

When I'm sad I write the pain I had gone through. All the tears were my ink as it fills the empty pages of my notebook. My heart's broken and so as my soul, my mind was flooded with unknown thoughts that drag me into deep ocean. I wasn't that brave to fight the demons inside me because I was too fragile. I was wrecked. My self was shattered into tiny little pieces. Maybe, I did lose my purpose. I did lose myself while I struggle with pain. I did lose me in the process. It was funny to think that I continue to encourage my mates to live while on the other hand, I'm in the verge of losing mine. Maybe, life isn't for me, I thought. A twist came in and I wrote my thoughts. I wrote my pain. I wrote my happiness. I wrote everything that came in my life. Now, I'm writing my heart out, expressing the thoughts my mouth couldn't speak to. I write and I'm not brave. I write and still the demons are eating me alive. I write and I know I'll write about myself, who stood strong amidst of the battle, who has been brave enough to face the adversary and who had been writing her story.