
Chapter 98 - Suspicious partners

The little Elf narrated a story for almost an hour or so. It was very very long.. the man really liked talking for sure.

Wren summarized all the information in just five sentences.

Dukal family cultivates in a water-type cultivation technique that helps them breathe underwater. They were humans, not beasts. Breathing underwater comes easy for an aquatic beast like him.

  Sheli, the female-only cultivation family that are good weaponsmiths. Their weapons are really sought after. Even the other beast cultivators and other creatures love to get a hand on them. But the sheli family only produces a small amount of them and auctions them off.

Atul the warrior and the protector, family of Rene. They are the ones who are mainly in charge of the security and guarding of the three shores and the huge city. They are aware of everyone's movements.