

One shot stroy: Amidst the celestial realms, an angel's insatiable curiosity leads him on an extraordinary journey to the mortal world. In "Plummeting Hearts: The Angel's Descent," Lior's quest to comprehend the concept of love unfolds against a backdrop of cosmic wonder. As he forsakes his divine identity and surrenders his ethereal wings, Lior's celestial existence and profound affection converge in a poignant tale of sacrifice.

Keemy · Fantasía
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1 Chs


Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim

In the celestial realm, where angels lived, a

curious boy named Lior decided to descend to the human world in pursuit of a mysterious concept he had heard his fellow angels discussing—love.

"Love... I wonder what it truly feels like," Lior mused, his radiant wings concealed as he took on the appearance of a human. With a sense of wonder, he wandered the earth, eager to understand this profound emotion.

As Lior observed human lives unfold, he encountered an array of relationships—friends laughing together, families sharing meals, and lovers holding hands. Each encounter contributed to his growing comprehension of love's complexities.

"I never knew there were so many ways to express affection," Lior remarked, watching a couple exchange a gentle kiss.

But it wasn't until he crossed paths with a kind-hearted girl named Elara that he truly felt the stirrings of this emotion. Her compassion and genuine nature captivated him, and he found himself drawn to her like never before.

"You have a beautiful heart, Elara," Lior confessed one evening as they sat beneath a starlit sky.

Blushing, Elara replied, "And you, Lior, have a way of making me feel like I've known you forever."

Over time, Lior and Elara's bond deepened, transcending the boundaries of earthly connection.

"I can't explain it, but whenever I'm with you, I feel like the world becomes a better place," Elara admitted with a smile.

Lior realized he had fallen in love, his heart filled with an indescribable warmth whenever he was with her. The more he discovered about love, the more he yearned to remain by her side, even at the cost of his celestial identity.

"I want to be with you, Elara, no matter what it takes," Lior said, his eyes shimmering with a newfound determination.

One fateful day, as their love blossomed, a new soul reaper, Nael, emerged from the spiritual realm. Nael had been sent to collect Elara's soul, a duty he performed with a heavy heart.

"Your time on Earth has come to an end, Elara," Nael's voice was solemn.

Learning about Lior's love for Elara, Nael empathized with the angel's plight but explained that their love was forbidden—the cosmic order must be maintained.

Desperation gripped Lior as he faced the unbearable choice between forsaking his wings and staying with Elara or returning to his celestial realm and losing the love that had transformed his existence.

"I can't lose you, Elara. I'll give up everything for you," Lior declared, his voice trembling.

Tears in her eyes, Elara whispered, "But at what cost, Lior?"

Unable to bear the thought of losing Elara, Lior made the heart-wrenching decision to sever his wings and his ties to the heavens.

"I choose you, Elara. No matter what comes next," Lior said as he cut his wings with a mixture of determination and sorrow.

However, his sacrifice could not deter Nael, who had a duty to fulfill. As Nael claimed Elara's soul, Lior's world crumbled.

"Wait! Please don't take her away from me!" Lior pleaded, his voice cracking.

Nael's gaze softened. "I understand your pain, Lior, but I must do what I was meant to."

Heartbroken and stripped of his rank, Lior found himself in a world of despair, regretting the choices that led him to this moment.

"Why did I give up everything? What have I done?" Lior whispered to himself, his voice filled with anguish.

The tale of Lior and Elara became a whispered legend, a cautionary tale of love and sacrifice echoing through the realms. Lior's brave journey had granted him the understanding he sought, but the cost had been immeasurable.

"I found love, but lost everything else," Lior reflected, his eyes fixed on the horizon as he wandered the earth, a fallen angel with a shattered heart, forever yearning for a love that was lost but never forgotten.


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