them but you never lead them. You never should them all what a king should really be. You abandoned your men when they lost their way. Then alone and untroubled by that fact you went off to chase your own pretty little ideals to the end! Thus you are no true king. You spent your life enraptured in a false idol of the humble king that always serves others." Even now the words rang in his head. What was he living for? For his own death?

Shaking his head Asuma decided that for now he would focus on the training. Maybe his dad would have some thoughts.

Asuma had been too engrossed in his own thoughts he almost missed his team use their chakra paper slips. They had moved over to sit in the shade on the edge of the clearing. Haruki just finished explaining them and each genin began channeling chakra.

Haruki glanced over as Asuma stepped closer. It seems whatever contemplative state he was put in had passed. 'About time.'

Haruki glanced at him with a slightly accusing side eye. "About time you rejoined us. Were you planning on shrugging your students off on me again today?"

Asuma rolled his eyes in response but was cut off from responding as Ino gave a shout of surprise.

Turning to the platinum blond everyone saw that her paper had burst into flames at the edges before she dropped it. Her dress had change to a light orange but she didn't appear to be hurt.

"Congratulations Ino. Your sensei will be able to help you more than I could. Fire Jutsu and I don't get along well." Haruki said nonchalantly with a smile tilting his head to the side. Next to her Shikamaru and Choji finished channeling chakra into paper. Immediately Shikamaru's contorted violently and crinkled into as much of a ball as it could in between his hand. Choji's started to crumble from the center before the edges burned away.

Asuma watched the paper react and couldn't keep the surprise off his face. Ino's affinity wasn't all that surprising. Fire was the most common affinity in Hi no Kuni and the Yamanaka clan had no shortage of Katon jutsu users. A Nara with a lightning affinity, and if the papers reaction was any indication, a really strong one at that, was a different story. Wind and earth jutsu might be beyond him without a great deal of effort, which when speaking about a Nara usually settled the matter. A Nara that had something different from water or fire was unheard of, at least when considering natural affinities. Considering Choji, his result was almost as shocking. The Akimichi were known for having either a natural fire or a natural earth affinity, but being born with two natural affinities was very uncommon even in the clan.

Asuma glanced over at the fathers watching on. Choza had a large grin on his face as he ruffled Choji's hair and congratulated him. Shikaku didn't look fazed by the revelation though he had a distant look on his face as he regarded his son as if he was trying to solve a puzzle but didn't have all the pieces. Likely he already knew Shikamaru's affinity if he wasn't shocked, which is odd since Shikamaru had not ever mentioned being tested before.

Glancing at Inoichi, Asuma realized the man wasn't even looking at Ino. Instead he had his eyes fixed on the red head. Though his exterior was calm, his eyes held an intensity that Asuma had not seen before in the clan head. Following the man's gaze he looked at the red head while the man interacted with his genin chatting about their results. He vaguely perceived the man mention the results of some the other teams, apparently the Nara had a stronger affinity to lightning then Sasuke did, despite Ino's very vocal doubts that the Nara didn't appreciate. And that's when he noticed.

Haruki was not surprised at all.

There was no indication anywhere on the red head that the results where unexpected and their should have been.

Asuma cut his eyes back over to Inoichi and found the man's eyes looking back in his own. Something passed between the two and Inoichi just nodded. 'So he noticed too.' Shaking his head ever so slightly at the Yamanaka, the blond blinked and went back to watching the genin. Asuma wanted to wait and watch where things went. Only the most powerful of sensors could passively sense the affinities of another person unaided. The ability, while possible, was so rare he hadn't heard of a specific person who actually had it. He didn't actually know of anyone in history besides the First Hokage that had that ability in Knonoha. But if the man didn't sense it, how else could he have known?

"Now that that's out of the way, let me tell you guys about the training supports I included. I will go into more detail with each of you individual when we begin training. " Haruki said gesturing toward the remaining scrolls and things lying around where the genin were sitting with his feet.

"Ino your chakra reserves put you in a unique position to learn chakra control very easily. You are like Sakura in that in fact. I think both of you have the talent needed to be a medical ninja and so just like I did for her I gave you the same set of entry level medical ninjutsu theory and anatomy. However, while you have greater endurance than Sakura her control is still better than yours because of her ability to regulate different frequencies. To help you catch up I have included two scrolls on advance chakra control exercises. One of them requires you to hold a leaf to your forehead like in the academy but then to move it along your body using only your chakra. When you can do this while preforming other tasks you will have mastered the exercise. The second is the basics of water walking. This is like the tree climbing exercise but instead of using the same frequency and amount of chakra to climb, you have to change and adjust based on the movement of the water. When you have mastered both of those I will arrange for you first medical ninjutsu training session if you are still interested." Haruki paused to let her soak in the information while pointing to the different scrolls. Truth be told Sakura was always better at things that require supreme chakra control but that didn't mean Ino couldn't get close if she put in the effort. Ino hadn't reacted well at first to hearing that Sakura was better than her, the dress had changed to a dark red as Ino's brow furrowed. She did adopt a determined expression as he finished explaining the exercises, however, which was a good sign.

Continuing Haruki gestured to the remaining scrolls, "To be honest Ino, if you were put in a straight up fight you would more than likely lose. From what I know you are only capable of using the standard academy jutsu and one from your family's arsenal. If an emergency were to happen and you were placed in combat even against relatively week opponents you would die." Haruki finish bluntly and even in his tone. He didn't bother looking at the others knowing that her father likely was not pleased with what he said despite it being the truth. Ino had gone from indignant to pale her dress a bluish purple. "And that is why we are going to change that. I have included two genjutsu that are particularly effective in assaulting the senses of another person. And a fire jutsu for you to master for a stronger directed range offensive. Be wise with how you use it though. Asuma-sensei is more than capable of teaching you all you need to know." Haruki half expected Ino to begin to wilt under the amount of training materials that he just gave her. To his relief and slight surprise the spit fire only seem to get more resolved. 'Well at least her stubbornness is good for something.'

"Shikamaru similarly to Ino you have very few options to defend yourself with beyond basic stall tactics and your intellect. In addition to training in your affinity which is very important, I'll explain why later, I included two offensive jutsu and one defensive to prepare you for more difficult enemies. You have a great grasp of chakra control, but you are slow to execute it. I can help you with your lightning manipulation. I also want you to seriously consider enrolling in the fuinjutsu program. You have the analytical mind and the chakra control to find value in it." 'Though perhaps not the creativity or work ethic' he thought dryly to himself; Kuruma huffed inside his mindscape in amusement. Shikamaru looked like he was about to ask a question but before he could the red head turned, hands in his pockets to Choji who was cautiously gripping the large hammer that had come with the scrolls.

"Choji." The red head said turning to the boy who was eying the weapon. He chuckled lightly, "I see you have found your weapon. Do you like it?"

"Honestly sensei I don't really know. I mean I've never used something like this and my hand gets bigger than the head of it when I use jutsu anyway and I…" the genin trailed off slightly too embarrassed to voice what he was feeling.

It was obious to the adults though. Choza sighed internally. Choji always was very timid at heart. He didn't like violence and tried to avoid conflict where he could. He wasn't a coward and would fight if he had to. He was just a peace loving boy, which made him worry now that his son was a ninja.

Hopeful Choji would grow out of his apprehensions to violence before it cost him something he was unwilling to pay.

"Thats alright Choji. You could always chose a different weapon but let me ask you this. If I told you that you could protect your team better if you learned how to use this would you?"

Choji nodded after a moments hesitation.

"Good answer, the hammer is chakra conductive and can be used to execute jutsu that will affect a large area. I'll show you how during training. Choji you have the ability to gain a lot of strength because of how much you eat and I want you to take full advantage of that. The weights that I have included are designed to help you gain mass. In addition I have included two offensive jutsu and two defensive jutsu. One from each element, in those scrolls.

"How did you know sensei?" Shikamaru asked his eyes squinted a little. At the red heads questioning eyebrow the Nara clarified, "How did you know what affinities we would have. I thought that it was impossible to know for certain without chakra paper and I'm pretty sure this is the first time any of us have been tested."

"I would like to know that as well," Inoichi voiced.

Haruki shifted his weight slightly but otherwise seemed unperturbed by the question "Just call it a good hunch."

"That seems a bit convenient for your hunch to guess all three genin's affinities perfectly." Inoichi retorted with a slight accusatory edge to his voice. 'Not counting all the other highly convenient pieces surrounding you.'

Haruki remained calm but met the gaze of the Yamanaka head as if daring him to defy his claim. "My hunches have a tendency for being correct which is particularly useful in the business of gathering information. Sometimes I'm just that lucky." It was a weak excuse and he knew it, but Haruki didn't want to talk about the real reason for obvious reasons. He hadn't exactly planned for observers but denying them access would have been even more suspicious.

Inoichi stared for another moment and seemed like he was going to push the point before a cough from behind him caught his attention. Without turning to look at the source the blond nodded and relaxed his posture slightly.

Haruki took the opportunity to segue the genin into their actually training. 'Thank you Shikaku," Haruki thought, 'I should probably come up with a better way of giving them resources for the last group. People are starting to catch on that I might know too much.'

Quickly seallessly making three clones Haruki broke the genin up for their individual training. "Alright each of you come with one of me, and we will get you actual training started."

"But sensei what will you be doing?" Ino asked curiously.

Haruki smirk before pointing his thumb over his shoulder "Training your lazy ass sensei obviously. After that scuffle earlier, it's pretty apparent that smokestack over here needs some of the rust knocked off him."

Asuma went from surprised to slightly offend to a mixture of excited and anxious faster than Ino changed emotions. He would not deny the prospect of sparing with the mysterious red head was appealing. Both to test himself and clear his head but also to learn about the red head and measure his actual skill.

Ignoring for the moment the comment about his habit, which was likely petty revenge for making him late anyway, Asuma nodded and stepped on the cigarette he was currently smoking. "Considering we have some pretty qualified guests to be proctors and keep us form getting out of hand, I see no harm in that. What are the rules? That is if they are willing." The words had barely left his mouth before Choza agreed.

"I'll gladly proctor your spar!" The Akimichi agreed. 'We are all curious what Haruki can do anyway.' Choza thought

"First one to be hit 5 times or yield looses. Tiajutsu, ninjutsu and kenjutsu are all that are allowed. Sound good." Haruki asked while tying hi hair back.

"Fine by me."

"Great, take a minute to warm up while the genin get settled." The red head then began leading each genin away to a different section of the training ground for their specialized training.

Asuma then began stretching while Haruki sat down and closed his eyes as if beginning to meditate.


(Meanwhile with Shikamaru…..)

One of Haruki's clones lead Shikamaru to the tree line at the other end of the clearing, "Well I think this is far enough for what we are going to be doing. So tell me Shikamaru-kun, what have you been working on since the last time I was here."

"Mostly what you suggest sensei as troublesome as it is. I've been trying to make my shadow possession jutsu faster. I have been using leaves as targets by trying to catch as many as possible before they hit the ground. Tou-san has been helping me."

Nodding Haruki put one hand in the kunai pouch and began digging around, "That's good keep doing that. Since your dad is working with you on your shadow then we will start on you nature transformation."

Haruki pulled out a wire sting attached to a light bulb. "Before we begin I want you to know that the lightning element is not only one of the most destructive, but also one of the most dangerous. While fire if used incorrectly can get you burned, and wind can get you cut. Lightning if not channeled properly can quite literally fry your nervous system and organs," Shikamaru nodded grimly making a face of apprehension, "That being said lightning is also in my opinion at least the second most versatile element of the base five."

"What's the first sensei?" asked the Nara.

"Wind," Haruki answered quickly, "Because of its natural flexibility as a support force and destructive power in combat, these make it the most versatile nature manipulation type. Wind can be used to slice through all kinds of objects, without regards to how strong or durable something is, or be used for blunt force trauma. It can be used to detect enemies or to augment a ninja's sensory range or even the speed of their projectiles. It is viable as a strong defense and offense. And while fire can beat wind due to their opposing natures allowing fire to feed on it and grow stronger, a skilled wind user can beat just about any other ninjutsu specialist out there."

A clang of metal interrupted the red heads speech and drew his student's attention back to where the team had met. Asuma and the real Haruki were a blur of blades as Asuma tried to weave through the red heads guard to get in close while at the same time not getting sliced in half. So far Asuma hadn't had much success, and Haruki didn't seem to be trying that hard.

Haruki shook his head, "Anyway, we're getting distracted. Now the thing about lightning is, like wind, it is more than just an offensive or even defensive element, like fire and water. There are many Raiton jutsu's that are supplemental in nature, the best example I can give you is the Raiton No Yoroi (Lightning armor) that is used by the Yondaime Raikage, which increases not only ones physical strength, but also increases speed and reflexes by speeding up the neural synapses, increasing their overall physical performance by a magnitude of 4." Haruki smirked slightly as the Nara did the math in his head, he may not have a reference point but no doubt whatever he imagined as Kage level speed was probably enough. "There are many jutsu that can do things similar to this. However all of these are more advanced than the other jutsu and require an innate understanding, if not total mastery over lightning. Some even affect things externally like the jutsu I included for you to learn Raiton: Magunechikku Gyakuten (Lightning Release: Magnetic Reversal). This just creates a brief electric field around you that will stop most projectiles. "

A sudden explosion once again caught their attention. Asuma had used his Ashfire jutsu on the red head and the the intense explosion sent a plumb of smoke skyward. The smoke cleared to reveal an earth doom. Asuma, however, back flipped away immediately and brought his chakra blades down to strike at nothing. Only for Haruki to burst out of the ground, sword drawn and pointed at the bearded Jonin who deflected the blow and jumped away the swordsman dashing after him.

A snap of Haruki fingers brought Shikamaru's attention back to the clone in front of him. "Focus on your own training. Your short-term goal is to get use to using chakra to generate a sark and then hold it. To do that you need to focus chakra into a point and then separate and eject it from that point. This creates a potential difference and causes the change in nature to lightning even if its no where near the strength of actual lightning. This is what the light bulb is for when you can make this glow with just your chakra then we will move on to stage two." He handed the wire and bulb over to Shikamaru who examined it in his hands.

"Too little chakra and the bulb wont glow. Too much and the bulb will explode. This can be caused by too much chakra or too strong of a nature change. This is important so that you don't fry your own nervous system when you try and use Raiton jutsu and allows you delver more current at higher voltages."

Shikamaru just sighed, "Well I had better get started. Sensei is probably not going to last much longer and I need to get in as much practice as I can before we have to take him to the hospital."

Haruki chuckled lightly and started him on his first attempt.


Shikamaru's prediction was not far off. The jonin continued for about five more minutes, which is a long time for jonin, before Haruki managed to pin Asuma with his blade to his neck. The bearded man was good, really good. Asuma was excellent at balancing the spacing between them. He didn't leave openings or over extended himself. He kept just within range to be a threat keeping up enough pressure to keep Haruki from make the most of his ninjutsu, while also staying out of range to get caught in a taijutsu struggle. Granted Haruki had been holding back extensively in the range of his abilities but in the skills he did utilize Asuma kept pace with him until he miscalculated and mixed up the real one with a Kage Bunshin.

Afterward the two jonin swapped jutsu and pointers with each other in a relaxed fashion. There were no serious injures much to Inochi's surprise. He had come to associate the red head with foolish overboard decisions. Choza who had proctored the spar didn't say anything as he just observed the two interact and watched from his seat on a rock. It had not escaped him the few pieces of familiar styles he had seen embedded in the overall fighting style that Haruki used. Especially during the taijutsu portion of their bout. Haruki clearly had his own original style as well as the skill to execute other style of combat that gave him an advantage in a particular moment. However that didn't explain the influences of the familiar techniques he detected in he young man. He was Gai's sensei after all. 'I'll have to follow up with Gai and see his relationship to the man. Maybe Shikaku will have an idea. It's apparent that he knows more than he's telling us, though Inochi has yet to notice. Usually that means that whatever it is needs absolute secrecy. If that's the case though, they need to work on deflecting the curious identifiable similarity's in our mysterious friend.' He sighed internally as Haruki set each genin with their beginning exercises, showing his own boy how to use the war hammer he had been provided, 'Though Shikaku probably knows that already. Not much to do now but wait and watch'

Team ten's training session continued for another hour culminating in all three genin attempting water walking after Ino requested to give the skill a try. Haruki's use of space time jutsu raised a few eyebrows however the adults quickly moved on to taking bets on who would fall in the most. It was actually Choji who was having difficulty getting the chakra frequency change fast enough given how exhausted he already was.

This was an opportunity for the students to ask about their training and Haruki was happy to answer all their questions. Even if the answer was 'You'll find out later'. Shikamaru was the most exasperated trying to get a plan out of the red head.

"And after that?" The Nara sighed. So far all Haruki would tell him was that he would be doing the lightbulb exercise for the foreseeable future, as long as he was working on chakra control at home. He hadn't even made the lightbulb flicker once. Haruki assured him though that he was close. The real test was to maintain the glow after all.

"Next we will work on your shape transformation, so that you can take full advantage of lightning's piercing nature," Haruki answered the Nara, "Though what I've given you should last you quite sometime."

No one spoke as gust of wind blew through the clearing over the space time lake even as the ripples went the opposite direction. The genin narrowed their eyes at Haruki who just smiled back innocently. They suspected the winds presence was his doing to disturb the water and make it hard for them so that they would fall in more. The fact the wind pushed them opposite of the ripples just made it that much more difficult for them. That's just something Haruki would do.

"Haruki-sensei, why do I have a receipt to Tagirashi's weapon emporium." Shikamaru asked

"That is for your own set of chakra blades. That paper is the claim number to go pick them up." Haruki said cassually after yawning. They couldn't tell if he was just that tired or the bored.

"But why those?" He pressed, the lack of information was really beginning to frustrate him.

Leaning back in his heels Haruki looked up at the sky and hmmed to himself for a moment. "Shikamaru what would say are the weaknesses of the shadow possession jutsu?"

The Nara grunted as he focused on staying a float. "Well... I need light for there to be shadows to use. It matters the size of the object too. And I have to be still while I use it until it connects." Why did Haruki have to answer a question with a question. This was so troublesome.

"That seems pretty accurate. In time you will learn to overcome these weaknesses. You're smart enough. In the mean time, having chakra conducting blades will let you literally pin someone's shadow through a projectile for a brief time. As for why they are trench knives, well there isn't a better weapon for your actual sensei to try and teach you how to use."

Shikamaru conceded the point as his mind started trying to factor in what he just learned.

Looking up at the sky and noting the time the red head stood from where he was sitting. "Alright you guys, that's enough for today. The materials I gave you today along with any training Asuma adds will keep you busy for quite some time. It's important not to over do it. Your coils need time to recover as much as your bodies do."

Turning to Asuma who was still sitting on the ground slouched forward and arm propped on one knee, the man was clearly tired and trying not to show it, Haruki turned the genin back over to the bearded Jonin. "Thank you Asuma for the spar. I feel that these three have done enough of my own trading for the day." If he seemed bothered by the trench knives or the loss of the spar it was masked by his exhaustion.

"But sensei we still have energy left." Ino said despite her wobbling legs and furrowed brow.

"Yeah we can still going." Choji agreed even though he was panting and soaked to the bone. It was evident on all the adult's face, including Haruki's, that no one expect this reaction from the genin.

"Hahah well if you keep going that is certainly your choice, but you'll have to find a different source of water. I am looking forward to the progress you make before we train again. For now though, I am going to go see about my own training." The red head declared as he ended his jutsu causing the water to disperse like a puddle in the ground. The genin collapsed on the ground even as the red head waved to the adults and nodded to Asuma before starting to exit the clearing. Ino quickly made eye contact with her dad who smiled and nodded which caused her face to split into a grateful grin.

"Um Haruki-sensei before you go. Do you have any plans tonight?" She called out as she forced herself to stand to face him.

Haruki paused and turned around to look it her with a thoughtful if slightly apprehensive expression. "Um well I have lots of work to do at the office, but I'm not sure when my own training is going to end.-"

He didn't't get to finish because the blabbermouth blond couldn't wait any longer.

"Because I was wondering, or I guess we were, if you would come to the cookout we are having tonight. You know as a thank you for helping us out so much. We know you don't really have to do it, but it's helped us a lot ." She said with her motor mouth searching the red heads face for any sign of rejection.

Shikamaru came to her rescue from his position on the ground, "Not that Asuma-sensei is bad. We actually really like him but having you around has helped us too. So you should come sensei. Choji's dad is cooking a special BBQ recipe and Ka-san is bringing several side dishes. It would be troublesome if it wasn't all eaten."

"I am not sure I can guys. Thanks, though. I don't want to intrude on your gathering." The red head tried to say despite Ino's crestfallen face.

"Nonsense, this is a great idea. We have dinners like this frequently and its just a casual BBQ nothing big we'd be happy to have you. Inoichi is hosting this time so we will be eating at about 6:00 at his place. You should make an appearance." Choza interrupted as he approached the group with the fathers in tow. Haruki's expression bounced from one face to the next before landing on Ino's who had made her eyes big and pleading.

The red head signed and rubbed the back of his head. "I never should have taught you that trick. Ok I'll come, but only if I can contribute in some way. I'll bring a dessert sound fair?"

Ino immediately took a 180 degree change the dress changing from blue to yellow in an instant. "Deal! Asuma-sensei you should come too."

"Thank you Ino, but I actually have plans this evening or I would come." It was the truth but if he was honest he needed sometime to process with the other jonin in their group about the red head.

"Oh and with who?" The genin asked all too innocently while the others had a knowing look on their face.

"That's not really important. Say Haruki what's the title of that book. I kinda want to know what happens next." The bearded jonin deflected to something he was sure would grab everyone attention.

"Well I certainly don't mind it if you read it, but I would like you to find your own answer to my question before you do. Its called the Tale of the Gutsy Ninja and it was written by Jiraiya of the Sannin. His first book actually and my favorite. Anyway catch you guys later." And with those parting words to the genin and those gathered, the man disappeared in a burst of wind and leaves