
Chapter 13 - The Baby's father?

Qu Wren pulled his mother's hand and placed it carefully on his stomach. "I am pregnant,"

Jade suddenly hugged her son. "Are you really sick? Does your head hurt or are you dizzy? Diago! Diago, come here," she shouted frantically, running to the room. Wren this watched this with a small smile on his face.

Diago ran out and held his brother's shoulders. "What is it? Are you hot again? Are you feeling sick again, do you want to puke or…."

"Diago, Wren is acting weird." His mother cried from the side. A small lien of pearl essence rolled down from her eyes. "My son! What is wrong with you? Diago, should we take him to the elder?"

"I think we should, mum. Wren, can you walk? Do you want me to carry you?" Diago seriously whispered.

Qu wren just smiled at him like a fool.

Diago flinched back a little. "Something's definitely wrong with him. Mum, help me, pulled him over my shoulders. I shall carry him to the elders," he hurriedly said.

Hs mother nodded and rushed to him.

All the while, Wren was enjoying the commotion.

Seeing this, Hachin cleared his throat loudly. "Aunty Qu, brother Qu, there is in fact nothing wrong with Wren. We have his test report right here." he took out the red tagged scroll from inside his sleeves and handed it to Aunty Qu respectfully.

Diago hurriedly took it from his hands and read through it. As he got to the last line, his eyes bulged out. He kept throwing glances at his little brother and onto his tummy. "Is this real?"

"It's as real as it gets," Wren happily hummed.

"O—oh," Diago stuttered.

Their mother, who was shorter than then jumped up high to peak in. getting frustrated, she pulled her son's hands down and read the report as well. "Pregnant! How? Why?... when? And... who?" she looked at her baby son intently.

Meanwhile Diago recovered from the shock. "It was just a few months ago that you were chasing after poppy from the reef,. How did your taste change to...men?" he whispered with a slight blush.

"It didn't," Wren said with a dazzling smile.

Jade gripped her son's forearm and looked up. "Who's the father?"

"Donno." Qu Wren shrugged nonchalantly.

The Qu brother and mother panicked at this statement. 'Where has my innocent little baby go? How many people did he sleep with to not even know who the child's father is!!!' Jade gazed at Diago helplessly.

Diago looked at her as well while shaking his head. 'Don't know. Wren has only been close with Hachin… then..'

Both their sights went over to the little Hachin was standing silently in the corner. "He is the baby's father!!!"

Diago rushed to him and held him up by his collar. "How dare you make my brother pregnant!! How did you even do it!! You are so….so scrawny,"

"Hey! I am not scrawny. I am slim." Hachin pulled his crumbled up shirt out of his hands. Besides, I'm not the father,"

"You are not??" Jade stepped closer, putting her face directly in front of his own.

"I am not," Hachin said with a frown. 'But I wish I was… this sucks. Someone got wren regretfully before I could even confess my feelings. Boo hoo.' He pouted hard, glaring at Wren.

Wren, on the other hand, happily looked at them all. "I am pregnant~"

"We know. Now it looks like we should prepare for another member of our family." Diago said dully. He took the scroll from his mother and read it through. The prescriptions are usually written at the back of the diagnosis. So he flipped the small kelp page over and read its contents.

The more he read, the more his brows scrunched up. He glanced up at his carefree brother with a deep frown.

"Wren, we need to have a talk. Alone." he looked at the others.

Hachin got his clue and was about to leave, but Wren held him back. "He is family, too. We can have a talk together."

"I think I would prefer it if it was just you," Diago said again.

"No," Qu Wren popped his tongue out playfully and hugged Hachin from the back. "Come on, tell me what you want to say. We have to go to the reef,"

Diago sighed loudly and pulled Wren to the nearby chair. "Listen, I need you to remain calm, got it,"

"Got it~" wren smirked at him with his thumbs up.

"Wren..... You shouldn't have this child," Diago said with a sad smile.

"W—what… do you mean?" Qu Wren's smile turned into a frown.

"Abort the child,"

Big Shout out to my lovelies habigail, Jhanie, Kimwoosung, Tauruslove, bromance, Roomno4, for all the love and support <3

Lullabybaocreators' thoughts