
Chapter 72 - Mating

"M—mate?!" Wren paused. "Is that the only way?" he worriedly peered at the little birdie. They had been physical with each other, but.... mating so soon in a relationship is unheard of.

Usually an oyster will court their mate for three years and during that period, they do not indulge in any physical activities. They spiritually connect with each other before they do the deed.

The elders cleared their throats.

"It is possible. We believe you both share a stronger bond than a normal mated pair. It seems you are fated mates," one of the other elders mumbled.

"Fated mate..." Wren stood up in shock. It was one of the rarest of bond. A bond so strong that destiny calls forth their mating.

'Maybe that was the reason I got hold of his spiritual blood. Because it was all fated to be. I was fated to meet him anyway possible,'

Feng Mian looked at his wide mouthed mate. 'Yeah right, I had the same expression when I heard about it too buddy.' He then chirped softly, reminding to close his mouth.

Wren snapped out of his dazed state. "I see..... so... mating. Should we hold a mating ceremony now.. or...."

"Let the ceremony happen later. As for now you both have to bond." bailey placed a hand on Feng. Suddenly, beautiful red feathers started to grow. Soon he became a beautiful red bird. "This is only temporary. You have to do as told. That is it for today,"

"okay...." Qu Wren held Feng Mian with his shaking hands and slowly they moved towards his home.

The walk back was weirdly silent. Wren was contemplating deeply about how this mating this works.

While Feng Mian was thinking about how to proceed with their mating ceremony. 'How can we have a meting ceremony underwater....?' he glanced at Wren.

Wren just blinked as he reached their home.

The door opened and his mum stood there with a wide smirk. "Wow, your mate has feathers now. Come in!" she pulled him in.

The air bubble around Wren popped as he walked through the doorframe into his house.

"What did they say? Is he healthy now?"

Wren gazed at her intently. "She told us to mate,"

"What!!!!" Diago, who was secretly listening to this from his room, ran out. "Mate! You are too young!!!,"

Ren also stood there with a small frown. "Diago he is hundred years old,"

"No! Still too young!!!! Oh my god my baby brother is going get married!!!! Oh my goddddddd," Diago mumbled collapsing onto the sofa.

Qu Wren also sat next to him, still in a dazed state. "I am getting married.... but we have to mate before that,"

"What!!!!!!!" Diago sat up and hugged him. "Why did they say that? You have to court your mate for at least a few years!"

"Enough kids," his mum moved forward and pushed Diago away. "Wren, what actually happened?"

"The elders said that I have a very strong mate bond with him and that mating is the only way for him to fully regain his form," his cheeks flushed red as he glanced at the little red bird.

Feng Mian just chirped cheerfully. 'Yes, they said that~'

"So..." Wren paused.

"So?" his mother raised a brow.

"So I am planning on moving up to the surface..." Wren happily glanced at Feng Mian.

"No!" his mother instantly rejected it.

"Why not?" Wren frowned. "Mum, I can't ...'mate' here. Not with you all in the house,"

"Then we can clear out Hachin's place. You can stay there temporarily,"

"No, that is his house. Besides, I want to be on the surface so that my mate can take a breath of fresh air. He is not an underwater species, mum. He must be feeling so stuffed in here." Wren gently caressed his feathers.

Feng Mian fluffed up, feeling his finger glide through his skin. 'Ah, that feels so good. But you are wrong, though I do like this underwater realm. It's pretty,' 

"You can't go to the surface. No, I won't allow it!" she glared at him and left the room.

"Mum!" Wren ran after her. "You can't expect me to stay here all the time. I'm a grown man and I have a mate now. I have to leave the nest!"

"You can swim away all you want but you are not going back to the surface!! That is final!!!"