
Meetings, Training, and Duels? Part 1 (6)

Earlier at the Hyuga Compound

Inside the Hyuga main house Dojo Hinata and Hanabi were currently having the final spar of their evening training session. Since this was not a progression test day, the usual entourage of on lookers was absent with only Ko to supervise. Both girls were panting from the exertion of the spar but Hanabi was looking significantly worse for the ware in comparison to her sister panting. The spar had started out as it usually did with Hanabi taking her sister a bit more seriously after the resent upset in the last spar. This trend quickly faded though as Hanabi rationalized her sisters previous victory as a fluke rather than actual skill. It was then that Hanabi got sloppy and started to run her mouth again degrading her sisters performance and going after this 'Haruki-sensei's' teachings. Hinata, however, didn't take the bait. In fact, it appeared to Ko that she had actually planned for this to happen. He noticed her stance subtly shift that maximized her flexibility.

It was after this shift that things quickly swung back in Hinata's favor though Hanabi didn't realize it at the time and Ko, despite his excitement at seeing Hinata's improvement, remained silent and stone faced so as to not tip her hand before she was ready. What happened next was quite a sight to behold to Ko. Hanabi couldn't land blow. Hinata just continued to weave around her strikes or redirect them as became necessary. She never tried an attack of her own and he never struck at Hanabi. All she did was dance around her sister with a face of serious determination and focus. It didn't appear that it was easy for her either. Hanabi was unable to recognize that she had already followed into Hinata's trap. She continued to strike fueled by her frustration of her sisters attitude and her ability to avoid her. "Coward! She yelled "Face me!"

Hinata stayed silent and bent out of the way of a lunge and then cartwheeled away from a low kick to sweep he legs. Springing off the ground, she spun in the air before landing on her feet in a ready position relaxed but breathing heavily. Hanabi had just about lost the last of her patience. She was tired and panting with sweat pouring from her face.

Here they heard an interrupting cough from the door; Hinata turned her back to her sister and saw it was her father standing at the entrance. Bowing to him she greeted him, "Outo-sama." "Now's my chance." Hanabi thought. She scoffed internally as she made to strike her sister. Had she really forgotten they were in a spar. Did she think father entering the room was enough of a reason to pause their battle?

But the moment she was in range to strike putting her full force behind the lunge, Hinata turned while bowing into Hanabi and ducked under her blow. She then used one arm to grab Hanabi's furthest shoulder and wrapped her leg in between Hanabi's before putting her full weight into her and twisting. The next thing Hanabi knew was she was looking at the ceiling with an incredible pain in her head and Hinata staring down at her with a hurt and disappointed expression.

"Is the victory in this spar so desperate dear sister that you would resort to such underhanded behavior?"

Hanabi just scowled at the words and went to get up when she found that she couldn't move her arms.

"I have disabled your arms at the shoulders. It's over Hanabi."

Before Hanabi could give a retort, a firm voice cut through the discourse. "Indeed it would seem so." Stated Hiashi neutrally. "It is good then as I came to inform you that you should prepare for dinner. I have invited your sensei, Hinata as well as Neji's to celebrate both of your progress and the joyous return of your uncle to us. Prepare accordingly."

Hiashi turned to leave when a he called back over his shoulder. "Ko see to Hanabi. Hinata… I suggest that you present you best. Kazuma-san has agreed to attend as well." Then he had left.

He had barely walked two meters down the hall when the doors to the dojo burst open and an excited heiress raced down the other end of the hallway toward her room to prepare. Hiashi smiled to himself. He was liking this Haruki more and more as time went on. If this kept up, he may never be able to repay the man.

Ko followed shortly carrying an irritated hanabi who seemed to be torn between brooding over her latest defeat or contemplating their coming guests. Perhaps it was time she evaluated this Haruki-sensei herself.


Meanwhile, at the Hyuga compound, more specifically in the east wing, chief elder Hinai was busy plotting with his fellow elders concerning the night's future events.

Currently there were only eight elders within the Hyuga main house in total. These included Hinobe, Kageri, Hizen, Yonuta, Akimo, Kagero and his wife Hoshimi and Hinai himself.

Hinai was the oldest member at the age of 86, having married twice in his lifetime and both of his spouses have long passed away, leaving him five children in total and twice as many grandchildren, all elite members of the main house and true Hyuga's in every sense of the world.

Hizen was the second oldest at the age of 82, he only married once in his life, the daughter of one of their clan's allies who passed away over 20 years ago, but not before leaving him several sons, each skilled users of the Byakugan.

Akimo and Yonuta were brothers with Akio being the oldest by three years. Akimo was 80 while Yonuta was 77 years old and Yonuta was the only one who married and had descendants since Akimo never had the desire for a woman or child in his life.

Hinobe was 70 years old and she was a widow, though there have been some rumors that her husband had pleaded for death to escape her before the shinigami finally granted his wish...something Keisuke didn't find hard to believe. Hinobe was an old fashioned and stubborn woman who only bore daughters and both her son-in-laws were mukoyōshi's, thankfully all of her grandchildren were born with the Byakugan.

Kagero and Hoshimi were the only members that were still married, though their relationship has been strained for years now, not that either would admit it. Hoshimi was a distant relative of Kagero and their marriage was arranged despite their age difference, Kagero was currently 75 years old while Hoshimi was only 67 , they had only three children in their union, two daughters and one son who were all grown and were jonin now.

Kageri was the youngest of the eight since he was 65 years old and had officially retired from the shinobi business after an injury from a mission left him with a limp and the need for a cane. He only had one child, a daughter named Boshi who was married to a member of the Taketori clan, his wife having died on a mission 5 years ago.

Hinai was currently reflecting on the situation while Hinobe, Kageri, Hizen, Yonuta, Akimo, Kagero and Hoshimi discussed around him to form a strategy for tonight, fortunately it seems that Hiashi was able to get this new jonin to attend the celebration. The one who was able to supposedly able to nullify their Byakugan.

They were not fools. They understood the magnitude of the threat of a jutsu like this existing. And if some no-name unheard of jonin had the ability then who's to say their were not more out there who did.

They had first heard of this ability after questioning Hinata about her training session the day she first defeated her sister. They initially had only been curious as to the circumstances and teachings that had seemed to inspire a shift in the you heiress for the better. It was in her detailed recounting of the events of her training session that day that gave them initial cause for alarm. First, none of them had ever heard of this Jonin or had any memory of him previously. This had of course lead them to do some inquiries where they discovered that the jonin had supposedly been on a mission for the last 8 years and had only returned just prior to the recovery of the clan head's brother with his miraculous escape. Upon this revelation many of the elders had exploded in fits of worry. It was obvious to tell that given the timing of things the man had had something to do with Hizashi's return. And despite many of the elders being grateful for the presumed help of the jonin, ALL of them also took note that he must have been in Komo of all places these past 8 years. Which lead to the questions: did this man steal this jutsu from Komo, had they already cracked the secret of the Byakugan, if not was he seen using it by others, what were the details surrounding the jutsu, how had he developed it without a Hyuga or did he study Hizashi before freeing him? All these and more had plagued them, and so, as a second course of action, they took their concerns to Hiashi upon his return from the late council meeting.

That did not give them the results they were wanting. Hiashi had sternly recommended to them to keep all speculation of haruki's activities to themselves. He expressed that both Hizashi and Hiashi had great trust for the village's newest seal master and new head of the sealing and barrier corps. He further clarified that the man was of the highest quality in skill, even beating out Jiraiya for the position. Naturally this revelation only further incited their concern, yet even after insisting further the elders were only told that Hiashi was unable to discuss any further details as those were classified by the meeting. This left the elders with very little information to satisfy their concerns. Now all they knew was that some jonin was now head of two departments with all the personal skill and political power that entailed, who had the ability to neutralize their prized techniques, and was a seal master of the highest caliber. This normally, though concerning would not have them as panicked if not for the declaration Hinata made against her sister. 'Only those who don't even try are slave to fate.' This one thought is what had the eight of them sitting in this room. For if, their fears proved true, it could spell the end for all that they knew.

Fate was an idea the clan had used to justify its customs for years. Now few of the elders actually believed on something so silly but the power of the philosophy was lost on no one. The truth was that fate was one of the tools used to ensure the cooperation and stability of the Hyuga's two-house system. The branch house were fated to protect the main house and the main house was fated to provide for and guide the branch house. This of course were not the core reasons for the system but those reasons avoided challenge by using this clan ideal as a shield. They incorporate this philosophy even into their intimidation tactics towards their enemies. This subliminal reinforcement of the status quo had served to stabilize the clan even through situations has controversial as the Hyuga incident all those years ago. Hizashi even reinforced it by providing an example of preforming your fated duty while still using your will. And yet, now there was a politically and personally powerful jonin that has the head of the clan indebted to him, returned the hero and leader of the branch house to them, with extreme fuinjutsu prowess, had shown a lack of fear in countering Hyuga techniques, and now had knowingly or not attacked a foundational ideal of their clan structure. There was only one thing to concluded: the Cage-Bird seal was threated. Of course, they could not prove this, not yet at least but it was too great a risk not to investigate. This left them with one final option. If the leadership, or at least some of it, was now blind to the danger this posed to the clan, then they would have to address it themselves. However, thankfully at least the majority still hadn't lost sight.

"This is becoming very tiresome." Akimo said in an annoyed voice as they had been discussing the situation in almost a circle for hours.

"You sound like one of those lazy Nara men, brother..."Yonuta said, smirking at his brother's glare.

"Both of you focus, we have business to take care of..."Hinai said sternly to the pair of brothers.

"Remember that tonight we have to gather as much information on this Kazama Haruki as we can...' Hinai reminded his fellow elders.

'We already know that Hinai, just because we're old doesn't mean our memory is foggy...at least mine isn't..."Hinobe said snobbishly while the other men in the group glared at her or rolled their eyes.

"Be serious! We can't let this opportunity pass us. Need I remind you of what danger this could pose for out clan. Not just this technique or where in came from but what the hidden agenda could potentially be..."Hinai said sternly to the snobbish woman in their little group.

"The end of the Caged-Bird seal..."Was all Hinai said that had everyone paying close attention.

They knew that their entire clan structure and philosophy was at stake here, not to mention the immediate danger of a potential foreigner and spy having the means to counter the basis of their fighting style.

It was no secret that Hiashi and at least one of his daughters had no love for the practice that protect the clan for most of its long history. Probably one of the primary reason the seal was still in practice was because there was currently no alternative and no way of undoing the seal work. But given the appearance of this new pawn on the board, that could easily change. They knew that time was not on their side as they would not have the power of numbers to stop Hinata if she became heir to the clan. Assuming she retain the views she claimed now, though they never really considered this would happen until the appearance of Haruki and the result exchange between Hinata and Hanabi.

The question wasn't if the practice would be attack but when.

"We must determine the man's intentions and gather as much of his history as we can. Then we can decide how best to approach the situation." Hinai said evenly and ignored the scoffs from Hinobe.

"I still believe we should go to the Hokage over it. By law if we feel a jutsu has been designed to target us we have the right to insist it be added to the forbidden scroll. And how dare Hiashi even invite the man to eat in our home after we voiced or very reasonable objections." Hinobe said with a sour expression on her face and Hinai resisted the urge to roll his eyes, which in the Hyuga family meant he was really getting annoyed now.

"Will you stop that, Hinobe! That should be our last course of action. Given his quick rise to power, it's evident he has the backing of the Hokage. Hokage is not our biggest fan considering how many times we've blocked his attempts to remove the seal practice. By demanding, he not interfere in clan affairs no less. He would laugh at such a request and demand to strongest evidence, which we have none of. That is the purpose of tonight. This may be our only chance to preserve our traditions before shinigami comes for us." Hinai said darkly, getting Hinobe out of it.

"Just be grateful that he's chosen to attend tonight to give us the opportunity...It doesn't how..."Kagero said seriously to the uppity old woman, who scoffed and muttered something incoherent.

Hinai maintained his cool exterior but on the inside he was fuming. He wasn't going to let this golden opportunity pass him, he didn't care how long it took or what he would have to say or do in order to secure the younger generation tonight, but he was going to make sure that their family trditions remained.

Only then would he be able to die in peace.

He wasn't a fool, he knew he didn't have much time left before his death, he was very old and his body was starting to feel the effects of his age. He was still as sharp as he ever was during his prime, but he also knew that it was his only real weapon left.

"Anyway, let's go over the strategy for tonight..."Hinai said in a calm voice as he explained his ideas to his brethren who all nodded in agreement.

Even if he might not live long enough to see the next clan head, he would still die content knowing that his clan's greatest tradition was secured.

Needless to say, tonight should be very interesting for the entire clan.


All that was left of the day was the subtle glow of the fading sun in the far west when the group of sensei arrived at the gates to the Hyuga compound.

The majority of the journey had been in quiet contemplation and idle chatter of no real significance each just enjoying the company of the others.

Upon arriving they were immediately recognized by the guards and admitted through the main outer gates of what was almost a village in and of itself inside of Konoha.

Though not as remote as the Uchiha district had been the Hyuga did like their privacy which was ironic considering their own famous abilities. The architecture and accents of the complex were quite lavish but functional enough to display both wealth and power but also shinobi discipline. It was after the crossed the main court yard and aprouched the stairs to the main meeting house that they encountered their host.

Hiashi Hyuga was pleasantly surprised to find that all members had dress accordingly for a function of this gravity and magnitude. He almost broke into a smile when he noticed that they had even brought gifts, which was a less honored custom in more recent times. He had his suspicions for why all the pomp and circumstance that was out of character considering the contents of the guest party approaching him. But for the time being he would elect to watch and wait. There were many plans and piece in play after all. It was when the company reached the top of the stares that he spoke.

"Greetings Mito-san Yuhi-san Kazama-dono welcome to my home." He greeted with a small bow of his head and stretching his arms to the side.

Haruki, who was flanking Kurenai on her right, responded first as was custom if the host acknowledges you as of highest respect of the visiting company.

Bowing his head the red head replied, "Thank you Hyuga-dono. We are greatly honored by your invitation and have happily brought gifts of our own to honor the celebration."

Finishing they each extended the various packages to Hiashi, who was doing his best not to smile at the over control movements and behavior of the red head. This was obviously his idea.

Graciously Hiashi accepted them and motioned a branch member guard to collect them and take them to his office.

"You have my thanks for your consideration. You have arrived just in time as all has been made ready. If you will follow me I will escort you myself to the dining hall."

Seeing their nods of acknowledgement, Hiashi turned and guided them in to main hall and past the tiled mosaic entryway into the dining area.

The Dining hall from their entrance opened onto a raised platform where a long table was set up. Below the platform, which could be almost considered a stage the majority of the rest of the room, the room had many smaller tables that could sit six each comfortably. When they entered they found everything already set and what seemed to be the entirety of the available Hyuga clan waiting for them, main and branch house.

They could see a few branch house members serving the needs of the rest but none had touched the food that was brought in. It appeared they really were exactly on time.

The head table which was parallel to the entryway was completely full with the only the close right side having any seats left. The end seat presumably Hiashi's seat was vacant and next to him sat Hizashi on his right and Hanabi on his left. Next to Hizashi sat Neji with and empty seat next to him before then a an old man Haruki didn't recognize. Next to Hanabi was an empty seat and then Hinata then another empty seat an then another elder Haruki presumed. The rest of the seats were filled by the remaining elders.

Upon entering the room, the entirety of the hall, which had been murmuring quietly amongst themselves, went silent. Hizashi who had been listening to Neji tell him some story abruptly stood upon seeing them. This natural caused the others at the table to look at in the same direction. Neji stood with his father even as Hinata and Hanabi turned around to face the others. Seeing her sensei Hinata also stands smiling broadly.

Hiashi pleased the attention given proceeds to make their guests proclaimation. "It is my pleasure to present our honored guests this evening. Mito Gai Taijutsu Master, Jonin of Konohagakure and sensei to Genin team 9 that Neji is apart of. Yuhi Kurenai, Genjutsu Master, Jonin of Konohagakure and sensei to Genin team 8 that Hinata is apart of. And finally, Kazama Haruki, Seal Master, Jonin of Konohagakure, Head of the Barrier corps, Head of the Sealing division, and mentor to both hinata and neji. Please give them welcome with me tonight." The entire room applauded as Hiashi guided them to their seats. Haruki sat between Hinata and Hanabi, Gai next to Neji and Kurenai next to Hinata. Once they had reached their seats, the applause died down and those standing other than Hiashi sat down.

Hiashi stood and waited at the head of the table while angling himself toward the crowd to deliver his welcome address. When he was sure he had everyone's attention, he began.

"Welcome everyone to this celebration of the bright future of the Hyuga clan. We are here tonight for two purposes. One is to celebrate the safe return of my brother Hizashi to us. And the other, the teachers who work tirelessly to train and grown the leaders of the Hyuga future. Most would think these two to be unrelated but in truth they are both reminders of what is truly important. The future. And so together we celebrate the accomplishments of those who have given so much for the village and reward their service to our clan and to Konoha. May the will of fire continue to shine brightly in their hearts. Let the dinner begin."

And as he sat the room applauded and began serving themselves from the food that was delivered to their tables. In that moment, it was as if a spell was broken and the heavy formal tension disappeared into the air. Of course this did not mean much considering it was still a Hyuga dinner but the three guest felt they could relax at least a little bit. Well most of them. Hiashi could tell that Haruki was still very guarded. Which only further reminded him of what he had manage to get from his brother earlier that day when he had voice his thoughts on the evening. "You must understand Haruki is secretive and for good reason. The man has been through things the majority of konoha could never even begin to imagine. I don't know much myself but I know that the man could use support. If you try to get answers from him just understand that it won't be easy and if you want his help be prepared to let answers lie where they do."

"Well all that can be done now is to try." Hiashi noted as he took stock of his plan. He knew he was playing a subtle game with pieces that weren't even his against the elders even if they hadn't realized the full extent yet. But for his plan to work he needed to test the red head first. Besides he really was curious about the man.

So as the dug into their meal as much as you can at a Hyuga formal dinner, and after introducing the others at the table, Hiashi began his plan.

"So Haruki-dono, if I may call you that, I was told by Yuhi-san today when delivering her invitation that you will be attending my daughter's training session again this week, is that correct?" the red head looked up from his food and sent a side long look at Kurenai then turned to Hiashi though not without catching Hinata's hopeful look. It was difficult to describe the emotion that pulsed in his heart when Hinata looked at him. He was very careful though to prevent it from reaching his face. He was at a Hyuga dinner it was doubtful any details of his reactions would be missed.

"Yes, though there is no need for an honorific Hiashi-sama. But to answer your question, though it will not be tomorrow, I will be attending one later this week."

Hiashi nodded in acceptance before continuing, "I see. Would it be alright with you then, if I attended I would like to compare the experience to today's session."

Haruki of course caught the unstate question, "how have you changed my daughter?" and was only slightly surprised by the request. "That would be up to Hinata and Kurenai to decide but I have no issue with it." Translation: "see for yourself." Hiashi seemed to have caught his meaning as he nodded before deferring to Kurenai first.

"I have no problem with you attending Hiashi-sama." The raven haired women replied. She was beginning to sense something else was at play here and if she was right then she was prepared to play her part. "I fully back Haruki's role."

It was then that Haruki turned and looked at the young heiress who looked like she was doing everything she could to keep from trembling as all eyes turned to her.

"Well Hinata-chan. Would it be ok if dad came and trained with us?"

Hinata looked up and around at all the eyes on her as if searching for something before landing on a set of cerulean pools. And in those eye she found one resounding statement. "I have complete confidence in you. All you have to do is try." And in that moment Hinata made her decision. She took a deep breath and straitened her posture and looked past Haruki directly into her father's stone eyes.

"Otou-sama can come." She said without any hesitation or so much as a tremble. "I will show you."

Genuinely smiling Haruki turned back to face Hiashi, "Then shouldn't be a problem." "See I told you."

The rest of the table that was not caught in idle chatter was surprised at the shift. Well all but Kurenai and Gai. They just smiled.

Hiashi though internally was impressed kept his stony exterior intact before replying with a nod of approval. "Good. Should I expect to see the same that I saw today?" Is she like neji?

Understanding the subcontext Haruki shakes his head. "There are somethings I still need to clear with Kurenai. Without revealing details prematurely, I can confirm that though their problems may be different I do intend to treat and aid them all at the same level." "Different problems, same expectations, same resources."

It was then that an elder entered the conversation for the first time, Akimo if he wasn't mistaken. "How do you say that Haruki-san? From the years we have watch them grow Hinata and Neji have never been equal. Is it perhaps due to her teammates?"

Internally, the man was patting himself on the back. The question was a trap. If Haruki denied the claim in favor of Hinata, it would demonstrate to Neji that the man was favoring the main house and undo the feelings of loyalty while reinforcing the doctrine of fate. However if he sided with Neji, then it would destroy Hinata's new found confidence and the heir they wanted would have the advantage again. It was a lose-lose question. Or so he thought.

Haruki frowned at the question perfectly aware the point of it, and what the elder was trying to do. So, they were already trying to make their move. This exact circumstance was why he hated situations like this. He'd much rather beat the crap out of the old idiot then have a war of words but over the years he had people like Shikamaru and Hinata to allow him to learn the political game. If a war of words I what they wanted then he was more than a match for them.

Aware all eyes were on him, Haruki began his counter move. "Both Hinata and Neji have great skill and talents that express themselves in variant way from each other. And though I may hold high standards for the both of them, it will be up to their own will to accomplish the goals that are set. To this end it is important for myself, their respective sensei and all leaders that directly engage them to enable and empower them to push through their own limits. I'm sure I can speak for the other sensei in appreciating your help in this elder. I have great confidence that both of them will continue to make great progress so long as they continue to try." Haruki could clearly see the small smile form on Neji's face and could guess without looking how Hinata felt. 'Dart one doged.' Haruki thought to himself.

Both Hizashi and Hiashi who had quietly observed the exchange as they ate couldn't help but respect the red head for turn the question back on the elder. Perhaps this would work after all.

They were not the only ones though that sensed the subtle war. Both jonin sensei were now on high alert after that exchange. Nodding discretely to each other having figured out the real purpose they had been invited. If Hiashi wanted them to support Haruki he didn't really even need to ask. Gai decided he would take this one.

"Yes, we are all a part of the nurturing of the youthful future of our students!" the boisterous man all but shouted.

This seemed to prompt something from Haruki as his posture jerked as if just remembering something.

"Hiashi-sama, I meant to tell you that I have approved all of the applications that were submit to the program at various levels. In a week or so, my office will be in touch with the information to begin their course work with an outline of there basic function within the corps depending on their level. I thought I would deliver your's, Neji's, Hizashi's and Hinata's in person." It was then that the read head brought out of his sleeve four envelopes. Each addressed to the afore mentioned ninja. Neji and Hinata each seemed surprised at the news, which lead Haruki to believe that they had been told of their applications being submitted. Not that he cared, as he wanted both of them to have at least a basic knowledge of seals if not better. It would make it easier to one day get rid of the caged-bird seal for them which was a goal he knew they shared.

Before Haruki could do more than hand them their acceptance letters though a deliberate boarder line snobbish cough caught his attention. The female elder named Hinobe had apparently decided to make a move herself. Secretly the other elders all groaned internally at the possible stupidity that was about to come out of her mouth.

"Pardon me Haruki-san, but do you really believe that the branch members will have the skill requirements to succeed in the program?" The elder said as she flicked open a fan to fan herself. She thought this particular question was rather clever as it would determine Haruki's opinion of the branch house. The rest of the elder council just groaned internally at the fact the she had just revealed much of their intention to try and confirm information they already knew. Of course there was no stopping the pig headed women when she thought she was right.

Haruki just looked at her as if she had grown a second head and didn't bother hiding exactly what he thought of that question. "Well considering I have given them admittance, um yes? I'm sorry elder-san, I'm not sure I understand your question? Their ability to use fuinjutsu isn't determined by their house of origin."

Not liking the condescending toned of the red head upstart Hinobe decided to take it a step further. "I see. Well I presume then that Hiashi has informed you of a level cap for their education." Immediately upon the words leaving her mouth, the feel of the room completely changed. The temperature seemed to have dropped and the air itself seemed to hum in warning. It was obvious to those sitting at the table the cause of the change. The branch member guards did not move as they had been instructed to do nothing unless actually violence took place. But they all watched intently as the tiniest fraction of chakra escaped the red head.

"Elder you overstep, I or the hokage alone determine such decisions. No one else. I trust you to remember that." The red head replied stormy eyes piercing directly into Hinobe's opaque ones. The old bat despite her general stubbornness was more than capable of realizing when she had made an error. There was a reason besides age she was an elder after all.

"Forgive me." She began bowing her head in apology, "I am just surprised is all I trust Hiashi-sama to discuss the details more with you."

Haruki knew that was all the concession he was going to get so he relented and the irritating presence disappeared. The display of power had also been a message that he was deserving at least in part of the rank and position he currently wielded. He knew they would be a bit more careful from here on out. Or so he thought.

Conversation turned to lighter things for a time as the meal progressed with even the children chiming in a bit to tell training stories. It was during this more relaxed time of mingling that the next elder worked up the courage to ask Haruki a question.

Hoshimi was not as brash as the others were and she didn't really have a grudge against Haruki but she couldn't deny the concerns of the others so he decided that his question would try and accomplish both. After all, if he really was a Konoha shinobi of the caliber suggested then he really should be welcomed and aided not simply interrogated.

"Well Haruki-san how have you enjoyed being back?" She asked suddenly as the jonin finished his plate. He seemed to jump a little at the question but quickly calmed as he turned to face her. Hoshimi chuckled lightly beside herself, "I am sorry if my question startles you, but none of us had heard of you so we naturally were curious. Please forgive the intrusion but all we learned was that you have been away from the village for sometime."

The cerulean gaze seemed to take on a deeper tone as Haruki weighed her words. Hoshimi really had meant them and the shift was not lost on her. Nor was it lost on Hizashi or his brother.

"It's….. been nice." Came the soft and hesitant reply from a subdued Haruki that seemed to zone out for a moment before focusing back on the elder when she followed up his answer.

"Are things much as you remember them?" she asked a bit concerned trying to stear the conversation to something more positive. There was no doubt something was there. Something deep, dark and painful. Though she did want answers and intentions from the man she didn't want them at the expense of his heart.

"No." He replied with absolute certainty. He then turned and looked had Neji who was trying not to giggle at something Gai had said while being equally as embarrassed.

"They are much better," he finished turning to back to her with a bit of a spark in his eyes.

Smiling, Hoshimi replied in sympathy to the wounded man who was no doubt trying to adjust back into village life and quickly given his new responsibilities. "That certainly is a long time to be away, but surely you have friends and relatives that you could come home to." And just as the word left her mouth she regretted them as any light that had been in his eyes winked out of existence as if it was never there.

Hizashi who was looking on wanted to intervene and steer the conversation away but knew that if he did he would be showing his hand to the elders and his brother something he was sure would be worse for Haruki. Here was the many who had saved him and was now saving his son, who had endured the death of a world and gone back to go through it all over again and he wasn't helping in the slightest. 'No more I will not let him carry this burden alone. I am a branch member of the Hyuga clan and proud Konoha jonin and most importantly I am his friend I will not leave him to fight the battles I should be fighting with him.' Hizashi vowed to himself as he looked at his son. He knew what he had to do, but for now he would have to wait.

"I would gladly do it again for the sake of the village as I'm sure you would." Came the hollow but resolute reply from the red headed jonin, and it was the truth. Haruki would make the same choice again and again if it meant he had this chance.

Hishomi knew she was already dancing on the pieces of a broken heart but her curiosity got the better of her and thought perhaps she could cause him to have some positive memories surface, "Who may I ask was your sensei Haruki-san?"

"All of my teacher's are dead." Was the quick and blunt reply and he did not say anything more than that and this time he had the audience of the entire table.

Hishomi feeling guilty for allowing things to reach this point decided to cut her losses and repair what damage she could. The others could do as the pleased she wanted no more part of this. "I am sorry to hear this Haruki-san forgive me for bringing up undo pain. I am sure though they were quite powerful to train a shinobi as strong as yourself. They are no doubt proud of you." She finished with a small encouraging smile that wasn't characteristic of her but she thought this occasion warranted some kindness.

Unexpectedly, she got a follow up reply from the red head who just stared down at the table as if lost in his own head and unaware that they were not the only people left in the room. "Proud of me? I don't know. Though I guess I'd like to think so. And it's alright you didn't know. Regardless of their skill they taught me what was important. What it meant to be a shinobi in a world full of hate and how to move past it. It was them that instilled in me the will of fire and they that told me to never give up. So long as I do that, I can honor their memory."

Gai and Kurenai each made a mental note on the vagueness and conviction of Haruki's answer but also the wording something rang familiar in those words. Little did they know it was Hinata of all people that had put it together. Although she didn't have even an inkling as to the significance, 'just like Naruto-kun.' She thought.

The resulting reflective silence did not last long however.

"Well on a happier topic, how have you been adjusting to your new position?" Kageri asked eager to move on in their line of questioning.

The shift in topic did seem to relieve the mood and the red head returned to his blank faced neutrality. "The work is intense for the time being, as would be expected in founding any new department, but I am more than capable of handling it."

Deciding now was the time to make his move the elder pressed his advantage. "I'm sure you are. Word has reached us that you have already formed a new seal. One that can render you invisible even to us." And so they had reached the heart of the issue. Or at least part of it Haruki imagined. He knew this was a risk in using the technique. Neji and Hinata both flinch at the elder's comment and neither looked at Haruki unsure of what his reaction might be.

"Hahaha," well laughter was not one of them, "I am unaware of any seal that can turn someone invisible completely. Though I suppose it wouldn't be too hard to make." The red head replied with a wink to both Neji and Hinata. He really couldn't and wouldn't blame them for what was happening.

Kageri feeling he was being mocked scowled before insisting, "Are sure? I could have sworn it was said you had a seal that could block-" He didn't get to finish his though though as Haruki cut him off.

"If you are referring to the jutsu I used in both Hinata and Neji's training, then yes I have that capability. But that isn't a jutsu just anyone can do and is primarily used shield chakra signatures. It is from my personal repertoire and not something I openly discuss as I'm sure you can understand elder." Haruki said tressing the point that he wasn't going to discuss the details of the jutsu.

Hiashi who could see the mounting tension tried to deflect the focus, "I have personally seen the effects of this jutsu I'm sure it will be a powerful training to for Neji and Hinata. It already has given result if I'm not mistaken." He said look from Hinata to the elder in question.

"Be that as it may Hiashi we-" Kageri began but was cut off again when Haruki interrupted him pointedly.

"Elder, I do believe a conversation along the lines that you are leading is appropriate for a different setting. However, if you insist on pressing the issue I would be force to conclude that you mean me ill will for an ability you feel threatened by. If you doubt my loyalty so much that I would actively use this ability against you personally in an improper way, then I would recommend you take your concerns to the Hokage." Saying this the red head stood up as if to leave before bowing to Hiashi. "Hiashi, I am sorry to have shamed your house as to arrive and dine with such distrust prevalent against me among its members."

It was here that Hinai who had been quiet the entire evening electing to observe decided to run damage control. His final test was not ready yet. Besides Kageri was wrong to hint at accusations at the diner. This Haruki was very familiar with political maneuvers it would seem.

"Forgive my compatriot's rudeness Kazuma-san." Hinai began. "I'm afraid that he has acted out of disrespect do to the sensitivity of the issue. There are very few jutsu in the history of the clans existence that could come close to the feat of which you claim and it has startled a few nerves I'm afraid. The question was not made in insult."

Hinai smiled to himself as he watch Haruki take a seat having blocked his move to escape with the upper hand.

"You see the Hyuga's status of being one of the strongest clans in the village has come from the discipline to tradition. Through these traditions we avoid many of the problems that arise in a tumultuous world. One such tradition is the Juken fighting form that is the basis of our clan. It is this perfected form, this tradition, that makes us who we are. I am sure you can agree that our consistency has allowed us to repeatedly produce shinobi of advance caliber able to defend the village. It is unsettling anytime something threatens that stability. Those traditions that make us who we are are what we fight for. I'm sure you can understand."

Hinai paused here to let his words sink in. He had won now. If Haruki accepted his words he was excusing their philosophy and if he didn't he would be seen as unreasonable.

And then, Neji asked a question for the first time that evening.

"Do you believe in fate Haruki-san? Is tradition truly better than change?" he asked staring into haruki's deep blue eyes with an intense need that was frightening. This boy needed an answer.

Haruki thought for a moment as he tilted his head sideways a bit before looking and neji in complete calm. "Yes, Neji, Fate is real but it's not as particular as some would suggest. There is only one fate and it's the one every person shares. The fate of all men is death, but how you get there is by the choices you make. While I value tradition, tradition for its own sake is never good. Change is an inevitable fact of life. It is what allows growth. It happens, because despite how we like to think, no two moments are alike and no two people are alike, and as time exchanges both, the world around us changes." Haruki paused here for a moment letting his words sink in before continuing despite the frown on the elders faces.

"When I was young about your age actually I fought this bastard who was utterly convinced the every moment of his life was determined for him and that victory was fated to him do it his near effortless skill in combat. I took many years of painful meaningless living before a young genin that was completely talentless managed to best his arrogant ass in front of an entire crowd. And it was then that he finally learned the true role of fate and began to live his own life."

"A seed is planted and grows fresh green leaves, and while it remains a tree, it grows with time to become strong to resist the storms of summer and winters biting chill. With each passing season, the leaves grown from green to red and then finally fade to nurture the tree again next year. So Neji, I believe the question you've asked is a false one. It is important to have a ninja way to fight for, a code to anchor yourself to when the world as you know it changes completely. That is the tradition you need. But at the same time if you do not change at least a little with it you'll find that life is not so forgiving."

Neji slowly nodded before sinking back in his chair seemingly deep in thought. Haruki caught the look on Gai's face that said he knew what he was referencing at that he would be answering for that later.

Hinai was not pleased with this turn of events but had a planted test just in case and with a quick signal to the crowd his plan was enacted.

One of the branch members, an 13 year old konoichi, who was on serving duty for the event was called over to a main house table to serve some more sake. In route, however she stumbled as one of the main house boy's stood up abruptly and she end up spilling it all over him. The boy was a 16 year old chunin of Hinobe's brood and had a superiority complex the size of the Hokage monument.

"How dare you?!" he screeched as the sake landed on his silk robe.

"I am so s-sorry Hamori-sama it-t w-was an accident." As she attempted to clean up the mess before she was thrown back by the boy.

"You will pay for your insolence." He declared in his rage. His hands already forming the dreaded activation handseal.

"P-please no it won't happen- aaarrghh!" The girl screamed and began to shake in and uncontrolled fit clawing at her head as the seal flared to life. The boy had a sick smile of satisfaction. 'This will teach her,' he thought and then in the next moment all he knew was pain.


Meanwhile at the head table just before the incident. Hiashi sees the hand signal from hinai and given the situation has fairly good idea what he has planned. Deciding he to want to see the reaction he does not stop what would likely turn into a hostile situation quickly. Little did he know just how right he was.

"ARGHHGHHH!" he heard her scream and immediately the entire room looked to the incident while the branch members including his brother flinch at the sight of the seals activation. What was worse was they could see the boy smiling as he was issuing his 'judgement'.

Not a second later though did a presence of pure rage make itself know. The air around them dropped in temperature so low, Hiashi could see his breath. The air itself began to hum and vibrate as sparks started appearing around the room. And the shear pressure that appeared was enough to root most of the room in place. A moment later then beside the young man appeared a certain red head jonin fist cocked and aimed right for his face. Upon making contact, the face of the boy split and rippled before lunching him across the length on the hall and slamming him into the stone structure causing it to crack. If the boy was alive, it was barely. It would appear though that Haruki wasn't quite done yet though as a sealess solid copy of himself appeared and kneeled down next to the girl hands glowing green while the original walked calmly toward the body that was now stuck in the wall.

The pressure and intensity of the chakra had not abated over the several seconds that the event took place but as the jonin walk over those with more exeriance began to acclimate and move. Most moved away wanting completely out of the way of the man. A few followed behind to see what he would do. Hiashi himself and the elders recovered enough to head to the boy themselves to asses the damage.

When they arrived they found the red head with glowing green hands on the boys face though he stopped shortly before they arrived. The second thing they noticed was a seal on the side of his neck the pulsed an angry red.

"What have you done?!" Hinobe screeches as she rushes forward to the now prone form of her grandson.

"He will live. I repaired any life threatening damage the rest is all him." Haruki spat coldly with venom as he rounded on the elders. "How could you? How could you watch on as this piece of shit tortured a young girl for spilling a drink on him by accident?"

When they remained silent, Haruki's chakra spiked. "Explain yourselves. Now."

"Haruki-san this is a clan matter and from our understanding of the situation he was well within his rights to do what he did and you interrupted clan affairs and abused your authority to harm one of our clan's men for carrying out his right in our home. And you did so as guests no less. We are not intimidated so easily boy. I suggest you leave before we have you arrested." Replied Hizen who was looking a little too smug.

Haruki turned and looked at the elder, "That's where you are wrong fool and you idiots thought you could plant a situation you could control, but you made one critical error. Not only was the girl you allowed to be targeted a shinobi of the village but she was also just accepted into the barrier corps. No doubt trying to escape the cruelty here. As such she falls under my jurisdiction twice over. And I am there fore responsible in part fro her safety and well clan and its traitorous ass backward ways are not going to stand any longer. I may not have the authority to remove the seal or stop you from placing it on people, but your use of it as a disciplinary measure is something I sure as hell am not going to continue to tolerate. And since you felt the need to question my authority, how about a bit of a demonstration." Haruki then gestures to the boy on the ground. Specifically his neck. "You see that seal on his neck. That seal will give him twice the pain that girl endured to his entire nervous system if so much as molds chakra to walk up a tree. This restraint seal shall remain on his person pending a trial by the village council for his assault on a konoichi of the village. Your rights as a clan allow you to discipline your own using the seal only when rules have actually been broken. And since I suspect this incident was an inside setup, I hearby bar any person suspected of playing a part from the sealing program and placed on the barrier corps watch list. In addition, I will be recommending a full investigation by the hokage into the disciplinary records of the clan. And if such acts of cruelty are committed in my presence again I swear to you the last concern you will have is a hokage investigation." Haruki finished with a dark glower and leaked some killing intent for good measure.

This of course did not go over well with the most of the elders. "How dare you accuse us of harming our own undually? And as a guest of our house no less! Hiashi throw him out. He is no longer welcome here." One of them said though it was hard to tell as most of them were shouting over each other.

"Silence!" Hiashi yells. "That is quite enough out of you" he says forcefully at the elders.

Then turning to Haruki he sighs before asking calmly, "Haruki-dono, I give you my word this will be dealt with severly within the clan and I have no objections to your other restrictions but I must insist on asking that your remove the restraint seal from the Hamori-san. Please."

Considering the situation at hand that was actually a very generous way to ask. Though Haruki was still not quite feeling up for it.

"Do it kit. The last thing you need is to antagonize these bastards further."

"Kurama he doesn't deserve it."

"That may by true, but right now you don't have the authority to put that on him without the hokage's order for capture. Hiashi is doing you a favor. I don't like it but trust him to handle it for now'

'Fine but I dont like it.' Haruki answered in an internal huff.

Haruki outwardly nods to Hiashi and walks over past the sobbing Hinobi and places his hand on the boy's neck for a moment before removing it and the seal is gone.

Nodding Hiashi turns to the elders. "I believe enough trouble has been cause to our guests tonight you are dismissed along with an others that would like to leave. We will discuss this tomorrow. I expect everyone's full participation and cooperation."

Having said his piece Hiashi calls over two guards and have them take the boy to the infirmary before turning and apologizing to the other guests for the incident.

"Haruki-san considering tonight's event would you mind if I spoke to you privately for a few minutes in my office." Hiashi asked now that the mess had been cleaned up. "In the meantime I'm sure the others would not mind some dessert.. This is suppose to be a celebration afterall."

Haruki looked hesitant at first before turning to his two compatriots that had stayed out of his way during the whole exchanged but were ready to step in at any point. Both gave their nods of consent and based on the looks they gave him he knew they would be waiting for him to return before leaving.

And so, Hiashi escorted Haruki out of the hall through a courtyard garden and past a small library to his office.