
Linked on you

Kayla Gilbert was not a social girl that much was clear! Not only was she the youngest of the 3 Gilbert children she was so much different as her older brother, Jeremy and her sister, Elena. While they were drinking Keg, she was drawing and listening to her music. And her desperate need for alone time got only higher when her parents died. Little did she know that her alone time would end forever soon enough...

Kaia_Nova_Doyle · TV
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33 Chs


~Forget the past, remember the lesson

It was almost there... December. Kayla longer for it. A break. Two weeks, she could annoy the original ghost next to her and, above all, Christmas... The finals were coming up and you could just see the tension in the teachers' faces.

The bell rings, signaling the end of class. Students get up from their desks and leave the classroom. Jeremy and Kayla are packing up their stuff when a paper falls down onto his desk. Alaric smiles. Kayla looked down at the paper. A giant red "A" adorns the paper. Jeremy smiles, stunned by his grade. "Surprised? It's a good essay. Your thoughts are clear, and your argument is well laid out. It's just, uh, you don't actually think there are vampires in Mystic Falls." "You should know Mate" jokes Kol. "Yeah no, doubt" answers Kayla softly. Jeremy smiled softly at her. "No. I mean, I think statistically there's been more animal attacks, mysterious deaths, uh, people went missing, more than any other place in the whole commonwealth of Georgia." "Smart kid your brother." "The smartest kid of school,", says Kayla proudly, smiling. Jeremy laughs.

"And the moment of truth, Kayla your drawing?" Kayla hands him the drawing. Jeremy looked over at her drawing. He swallows. So does Alaric. Kol nervously shifts from left to right. ' I am not sure where your thoughts are. But that.. Wow, that's just some art right there. A young guy, who basically can sit in this class and hide so much darkness at the same time." "You should know" laughs Kol. "That's really good Kayla".Kayla smiles. "Thank you. You said no Blade or final fantasy kind of stuff, so it made me think. Vampires were humans once right. So why would they change so drastically that we won't recognize them anymore?" Rick nods. Jeremy looks deeply at her. "It's conjecture, but creative, which is why you got the "A." I just wouldn't get too, uh, caught up in the whole conspiracy theory of it all." "I won't," says Jeremy. Kayla shakes her head. "Poor bastard has no idea" jokes Kol when they leave class. Kayla chuckles. Jeremy looks at her. "Good done." "Right back at ya" she blinks. He chuckles and wraps his arm around her.

"Come, on love, you can do better" jokes Kol while he watches Kayla and Jeremy shoot pool. Kayla growls. "I am so not good at this game." "I don't mind. Makes it easier to win" jokes Jeremy. "You are a jerk" scoffs Kayla, laughing. Jeremy grins. "But I still love you. Don't worry, I'm not gonna let my little sister win every time." Kayla laughed softly. "Hey. How'd it go" says a young Asian girl who approaches them. "What," asks Jeremy. "Who that now" growls Kol and steps closer. "The paper?" "Oh yeah, I got an A. Thanks for the info, it helped." Anna nods and looks at Kayla. "Oh uh, Anna, my sister, Kayla, my friend." Kayla nods. "Hi." Anna smiles awkwardly. "Cool. So what'd he say about the vampires? Did he believe it?" Well hello" smirks Kol and observes the girl. "I don't even believe it. It's just a paper, Anna. Anyways, I, uh—we gotta get goin'." Kayla nods and drops the stick. Jeremy gets up and walks around the pool table. Anna follows them. "Uh, hey, um...D-do you wanna do something later, maybe?" " Uh, sorry. I'm stuck on punch duty at the school dance." "Oh no, now there is a school dance also? Darling, we are not gonna stay buds like this!" Kayla chuckles. "Oh. How'd you get stuck with that?" "Well, I'm failin' English, so I copped a plea." "Maybe, you know, tomorrow or something." Jeremy smiles and looks down. Anna catches on. "I'm being pushy again, aren't I? Heh." "Yes" answers Kol while Jeremy says; "No." "Well, thanks for the help. I'll—I'll see you around." "Wow" whispers Kayla when Jeremy pushes her out. Jeremy chuckles. "Don't even mention it. Please. Really don't." Kayla laughs.

"Well Darling, you look ravishing," says Kol when Kayla exits the bathroom, dressed in a cute 50's dress. She spins around and smiles. "So you're coming to the dance," asks Elena, and looks inside. Kayla smiles. "Obviously." Elena laughed as they walked down together. Jenna is also dressed in a 50's dress. "You coming too," asks Elena. "Alaric asked me to help the chaperone." "Why didn't you tell me, Jenna?" Jenna looks slightly startled by this sudden change of topic. She looks at Kayla. "I'm sorry, Kayla. I'm adopted." "You what," asks Kayla. " What an interesting turn of events" jokes Kol. "Your mom was gonna do it eventually. I never thought I'd have to" sighs Jenna. "If my mom were here right now and I asked, she'd tell me the truth." "Your dad was about to leave the office one night when this girl showed up. She was sixteen, a runaway, and about to give birth. He delivered her baby, and he gave her a place to stay, but a few days later, she disappeared. And there you were. Your parents tried so hard to have a baby. I-it just wasn't happening. All Miranda ever wanted was to be a mom." After that... Jeremy was born, and then Kayla of course." "Well, why were my parents' names on the birth certificate?" "Your dad was a doctor, Elena. He took care of it. They didn't wanna lose you," so they kept it quiet, told as few people as possible, but if anyone ever wanted proof, they had documentation." "What else do you know about her? The girl?" "Just her name. Isobel."

Elena is in her bedroom, adding the finishing touches to Kayla her '50s hairstyle. She walks into the bathroom and blow-dries Kayla her hair as she pulls a round brush through it. In her bedroom, Elena has left the vampire compass on her bed. Suddenly, the needle starts to whirl around, but Elena nor Kayla cannot hear it over the noise of the blow dryer. "Eh love," says Kol. "Darling your watch starts to turn." "Elena," says Kayla. "I think I heard something."

Elena turns the dryer off and walks out of the bathroom. The needle of the compass is pointing at her closet which Elena is heading towards. She opens the closet, dramatically the compass starts whirring again, and no one is hiding in the closet. Elena retrieves a pink scarf from a hanger. Elena shuts the closet door and walks over to her doorway, poking her head into the hall. She hangs the scarf around her neck. "I don't see anyone." "Love there is somebody at your house. Right now!" "Elena there is someone I swear." "How? Why do you think that?" "I just know, trust me." Elena swallows and runs down. "Hey, Jenna. Jenna? Jeremy?" "No one responded to Elena. Love the watch" says Kol again. Kayla takes the watch and hands it to Elena. Elana swallows. She picks up her phone and dials stefan's number before quickly walking out of the room. "Where is he", she hears Elena ask. "Thank God. This compass was spinning. Stefan must be here. Thank you." She hangs up. "Stefan is here, that's it." Kayla nods. "I'm sorry I just..." Noah jumps down from the ceiling. "Love" Kayla hears Kol screaming before she gets smacked against the closet.

"Kayla" whispers Damon. Kayla opens her eyes. "Bloody hell, you gotta stop doing that" curses Kol and rubs his hair, sitting on the floor next to her. " Oh fuck me" groans Kayla and crawls up. Both Damon and Kol smirk at her. "Be careful what you wish for" blinks Damon. "Oy, that's my line mate" scoffs Kol. "Oh bite me", she answers more to Kol than to Damon. Damon Chuckles. So does Kol. "I wish" whispers Damon. "Be careful who you say that to love" jokes Kol. Damon helps her up. "How on earth did he get in," asks Damon. "He was invited in. He posed as a pizza delivery guy last night." "Well points for that," says Damon. "Don't look at me like that. I told you we had company." "You think there's more than one? " We don't know." Damon sits on the arm of the couch. "Damon, he was invited in." Damon nods, understanding what Stefan was hinting at. "Then we will go get him tonight. You up for it?" Elena nodded. But I don't want Kayla to be a part of it." "Too late" groans Kayla. Kol smiles. "That's my girl." "Let your boyfriend take you to the dance. We'll see who shows up. I'll take Kayla." "That's a bad idea." "Till we get him, this house isn't safe. For anyone who lives in it. It's worth a shot." Kayla nods. "Please be careful." Kayla looks soft at Kol. "We'll be as careful as we can." Damon nods and hooks his arm into her.

The '50s dance. The students of Mystic Falls are dressed in their best '50s getups and dancing to "This Magic Moment". Caroline and Bonnie are dancing together on the dance floor. Elena and Stefan, arms linked, walk into the dance, with Damon standing on the other side of Elena, her arm linked to Kayla's. The original ghost stands next to her. Jealous as ever. They looked around the dance floor for any sign of danger. "Come on dance with me," says Damon. "She won't mate, you don't have a chance. Kayla smiles. "For now," she says softly. "I will. You know what, let's dance yeah." Koll scoffs. "When that dagger is out of me, you better dust off that fancy dress of you, cause I'll take you dancing." Kayla smiles. "I look forward to that" she whispers.

Kayla and Damon are still on the dance floor. Kayla still has her arms wrapped around Damon's neck and Damon has his hands placed on her hips. While they dance, Damon looks around for any signs of the vampire. "Shouldn't you guys be able to sense each other or something?" "No. It doesn't work that way. See him anywhere?" "Not unless he has a pompadour." "Heh. Wow. Not one of the better fashion trends." " Come on. I'm sure you looked great back then. Are there pictures?" "No. Burned. Buried." "Seriously, what was it like, the fifties? Cause in my mind, I have this picture of somewhere between "American Bandstand," and "Grease." It's all varsity sweaters and milkshakes." "Well, that and, you know, McCarthyism and segregation and nuclear arms race." "Ok, but there were poodle skirts?" "There were poodle skirts." Damon spins Kayla around and pulls her back in. "You're so teaching me how to do the hand jive." "No. That's not gonna happen." "Ooh" jokes Kayla. "I'll teach you, love" jokes Kol. Kayla chuckles.

"Maybe he's not gonna show," says Kayla after dancing for almost an hour with Damon. "You mean we did all this dancing for nothing?" "Ahh, the horror" jokes Kayla. Damon chuckles. "The only horror is that I can't get a drink" groans Kol. " I'm really sorry for all this." "It's my choice. I decided to be here. I officially signed up for it, so I don't wanna hear you apologizing anymore." "Damon" whispers Kayla and points to the back corner of the dance. "Come on," he says, and grabs Kayla her hand. "Love stay here, come on! Please." Kayla shakes her head and follows Damon.

They walk into the hall in search of Elena and the vampire kid Noah. They find Stefan, Elena, and Noah fighting not so far away. Elena walks backwards and bumps into a mop bucket. She turns around and grabs the mop from the bucket and uses her knee to break the handle in two to create a stake. Noah rips the pencil out of his hand and gets up. As he advances toward Elena, she thrusts the stake towards him, but he is too quick and grabs her wrist. Noah takes the stake out of her hand and tosses it aside. He then goes in to bite her neck. Elena screams, but before Noah can bite her, Stefan rips him away from her and tosses him to the ground. Noah gets up from the floor. "Hey dickhead" says Damon. "Come on nobody wants to kill you. We just want to talk." Noah smiles and rushes back toward Elena. Damon throws the stake at Stefan, who grabs it and stakes Noah in the stomach. Noah grunts and falls to his knees. Damon jumps in front of Kayla and Stefan so they can interrogate Noah. Kayla took a step backward. "Darling, stay at the back. Come on!" "Now feel like talking," asks Stefan. "Screw you" groans the vampire. Stefan digs the stake deeper. Noah groans in pain. "Oh come on, is this really necessary," asks Kayla. Kol chuckles. "Sometimes violence is the only answer darling." "Wrong answer. Why are you doing this?" "Because it's fun!" "I'll show you fun" groans Kol. "What do you want with them?" "I just want the one that looks like Katharine" whines Noah. "You knew Katherine," asks Damon. Noah laughs. "Oh. You thought you were the only ones? You guys don't even remember me!" "Tell me to get into the tomb... now!" "The grimoire." "Where is it?" "Check the journal. The journal. Johnathan's journal. Johnathan Gilbert's." "Who else is working with you?" "No. You're gonna have to kill me." "Don't" yells Kayla. Stefan looks at Damon, who looks at Kayla. He grabs her from behind and places his hand over her lips. "Who Mate.. Don't break her little heart! I'll break you!" "No" screamed Kayla. Stefan removes the stake from Noah's stomach. Stefan waits for a moment, then stakes Noah in the heart. "No" screams Kayla and tries to escape the hands of Damon. "What do we...how are you gonna find the others now," asks Elena. "He had to die, he was invited in," says Stefan. Elena sighs and walks over to Kayla. She hugs Kayla.

"You'll be alright, Kayla. It will grow onto you. I promise." Kayla sighs. "I'm not sure I want to" she whispers. "I'll take you home," says Elena, and hugs her once again. Kayla nods and takes a deep sigh. Kol smiles comfortingly at her. "Oh Kayla, just Wait till I can hug you.." Kayla smiles soft. Truth be told she wants to hug him. At first she was doubtful about his presence. But now.. In a short time.. He became her friend.