

City Hospital


When the Limousine stopped in front of the City Hospital Yeona hurriedly got out of the car, leaving her parents behind, she ran towards the entrance seeing her run as if her life depended on it her parents couldn't take the pain of her state, they forced themselves to go inside the hospital.

The door swung open then in came a stunning woman though her make-up was ruined due to the tears even though her make-up was smudged she still looked stunning, the sound of her clanking heels attracted all the people's attention in the hallways now everyone's curious stare was on Yeona but she did not care at all, she rushed to the front desk ''where's the room of the patients under the surname of Ling?'' Yeona asked in one breath upon arriving by the desk; the nurse was stunned seeing the woman in front of her, she was wondering why her picture-perfect-look was ruined.

''Uh Yes!, They are both in the emergency room. But may I a.....'' Lee Wei arrived at the desk and stopped the nurse and told her ''she's their family member''. Yeona didn't wait for the nurse to finish she ran through the hallways as if she knew where to go, upon arriving by the emergency rooms door she couldn't control her tears she never thought there would be a day where her grandfather and brother will be in the emergency room fighting for life severely injured, nurses and doctors kept rushing in and out from both rooms.

Then she stopped one of the nurses ''excuse me how are the patients in these rooms?', will they be alright?'' she asked panicking, '' We can't tell the possibilities now but the doctors are working on it'' hearing the nurse's reply Yeona felt so weak and helpless, at last, her knees gave up and she fell to the floor, she felt like her world has fallen apart, seeing her miserable state her parents and brother felt helpless on the other hand Matriarch Lee Hua was sitting by the doors of the emergency room but she didn't shed a single tear even if it's her husband and grandson lying inside she seemed emotionless. Only she knew how she felt it was as if nothingness took over her entire body, her whole body felt numb.

Then a doctor came out from Lin's room seeing him coming out Ling Yin hurriedly stood up from the ground wiping away her tears having a tiny bit of hope she asked '' doctor, how's my brother, he's saved, right..... he..h.. he's alright right '' the doctor felt pitiful of seeing her state, he thought it was better to tell the news to someone calmer than her then he looked at Lee Wei and thought it would be best if he tells him instead of her since she wasn't on the stable mind, ''um, excuse me, Miss, can I talk to your brother first'' Yeona just nodded, then he walked towards Lee Wei ''I'm sincerely sorry to say this but we couldn't save your brother, his heart was too weak, because of the impact he received from the accident caused his heart to stop functioning.

I hope you can inform your family about this and about your grandfather, I would say it's a miracle that he survived'' hearing what he feared the most Lee Wei's eyes welled up in tears he couldn't control himself, he was thinking of how he's going to tell his family about this especially his sister 'how will she react, will she accept this?' he asked himself while walking towards her.

''WeiWei, what did he say, LinLin is saved right? tell me? why are you crying!?'' Yeona asked shaking his hands longing for an answer she wasn't on her right mind, she didn't know what to do or say, then Lee Wei hugged her tight and told her the truth ''calm down little princess no matter what I say you must keep your self stronger. LinLin has..he... left us all 'sniffles' he passed away''; outside the hospital, thunder roared as grey clouds covered the sky as rain poured down Ling Yin felt like her whole world was crumbling 'No he promised me, he won't leave me like this on my wedding day' ''NO!'' ''No your lying to me, you're all lying.

''LinLin will never leave me!'' she said getting out his embrace, ''it's a joke right? its a prank you guys planned to do today right tell me?'' then she saw the nurse coming out of Lee Lin's room then she went inside without wasting a second but the nurse tried to stop her but was blocked by Lee Wei ''just let her go, even if it's hard to accept the truth she eventually has to'' their parents felt helpless at this moment their eldest son had passed away and one was suffering the loss of his brother whereas the one's wedding was stopped and she lost her precious brother ''how's your grandfather doing?'' Lee Zhou asked giving him an assuring hug ''the doctor said it was a miracle he was saved but... he.. lost the ability to walk'' ''FATE IS SO CRUEL!'' shouted Lee Jinfei ''why does it have to be so cruel to our family. My poor Yeona did nothing but why ruin her life? why?...''

''LinLin wake up, please wake up it's me your little princess, don't you enjoy bullying me'' ''now I'm crying and my make-up is all ruined. Why aren't you bullying me, open your eyes and look at me gege'' Yeona could not accept the fact that her dearest brother had passed away on her wedding day ''brother didn't you say you will always be there to wipe my tears away when I cry? you said will be there for me every time I'm at my lowest but now you failed to keep your promise, why did you lie?''.

Her parents, Lee Wei and Matriarch Lee Hua also came inside only to see their precious little girl pleading to her dead brother to come back, everyone felt pitiful for her never once did they imagine where they had to witness their daughter's pleading once again.

'' Yeona please don't cry, you have to be strong at a time like isn't what LinLin has always taught you?'' Lee Jinfei tried to make her feel better, ''but he's no longer here, don't you see he lied, he's a liar!'' her words were filled with bitterness and pain, even for her these feelings felt foreign to her own self, silence fell in the room they had no idea of how to calm her down.

'Ring Ring' Lee Wei's phone rang interrupting the silence in the room '' I'll be right back'' Lee Wei left the room to answer the call it was from Bing Wen one of Lee Wei's trusted friend,

Lee Wei: ''have you found out how it happened?''

Bing Wen: ''yes, as you suspected it wasn't an accident''

Lee Wei: ''who did it, which bastard dared to do it?''

Bing Wen: '' I'm still looking into who did it, and this wasn't aimed for your brother nor your grandfather, but for Yeona as for why we're still working on it''

Lee Wei: '' Yeona?! alright keep working on it find out who it is ASAP!'' he hung up right after telling him what to do, didn't even wait for Bing Wen to finish, but he was confused on why they would want to harm Yeona 'whoever it is they're about to pay ten folds for trying to harm my family' Lee Wei wanted to kill whoever dared to lay finger on his family. Then suddenly thunder and lightning roared really loud this time he realized Yeona is afraid of thunder and lightning-like this since she was eight he didn't know why but she's been afraid of it since then. He sprinted to the room without wasting a second he swung opened the door and went next to her to make sure she's ok to his surprise she didn't flinch or get scared.

He thought she had got over her fears of thunder but then suddenly a loud thud echoed in the room when everyone looked where it came from their eyes widen in surprise; it was Yeona on the ground she looked pale her skin was burning like a hot pot Mrs Lee went out and called for the doctor, then nurses came in quickly and took her to a room to have her checked up.

''Will my Yeona will be fine'' Mrs Lee asked her husband, she didn't know what to do she was panicking even more now her poor Yeona has fainted out of the blue she didn't know if it was due to her fear of thunder or she caught a fever or because of the shock news about her brother she couldn't think of a reason for her sudden fainting, ''don't worry Lee Jinfei she will be fine it's all too much for her to handle right now'' Mr Lee assured Lee Jinfei, though he too was concerned about Yeona's health ''she will be fine after she relaxes, don't worry''.

The doctor treating Yeona came to her brother Lee Wei and asked him to come to his office to talk about her condition, '' doctor how's my sister she's alright right? she's not sick is she?'' Lee Wei asked in one breathe upon arriving inside the doctor's office.