
Live Stream Adventures: The Horror Seeker

A man, or a teen in fact, that doesn't remember everything related to him, woke up inside of the unknown abandoned building. While confused, he started to search his way out. But unfortunately, he was saw by the ghost that he saw her too after looking back and the chase began, a race of life and death, literally... After he got away from the ghost temporarily, it was then that he realized that he activated the System of Live Stream Adventures and told him to seek, complete while streaming his journey for any of Horror Quests with rewards of random things like, experiences to level, stats to enhance his body and mind, skills to make his life easier with his quests, items that can help him in jeopardy and... Things that related to him...

Shengtot · Horror
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11 Chs

Rift and Dungeon

Note: Changed something about the doctor.

"Hello. Mr. Zachary Ybarra, I'm your class adviser, Ms. Farrah Arce."

The woman wearing the PE uniform greeted him simply and stared at him.



Which Shyrveen stared at her too before blinking and woke up from his trance.

"Ah. Sorry, Ma'am Arce. You're saying that's my name?"

"... Yes."

The doctor coughed to get their attention and said to the point.

"And we know that you have an amnesia according to the nurse's report. There's a high chance that this is only a temporary one, Mr. Ybarra."

She took a chair and sits down comfortably as she faced Shyrveen.

"And for making that high chance of recovery for happening, we decided to fetch your things first without your permission, I may say sorry for that."

Shyrveen waved his both hands shyly and humbly says.

"No, no! Don't mention it, I know you all are doing that for my sake, thank you, doc, ma'am."

The teacher answered him for that as she slowly reached out the brown envelope to him.

"You're welcome. Here's your personal documents that I printed out from the school registry with the permission of the dean that can help you remembering. I-I don't know what to do after hearing one of my student got an accident and losing his memories at that. I-It-"

He received it and bows slightly towards Farrah to comfort her.

"It's alright, ma'am. As long as I'm alive. Thank you for the concerns..."

Then a gloomy atmosphere started to spread but interrupted by a clap sound from the hands of the doctor.

"And! You can check your things later after I'm done with your check up, so, I can know your exact situation and plan things out for expected or unexpected things later. I'm Dra. Avery Luna, I'll be your personal doctor."

She reached out her palm to him that he shook slowly for three times before pulling out his hand.

Since he felt a cold inside his body again, as if warning him. 

"I'm... Zach? Thank you again."

"No worries. So! I'll start checking you now."

Avery waved her right hand to let it be and stands up towards him.

"... Sure, doc."

Ten minutes of doing that.

Avery took her seat again before explaining.

"Since we're sure now that you didn't remember a piece of memory related to you, I'll ask you if you want to talk with your parents and sibling? We don't want to overwhelm you, for it might triggers some unknown fear or trauma inside you. Because that is the most thing that's happening after having an amnesia, just so you know."

Shyrveen became confused and pondered for a couple of seconds before deciding.

"That... Can I see my information first?"

"Yes, of course. And I might add that you have additional visitors except from your relatives, and all of them will arrive tomorrow morning with the visitors being first."


"Just letting you know so you won't be confuse for why they are here. Hmm... I might add that... We're an acquaintance with them."

He became perplexed about this, he is only amnesic not a mutant or monster in its escape!

'What's with this setting!?'

"Wait, wait. Doc, ma'am. Who are they? What and why?"

"It's related to this place. You can ask them yourself for that, Mr. Ybarra. I really don't know their business with you but I'm sure it's related to a... Common sense?"

"... Common... Sense?... Really?"

"Yes, because you'll be in shock if we didn't notify you first. That might lead to some problematic thing."

Avery shrugs and assured him casually that made Shyrveen felt from her for being irresponsible and responsible doctor at the same time. But he didn't have a time to focus on that.

'Related to this place?... Then, a common sense?... Don't tell me, some people are like me? Can control such forces...'

Shyrveen thought for a moment and decided to initiate revealing a piece of his power. He decided for it, because the said visitors might have a way to detect such forces within his body.

'This world might not be just a simple as that... I might conclude that-'

His thought was broken after hearing Avery's voice that calling to him.

"Mr. Ybarra? Hello? Come back to earth, please~"

"Ah? Ah! Sorry, sorry. What you're saying, doc?"

His mind became muddle for a second and murmured unconsciously before asking for a repeat.

But Avery didn't bothered to repeat because she and Farrah didn't say a single word in the first place, and she decided to tease the kid.

"You're spacing out with two beautiful ladies in your sight, you're being rude, you know?~ Or... You're thinki-"

But was interrupted by Farrah at her side.

"Doc... C'mon, don't lead my student astray... He's a good student, but being amnesic now might change him because of you..."

Avery smiles teasingly and waved her right hand to say goodbye as she walks away from their sight.

Farrah grunted as she glared at Shyrveen with a warning of, 'Don't even think such a thing!'

Shyrveen sense a little resentment from her and bow slightly as he raised his hands to surrender.

"It's good that you know... But... Now that you're not just a ordinary person... Do you want me to teach you? You know what I mean, right?"

"... Yes, I know, Ms. Arce. But won't that cause some trouble for you? I-I'm a burden..."

Farrah smiles kindly and petted his head.

"Don't worry for such a thing. You can do your things first and we can talk about it."

"Alright, ma'am. And thank you... But, by the way, ma'am... What kind of doctor she is?"

Farrah raised and eyebrow and slightly scorning him.

"What? Can't control your hormones?"

"No! Ma'am! Ugh! C'mon, I don't mean that!"

"Good! I don't like lustful students, and a good student of mine for that. But answering your question..."

Shyrveen saw her face that having a second thoughts.

"She's a... Psychologist."

Made him baffled by this. He blinks and asked specifically.

"... Not a Neurologist?"

Farrah blushes and scratches her chin lightly as she looks away at her left side.

"She's... Still studying about it... So, you can consider her one?"

Shyrveen was stunned.

'What an actual fuck?'

"... Ms. Arce! You're a freaking teacher! What do you mean by that!? As if you're handing me to a irresponsible doctor and abandoning your profession!"

"Hey! Watch your language and don't bad mouth us! I know we're a little wrong, but don't worry, there's a real neurologist here with her to guide her. She's a friend and have a really good thing above her shoulder."

'What little wrong? There's no such thing!'

"So, you both are using some shady connections for studying a guinea pig, which is me?" 

Farrah snorted but can't deny it.

"Well, you're not wrong."

Shyrveen sighed for resignation for this person's shamelessness.

'Is she really a teacher?'

Farrah felt her own shame but decided to ignore it and stares seriously at Shyrveen with confused eyes.

"You sure are different from being amnesic, huh?"

"I just don't like depressing things."

Which Shyrveen got the meaning behind of it and resigned inside his mind.

'I fought to live then I'll be depressed in the end?... Hah...'

"Enough for this, read your information first and I'll just be here to answer your questions if you have some."

Farrah waved her hand and went to sits on the foot of the bed and slowly studied him.

He ignores it and pulls out some papers from the brown enveloped and read them slowly.


Name: Zachary Ybarra

Address: xxxxxxxx, Manila, Metro Manila

Contact No.: 09xx-xxx-xxxx

Age: 16 years old

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: May 5, 2004

Place of Birth: Manila, Metro Manila

Grade: Fourth Year High School Student

School Affiliated: Arellano University High School

Subject: Science - C, Filipino - B, English - B, P.E. - A, Mathematics - B, Etc...



As he read his body's information, it stimulated his brain to overwork as it's running backwards from the time 'he' died inside the Ghost Teacher's Domain into his childhood memories.

He clutches his head as he groans that made Farrah panic a little bit and worried for him.

She hastily went to his side as she caress his cold sweated back. After a whole minute without changing in his pale face, she decided to call Avery, but at that very moment her wrist was grabbed and heard him saying.

"I'm fine, ma'am... I-I just remembered a fragmented memory... I-It's about me that travelling in a bus towards here, in Teacher's Camp..."

"Oh! And, and?"

Farrah became excited after hearing him but slowly calming down after seeing him like that.

Shyrveen frown and tries his best to act as amnesic person trying his best to remember.

"It-That's all, ma'am..."

"That's... Unfortunate... But! It's a good sign too! It means that maybe, in a day or two, you will remember everything! Cheer up, young man!"

"Thank you..."

Shyrveen said meekly as he laid down his back on the bed again before slowly closing his eyes.

"Take a good rest then-"

"No, we can keep going."

"You sure?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"So... What's your questions?"

"... Does my family is included to these people with 'common sense'? Suggesting that you can be my personal teacher for these 'common sense', can I know what can be known? And since, these can be include in 'common sense', what's the organization of these visitors represents?"

Farrah was shocked, because, normally, an amnesic person will ask about himself, and addition to that, that this is a kid in the first place. She can sense that there's no such thing as 'panic' inside this boy!

"... You sure know what to ask, huh?... Tell me... Who are you?"

Because of this, Farrah thought of something and a glint of danger can be sense by Shyrveen within her eyes now.

That is within his idea, he already expected her to react like this.

'Just like the same with Sofia, huh?... But how they can know that I'm not 'him'?'

He contemplate for a minute while being stared at, he shrugs and said slowly as he stared at those eyes of Farrah.

"... Shyrveen... Nice to meet you, Ms. Arce. I named myself, Shyrveen..."

"... Oh..."


The door opens and Avery went inside then locks the door and stared at Shyrveen's eyes while munching with her ice cream cone.

Tilted her head and frowns before they heard her saying.

"But that's impossible, we both know, Farrah... That 'Remnant' doesn't have ability to remember their host memories."

Farrah nodded and slowly stands away from him.

"I know..."

'... Shit, I miscalculated!'

Shyrveen smacked his face literally and a discontented can be seen on his face.

"So~ Dear... Mr. Shyrveen~ Can you tell us your secrets?"

He heard the doctor asks in a teasing manner making his eyes rolls from it.

Dodging the question with the question.

"... So... I can conclude that the visitors that you're talking about... Is actually you? Both of you?"

Farrah shakes her head, look at Avery before she explains as she smiles at the last second.

"Yes and no. With unpredictable fate. I'm really your teacher, Zachary's class adviser. While she, Avery Luna is the real 'visitor' for 'him'. But for you, Mr. Shyrveen... We are your 'visitors'."

He really disappointed to himself. Not noticing earlier how they managed to trap him. Showing himself just like that.

'No... It's just that I lack information about this world... There is something that they know that I don't know... Yep, that's the reason that I'm readable as a document with ink from a marker pen...'

"Hah... Welp~ Caught me just like that..."

Avery pulls out her handkerchief after eating her ice cream and started to spell out things for him.

"As we said, 'Remnant' can't remember the Host's memories. Meaning, the body's soul is originally dead and the body has been possessed by a 'Remnant', a white rank ghost with great obsession to return to life. 

After the empty body being possessed, these ghost will integrate with the body as it's own soul and we can't do anything about it. And now, you have it. A surviving body with a surviving soul, in short, 'Remnant' person.

Publicly, we called them amnesic people for the ordinary people to be recognized but for the people with extraordinary means, we called them 'Remnant'.

Most of them are towards the evil path for seeking revenge for their past life, but some of them choose the good path to live a new life with the body's identity... And a very few of them, decided to join us, to seek and punish this evil ones."

Shyrveen digested this information slowly before carefully asked.

"... And so, what will happen for me?"

"We don't know."

Avery shrugs. She is seen that she didn't care about him but for Shyrveen, she means that it's up to him.

Farrah added as she raised her index finger like she's stating a fact.

"Normally, we won't approach you like this and we will watch you from a far. But Avery noticed your... Difference from being the 'Remnant'. And we decided to talk to you now."

"... Is it because, I can remember my memories?"

He asked the main point without going around the bush, after all this 'difference' of his can be seen as clear as day.

But only to be stared at by Avery's scrutinizing eyes.

"Is it truly yours or you're just a mutated one?... We can't tell for sure for now... But there's a high chance that you are... Zachary himself."

Only to assures him as she pats his shoulder, then went to lay down her back on the back rest of the chair, crossed her legs and started to inspect her nails.

Waiting for him, they are both waiting for his choice.

"Then... You will invite me to join this organization of yours?"

Avery claps her hand after hearing him saying this and smiled that so big as if she found an interesting soulmate.

"Of course, we do that always~ But let's talk about your 'memories' first and we can decide based on that if we can determine you that you can really join us, what do you say?~"

"... What about my parents?"

"They will arrive tomorrow morning, don't worry."

Shyrveen nodded and sighed.

"I see... Then let's proceed. What do you both want to know?"

"The rift and the dungeon."

Farrah stated what they want which made Shyrveen puzzled.

"... The rift and the dungeon?"

"Yes. The rift and the dungeon."

Avery nodded and repeated it again for the third time and slowly says.

"The rift is categorized between Order Rift and Chaos Rift, then both rifts are divided into Memorial Dungeon or Ceremonial Dungeon. 

Order Rift is created by Faith Force which normally can be found within cathedrals and churches, anything related with religions, believes, and worshiping. 

While Chaos Rift is powered by Resentment Force that has been accumulated in the same place, like this Teacher's Camp.

Now, the Memorial Dungeon is based on the memories of the specific Spectre and the Ceremonial Dungeon is based by the ancestral events that has been witnessed by the place itself... Most of the Memorial Dungeons can be found within the Chaos Rifts within the haunted places and most of Ceremonial Dungeons are within Order Rifts within worshiped places."


Farrah raised her voice for him to look at her and he waited for her to continue.

"There are some, a very few dungeons that can be found within it's opposite rift."

With this information, he asked.

"So... You both is asking me if the rift is an order or a chaos one and within is the dungeon of memorial or ceremonial?"

"Yes. Because one dungeon can only exist in one exact place, it can't exist with another dungeon or overlapping with another dungeon, if that happens, there's only one result, the winner takes it all... Or based on the latest reports, we don't encountered something like that for now.

And according to the history of this place, we are still not sure if the rift is an order or a chaos one. This place has been a retreat of religious group from the past, but now became a haunted place."

Shyrveen carefully listen to them and stunned after realizing something.

'Wait there's a flaw in there! That's a very different one from the history said by brother Shooter!'

"But as you said, this is NOW a haunted place... I don't know if this is confusion or what but I remembered that this place witness two World Wars before becoming a place of sporting events and gathering for educational purposes and some religious retreats, right?"

Avery waved her hand again to him.

"We get it, we got your point. You're not very wrong with that but there was really a religious camping that happened here from the past, and now.

The very problem is, until today from the day the 'common sense' was established 40 years ago. This rift within this place cannot be found no matter how long and outstretched each every organizations searching for it... Now, are we good?"

Shyrveen got the main thing, the very reason why they want to know about the rift and the dungeon, then he tilted his head and stares at Dra. Avery.

"... Ah... But how come you both are sure... That I know something within?"

Avery and Farrah looked at each other and smiled bitterly at him.

Avery: "I'm a person with Mental Force."

Farrah: "And I'm person with Chakra Force, my dear student."

"... Then why you both became bitter knowing me that I have a force?"

"Because, only a person with the same force can tell the other person accurately if he/she has one too..."


"The hardly thing to accept from you is, you have two forces within..."


"It means that you are one of the geniuses. Normally, it is hard to control if its two forces and more, for you might implode from excess energy or uncontrollable energies... 

I want to say you're really a genius, but I have an urge to beat you up after thinking about it... 

But it also means that you can survive within the dungeon of the rift, no, Mr. Shyrveen?..."

"... So, just with that... You can already conclude that I have experiences within the dungeon?"

They both nodded while showing him that he can't never act innocent in front of them.

"... Haist... Seriously?... C'mon... And I thought I can hide in the first place, then get stronger, before becoming famous."

He surrenders and grumbles.

Avery rolls her eyes and commented as she looks at Farrah.

"Typical reader."

Whom Farrah shrugs her shoulder and stated a fact.

"No need to wonder, he's my student, so I know about it."

Shyrveen asks again.

"Then how about the girl?"

"Ohhh... Your girlfr-"

Avery's eyes glinted to him with a naughtiness but was stopped by Shyrveen as he raised his palm towards her.


Nevertheless, Avery slowly walks towards Shyrveen with shining eyes.

"Hmm... Good. What about me, Mr. Shyrveen?~ Want me-"

But Farrah kick Avery on her side subconsciously after realizing what she wants to say, but was dodged by Avery with a simple turn of her waist.

"Don't seduce my student, you old hag pedophile! I'm warning you!"

Avery shrugs from her extreme words before murmuring some words within her own world.

"Fine, fine, fine. I can still wait for him to grow to be a fully handsome man though~"

Farrah glared at her dangerously but didn't do anything anymore.

"Back to the girl, she's very clear and clean. And we can guess that she was unconscious the whole time to the very end, right? Her Mr. Knight in Shining Armor~"

"Yes, she was unconscious when I found her within the White Wall of the Igorot Ghost."

Shyrveen sighed and simply told them about it, but his mind is still thinking about the information that they are telling him as he pieced them one by one.

'I don't know if they are saying the truth or-... How idiot I am... System, can I guess that you know about this too?'

[Yes, Host. They are telling the truth.]

'Then, can you explain them to me later?'

[Of course, Host.]

He sighed in relief after hearing and knowing that, and can say that both of them have a real good intention with him. Then he was stunned after remembering something from what they said earlier.

"Wait, doc, ma'am... You said I'm a gen- Witty?"

Shyrveen want to say 'Genius' but sense a dreadful storm appeared just near him and beautifully curved his words with a sense of survival instinct.

Avery unknowingly ticked off but suddenly calm down again after hearing him.

"Tch! No wonder you can survive inside the dungeon and made you awakened with two forces at once... Now..."

Avery nodded at Farrah that pull out a recorder from her pocket and turn it on before Avery continues.

"Explain every thing that you experienced, what kind of dungeon it is and what are the specific details of the Spectres you saw and encountered inside, and lastly to where you got back from the rift to the reality."

Shyrveen thought for a moment and decided to story tell everything from the start of waking up inside the hallway of the Ghost Teacher's Domain to the time when he found himself in reality.

Only leaving aside about Sofia, Left Eye of the Moon Goddess Mayari, Secret Realm and his System.

About two hours later, everything is settled and Shyrveen sighed as he stares at the white ceiling before looking at the window, specifically towards the black SUV, parking in the middle of the quietness and beauty of the camp.


Farrah turns on the vehicle before asking Avery beside her.

"Do you think he noticed the flaws?"

Avery looked at her with seriousness before rolling her eyes.

"Of course, you're suck at acting... And... After talking to him like that, I guess he didn't care about it at all."

"Or still digesting some of the important thing?"

"'For him' you may add. But for us, this is much more important."

Farrah slowly turns the wheel before continuing.

"Resentment, huh?..."

"Only force that came from Spectres, Remnants and..."

"So. Do you have any idea for what exactly he is?"

"He is not Zachary Ybarra. That he is a mutated white ghost for that."

"Because from the start that he said he woke up in the middle of the hallway?"

"Of course, what he said is only possible if he was seriously injured on his head, which I found nothing after checking his whole body, or Zachary's soul has been already eaten by the ghost and Shyrveen possessed his body..."

Avery leans her head to the right side as she stares at the surrounding woods as the car is slowly passing by.

Then added after shaking her head.

"But we can't just end this conclusion like that. There's so many 'what ifs' to his situation. And we can't even detect his whole intention, not even leaking a slight intention... That's the real serious thing I found about him. As a psychologist, every twitches and words have patterns for me to decide if he's leaning towards the evil path or good path..."


"He is not showing it... As if he is really clean... As if Shyrveen that integrated with the body of Zachary is... Amnesic too..."

Avery murmurs but only to be countered by a fact from Farrah.

"That is impossible! We all know that Spectre is the released state of the soul from being limited of the physical body. Even if the body forgot, if the said person died, his/her soul will remember everything about him/her the moment he/she became a Spectre. And add that after being integrated to the new body, their soul will not be limited by that mortal body anymore."

Avery irritably scratches her head.

"That's what I'm solving now!~ Ahhh!~ I'm really envious of you. Awakening the Chakra Force..."

Farrah shrugs as she giggles for her pitiful best friend.

"It's not my fault for you to have a headache now."

"And I didn't even ask for being awakened in Mental Force! Tch!"

Silent permeate inside the car as it travels back to the headquarter.

But after five minutes, Farrah decided to break the silence and asked again.

"What will you report to the higher ups then?"

"The first mutated Remnant."

Making Farrah to frown and countered.

"... That's not a Remnant anymore..."

"Then, the First Doppelganger..."

Avery replied in milliseconds which made Farrah more speechless.


Avery became confused after seeing her like that and tried to explain to her buffoon best friend. 

"What? Since he can remember the body's memories, if he decided, he can live to be the Zachary Ybarra himself. But he is still not 'him' because he will never be in the first place."

"Contradicting yourself?"

Farrah laughed softly but only to be thought by a lesson by Avery.

"Bullshit. As if you will know what I'm getting at, dumbass..."

Farrah's eyes glinted and gave a fast nudge to the wheel, making the car turn sharply to the right.

"AHHH!!! FARRAH!!! If you want to fucking die don't bring me with you!!!"

A scared loud shout came out from Avery after grabbing anything to hold her tight on her seat.

"Haha! I just thought of a simple way for us to know his situation~"

Farrah waved her hand casually as she teased her while making the car stabilize.

Avery's mind work so fast and found out the meaning behind Farrah's claim, making her eyes constrict and shocked can be seen on her face.

 "... Yo-You're really a barbaric woman! You want us to die and be Spectres then possessed a new body to be Remnants, if we're lucky, we can remember our Host's memories? The same as Shyrveen!?..."


"... You know what? Just pull over to the side and I'll go back on my own. You're an extreme damaging person that's too lethal for my mind!"

"Hahaha! I thought every geniuses have a crazy sides of their own."

"Fool! I don't have one!"

"... Woah!~ You didn't even deny being a genius?"

Farrah shook her head after hearing her non-complete rebuttal.