
Call Me Master

Kraig and Nelly walk along the market road, obviously they are both rich and wealthy.their dress and posture already shows they have a good background.

Kraig and Nelly are childhood friends. they both went through alot before they get to where they are today though people always admire things that glitters forgetting they passed through fire.

It was early in the morning when Kraig called Nelly telling him they are going to the night market. Nelly was surprised asking him why? only for him to cut the line damn it.

On their way Nelly asked" Kraig why do you want to go to the night market? "

Kraig answered "ofcourse to buy peanut and chocolate."

Immediately Nelly knew he's not going to talk so he kept quiet

After 10 minutes of walking they got to their Destination. At the front of them was a big gate with tight security.kraig pulled Nelly in and directly walk towards where they're selling slaves.

Nelly was surprised! he asked" is this where we are coming? while I've been asking you since we left the house but you refuse to answer ? you are really something.

They both sat down. Nelly thought he's not going to buy a slave since they've been sitting down for some time now with buying a slave but Just has he was about to talk he saw him raising his bid,so he look up

He's amazed and enthralled by the beauty he's looking at. she's so beautiful, its so out of the world.

After all the raise and raise of price he bought at the highest price 15 million dollars.they left the place after they received all the needed documents.

Nelly asked him "do you know this lady or do you just feel like coming here today?

Kraig answered " she helped me once though it was a long time but I've been keeping track of her ,I never forgot her kindness but her father is a total pyscho and stubborn man so I just left him to face the consequences of his actions.he deals with all sorts of illegality and now all his crime is out I think a rat was planted by his.

He's a man with lots of enemies and I don't think he's gonna be out this time around.

Nelly sighed,so that was how it is! It's a Pity but why don't you help ?

Am I not helping now? Kraig asked

Nelly nod, yes you are helping.Its a great help and rolled his eyes.

Nelly knows his friend is a pyscho.maybe the girl father offend him or he's not just in the mood to save him.

the three entered their car. they came out alone today without body guard though it's risky but Kraig is always like that.

After an hour drive they got home. the mansion is a three story building,the first and second floor is for the body guard and the maids, third floor is for Nelly while the fourth floor is for Kraig.

Ever since they left the black market the lady has not say a word. it seems like she did not recognize Kraig but No! she recognize him and she has been wondering why he came to buy her! is it coincidence or not?

Due to the distance between them when they were walking to where the car is she couldn't hear what they were saying but she knew they were talking about her.

When they got to the house she was stunned! the house is so big! its a mansion.

the two friends both left her in the first floor with out giving any instruction. the maids took her to the room to rest.

It was around 6pm in the evening when a maid brought her some dresses. she thought they've forgotten about her. her dress is torn and tattered and also dirty .she did not know they notice. And the problem now is she did not know her buyer. she has already accepted her fate. she knows her father's business is illegal and she's been telling him but he will always slap her telling she's too soft

And now she reaping and serving his punishment with him.

Not wanting to start thinking about it and getting depressed again she decided to let go of the past and focus on the future.

She took her her bathe and dress . she was brushing her hair when the door was opened and Kraig entered.After seeing to that she is ready he left and she followed.

When they got to the parking lot she asked' what should l called you ?

He stopped and looked at her, call me master he said.