
LitRPG: An Unexpected Beginning

In a world of gray predictability, Kei had settled into a routine that felt never-ending. Every day, Kei wished for something — anything — to change. But when the apocalypse answered, it wasn’t the change he had expected. Instead of sending a forewarning, the apocalypse came crashing like a tidal wave. As chaos unfurled, Kei had to choose between being consumed by despair or embracing the change and finding his destiny amidst the end. If you would like to read about other stories written by me, you can check them out here: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=digital-text&rh=p_27%3ADarkodia+D

Darkodia · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
28 Chs

Chapter 9

The classroom door creaks open with agonizing slowness, as if time itself has ground to a halt. From the darkness beyond, a horrifying figure emerges. Its skin is a sickly grayish-green, flaking off in patches to reveal rotting meat underneath. Shredded clothes barely cling to its emaciated body - a ripped tee, torn jeans, and a single shoe dangling precariously from one foot.

I take a measured step back, keeping my voice low and steady. "Go for the head. Double damage, remember? Don't forget."

Sara, Tim, and Lily move to the front, their makeshift weapons at the ready. I can see Sara's hands trembling as she grips her broomstick, her eyes wide.

Tim reacts first, his face contorting with a mixture of disgust and determination. He hurls the chair he's holding like a frisbee, putting all his strength behind the throw. The furniture slams into the zombie with a heavy thud, making it wobble but not fall. 

"Crap!" Tim spits out, frustration evident in his voice. "These things are tough as nails!"

Sara's breath comes in quick, shallow gasps as the zombie staggers towards her. She squeezes her eyes shut for a moment, visibly struggling to gather her courage. With a small whimper, she swings the broomstick in a wild, uncontrolled arc. By some stroke of luck, the wood connects with a sickening crunch, snapping the zombie's head back.

Lily, in contrast to the others, maintains a calm expression. Her brow furrows in concentration as she takes careful aim with her heavy-duty stapler. Sweat beads on her forehead, but her hands remain steady as she pulls the trigger. A sharp snap echoes through the hallway as a staple shoots out, embedding itself deep in the zombie's forehead. The creature groans and staggers, but stubbornly remains upright.

"Fascinating," Lily's eyes narrows as she studies the staple protruding from the zombie's skull. "It's tough, for sure."

The zombie shakes its head, as if trying to clear it. It looks weaker, but far from defeated. Its cloudy, lifeless eyes lock onto us once more as it takes another clumsy step forward.

I feel a rush of adrenaline course through me. "Now's our chance," I call out, my voice carrying a note of excitement. "Take it down!"

They lunge forward in unison, their makeshift weapons raised high. Tim lets out a guttural yell as he brings the chair leg down with all his might. Sara, her face a mask of terror and determination, jabs the broomstick through the zombie's eye socket. Lily, her expression set in grim concentration, fires another staple directly into the creature's other eye.

The zombie sways dangerously before finally crumpling to the ground, utterly still.

For a moment, the hallway is silent save for their ragged breathing. Tim drops the chair leg, his hands visibly shaking despite his attempt to look tough. Sara stares at her splintered broomstick, then back at the motionless body on the floor, her face pale. Lily sets the stapler down carefully, her eyes darting between the others and the fallen zombie.

"We... we actually did it," Sara breathes, her voice barely above a whisper.

Tim puffs out his chest, trying to mask his relief with bravado. "Course we did. It was nothing!"

Lily's gaze meets mine, a question in her eyes. "Did we level up?"

"If you leveled up, the system should've notified you. A blue screen would pop up right in front of your eyes with all the details - your new level, any skills or bonuses you got."

Their eyes flit around, searching for some invisible message in the air.

"Anyone?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Me," Sara says, her voice filled with a mixture of wonder and disbelief. "It says I'm Level 2 now."

"Same here," Tim chimes in, a hint of pride in his voice.

Lily's brow furrows, her lips pressing into a thin line. "I didn't get anything. Perhaps the stapler isn't as effective as a melee weapon?"

I shrug, trying to keep my tone casual. "Not sure. But don't sweat it, you'll probably level up soon."

Lily nods, but I can see the disappointment lingering in her eyes. "I see. So, what's our next move?"

"I guess we keep moving," I begin, then pause as a thought strikes me. "But first, you two should think about using those stat points you just got from leveling up. You should each have five new stat points."

Tim's eyebrows shoot up. "Stat points? Like in a video game?"

"Exactly," I confirm with a nod. "Strength, dexterity, agility - whatever you think will help you stay alive."

Sara examines her broken broomstick, her brow furrowed in thought. "How do we do it?"

"Just focus. Picture the stat you want to boost and assign the points in your head. The system should understand and make it happen."

They close their eyes, faces scrunched in concentration. After a few seconds, Sara's eyes flutter open, a newfound confidence in her stance. "Done. I put it all in strength. Figured I could use more power in my swings."

Tim frowns slightly, creasing his forehead. "I split mine between agility and strength. Feels like I'll need to move fast and hit hard."

Lily looks up, her eyes still carrying a hint of disappointment. "I wish I had points to allocate."

"You'll get them soon," I reassure her. "Now that some of you are stronger, where should we head next? Any ideas?"

Sara bites her lip, her dimples appearing as she frowns in thought. She glances down the dimly lit hallway. "Why don't we just get out of here? Wouldn't we be safe outside?"

Lily shakes her head, her expression grim. "We have no idea what's outside. For all we know, it could be even worse out there."

Tim clenches his jaw as he considers the options.

Sara's grip tightens on her broomstick, her voice soft and tinged with worry. "So what? We're just gonna stay here? Wait around 'til we get swarmed by these things?"

I look from face to face, taking in their anxious expressions. My mind races through possibilities, discarding ideas as quickly as they form. Then, like a bolt of lightning, a thought strikes me - not quite a plan, but a suggestion that might help out with our current situation.

"Alright," I say, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of my mouth. "I've got a suggestion."