
Chapter 23 - The angry Mer

Deep in the night, Wren woke up to a loud sound. He hurriedly woke Hachin up and brought him close.

"What's going on?"

"Don't know. Something must be wrong," Wren mumbled.

Suddenly a brought light flashed into the dark cave.

The huge boulder had been moved to the side, making a small opening. A white-haired Mer walked in. "you both, come with me." she said threateningly.

Wren frowned and followed after her. All around them he could hear blood-curdling screams and other snipping sounds. He tightly griped Hachin's hand and pulled him close. "What's going on? Are you under attack?"

"You don't need to know about it?" the white-haired girl scoffed. She led them to a secluded area and suddenly took her trident out. "Which one of you is Hachin?"

Felling her murderous aura, Wren immediately took out his dagger. 'Why is this Mer searching for Hachin?' he protectively stood before him. "I am,"

"Oh, so you are the one with the cursed child.." the Mer glanced at him with disgust clearly painted in her eyes. Felling overwhelming rage, the spiritual energy inside of her pushed through and flowed out like a raging sea.

Wren moved back a bit, felling her overwhelming energy. "Our clans are allies if you hurt us, they would wage war against you," he threateningly whispered with a glare.

"War? We are already on a war because of you. You should have just died a long back or else.... or else this would not have happened." She gripped her trident tightly and closed her eyes in pain. "The thing you carry inside of you is the cause of all this. It should not have existed in the first place."

Wren placed a hand on his tummy. "Looks like you won't stop.... Hachin stand back." He let out his spiritual energy as well. A fiery red flame burned out of him.

Hachin watched this from behind. "You still haven't mastered your spiritual energy?" he whispered softly.

"Didn't get time...." Wren said with a small laugh.

"Idiot." Hachin rushed up front and held out his hand. Slowly a white smoke appeared in front of them and formed into an ice wall.

"Whoa, you can do that?"

"I just did it for the first time, but we have no time to be impressed." Hachin dragged him away towards the shores. "It's better for us to get back in the water. It seems like only that Mer is trying to hurt us."

"But why did she search for you," Wren mumbled as he threw a fire ball behind them at the chasing Mer.

"She might have mixed up our names,"

"Highly likely." Wren nodded as they both ran on the sandy ground.

"Stop!! Both of you!! Get back here," she shouted and threw the trident aimed at them.

It whooshed loudly in the air, pulling the nearby water to form huge whirlpool midair.

"She can do that!! Looks like I need to learn to manifest my energy into a weapon soon," Wren grumbled as he pulled them both to ahead, avoiding the huge tidal wave.

"Shit, she is a water cultivator. Even if we enter the sea it will only pout as at risk." Hachin pulled Wren behind a huge boulder and started shuffling through his bag. He took out a small white crystal sprit stone from inside.

Wren immediately held his hand. "No, don't use this."


"This is the last thing your family left you. Don't....." Wren shook his head.

Hachin pulled his hand away. "They live in my heart." With a small smile, he smashed the crystal in his hand. Slowly a white energy emitted from inside it. He used it to amplify his own spiritual energy and attacked her. A huge ice shard formed from his hand and swiftly flew towards her.

As she was mid run she was not able to dodge effectively. The ice shard stabbed her on her right shoulders.

"Go go go," Hachin pushed Wren and they both rushed towards the sea.

Without any hesitation they swam out towards the east, where they could see a small island from afar.

A stabbing pain assaulted Hachin's stomach, but he swam without losing speed towards the nearby island.

As they reached closer, the waves did the job to push them towards land.

They both got washed up on the sandy beach.

Qu Wren stood up and dragged Hachin towards the looming forest of the island.

"Wait, wait," Hachin cried, holding his tummy. "Just a second." he tiredly leaned forward and laid his head on his shoulders.

Wren gently hugged him and leaned his back against a huge tree. "I think we are here. The island of the flaming phoenix,"

Suddenly, there was a loud screech behind them.

They both hid closely behind the tree and glanced in the direction they came from.

A huge brown bird hovered in the dark sky, spitting out ice at everything it saw. Its loud screech bough about destruction at everything it touched.

The pain in Hachin's stomach immediately disappeared, but the fear in his heart intensified. The beast had the same looming eyes he had seen on the day of the heavenly rain. "That is the great Roc," he mumbled softly.

"So which one is my baby's daddy?" Wren whispered with a deep frown.

"I hope it's not this one," Hachin whispered and turned back. "I really hope not...."