
chapter 17

Doctor Lincoln was having a busy day at the hospital when he received an urgent message from the reception desk. As he approached, he was surprised to see his family waiting for him, concern etched on their faces.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Lincoln asked.

His sister, Lillie, was holding her arm with a pained expression. "I think I hurt my arm, Lincoln. It really hurts."

Lincoln immediately examined her arm and suspected a fracture. "I'm going to need an X-ray to confirm, but it looks like it may be broken."

The X-ray confirmed his suspicions, and he delivered the news to Lillie and their family.

"I'm afraid Lillie's arm is broken. She will need a cast for about three months to allow it to heal properly," Lincoln explained.

Lillie nodded, trying to hide her disappointment. "I understand, Lincoln. I'll do whatever it takes to get better."

After placing the cast on her arm, Lincoln emphasized the need for Lillie to follow the doctor's recommendations. Despite feeling a little down, Lillie maintained a positive attitude, grateful that her brother was there to take care of her.

As they left the hospital, Lillie reassured her brother, "I'll be patient, Lincoln. Thanks for helping me."

Despite the difficult situation, the family remained supportive, devising creative ways to keep Lillie entertained during her recovery. They spent time together, watching movies, playing games, and creating art, making the best of their time while Lillie's arm healed.

When the cast was finally removed, Lillie was ecstatic. Her arm had fully recovered, thanks to the care provided by her family, especially her brother, Doctor Lincoln. They celebrated by going out for a special family dinner, grateful for the bond that had grown even stronger during a challenging time.Doc Lincoln and his little sister Lillie spent a beautiful Saturday gliding through the park on their rollerblades. The sun was shining, and the gentle breeze made the day perfect for outdoor activities. As they circled the park, Lillie went to perform a trick, but her rollerblades got tangled, causing her to fall hard. She cried out in pain, clutching her arm.

"Are you okay, Lillie?" Lincoln rushed over to her side and inspected her arm. "Let me take a look."

Lillie winced as Lincoln gently touched her arm. "It hurts, Lincoln. I think I twisted it badly."

After examining Lillie's arm, Lincoln concluded, "I'm afraid it might be broken. We need to get you home and have it checked by a doctor."

Supporting Lillie, Lincoln helped her back home, where he carefully attempted to rest her arm. Lillie gritted her teeth as he worked yet remained brave. Once her arm was stable, Lincoln secured a cast around it to support the healing process.

"Okay, Lillie, the cast is on. You're going to have to keep it on for about three months," Lincoln explained as he helped her sit up.

Lillie's face fell at the news. "Three months with a cast? But that means I can't go rollerblading or do any fun activities."

"I know, Lillie, it's not easy," Lincoln sympathized, "but it's crucial for your arm to heal properly. We'll find other fun things to do at home. Maybe we can play some board games or learn a new craft together."

Lillie nodded, understanding the situation. "Okay, I'll try to be patient. Thanks for taking care of me, Lincoln."

Over the next three months, Lincoln and Lillie found new ways to enjoy their time together. They embarked on new hobbies, explored cooking, and discovered the joy of storytelling. As Lillie's arm gradually healed, the bond between the siblings grew even stronger.

When the day finally arrived to remove the cast, Lillie was ecstatic. The doctor confirmed her arm had healed perfectly. Lincoln and Lillie celebrated the occasion with a small gathering of their friends and family, feeling grateful for the experiences they shared during Lillie's recovery. As soon as the cast was off, they wasted no time in returning to the park, filled with excitement to resume their favorite activity—rollerblading.Once upon a time in the small and peaceful town of Rivertown, Doc Lincoln and his little sister Lillie enjoyed a sunny afternoon rollerblading through the streets. The duo often spent their weekends engaging in outdoor activities, and rollerblading was one of their favorites. As they skated along, Lillie took a tumble, twisting her arm in an awkward position.

"Ouch! My arm hurts, Lincoln," Lillie winced as she clutched her injured arm.

Concerned, Lincoln skated over to his sister and gently felt her arm. "I think it's broken, Lillie. Let's get you home and have a closer look."

After arriving home, Lincoln carefully examined Lillie's arm and then gently readjusted it. Lillie winced in pain but bravely endured the discomfort. Doc Lincoln then skillfully placed a cast on her arm, ensuring she was comfortable throughout the process.

"There we go, Lillie. It's all done. You've been really brave. Now, you'll have to keep the cast on for about three months," Lincoln advised, gently patting his sister's back.

Perplexed, Lillie looked up at her brother with a frown, "Three months? But I won't be able to go rollerblading or do any of our fun activities."

Lincoln understood the disappointment in Lillie's voice but assured her, "I know it's tough, but it's vital for your arm to heal properly. We'll find other things to do in the meantime. Maybe focus on some crafts or watch some movies together?"

Lillie smiled at her brother's reassuring words, "Okay, I guess that sounds like fun too."

Despite the initial disappointment, the siblings found new ways to spend time together. As they awaited the day when Lillie's arm would be healed and the cast removed, they bonded over board games, movie nights, and drawing. Their bond grew stronger during this period, and when the day finally arrived for the cast to be taken off, Lillie's arm was perfectly healed.

Excited and grateful, Lillie hugged her brother, "Thanks, Lincoln, for being the best brother and taking such good care of me!"

Lincoln ruffled her hair with a smile, "Anytime, Lillie. Now, how about we celebrate with a special rollerblading trip?"Dr. Lincoln and his younger sister Lillie were racing down the neighborhood sidewalks on a sunny afternoon, enjoying the wind in their hair as they rollerbladed. As they sped down the pavement, Lillie took a tumble and twisted her arm, wincing in pain.

"Darn it," Lillie muttered, cradling her arm. Dr. Lincoln rushed to her side, concern etched on his face.

"Let me take a look at that, Lillie," he said, gingerly feeling her arm. "I think it might be broken."

Lillie's face paled, worry creeping into her eyes. "Broken? But I don't want to go to the hospital!"

Dr. Lincoln comforted her, assuring her that they needed to make sure her arm was okay. He helped Lillie up and took her to the nearest hospital. After an X-ray confirmed the break, Lillie was given a cast to stabilize her arm.

Back at home, Dr. Lincoln sat Lillie down and gently explained that she would need to keep the cast on for three months and refrain from rollerblading until it was off.

Lillie's disappointment was evident, but she nodded solemnly. "Okay, I understand. I'll be careful and patient."

Over the next few months, Dr. Lincoln meticulously cared for Lillie's arm, making sure it healed properly. Lillie missed the thrill of rollerblading, but she spent quality time with her brother, bonding over games and movies instead.

When the day finally arrived to remove the cast, Lillie beamed with excitement. With Dr. Lincoln by her side, they returned to the hospital, and the cast was removed. Lillie's arm felt free again, and she couldn't wait to hit the pavement on her rollerblades.

"Let's take it slow," Dr. Lincoln cautioned. "We need to make sure your arm is fully healed before you start racing around again."

Lillie promised to take it easy and thanked her brother for taking such good care of her. As they rolled back onto the sidewalk, Lillie relished in the freedom of movement, grateful for her brother's care and attention.Once upon a sunny afternoon, Doc Lincoln and his little sister Lillie, decided to go rollerblading on the promenade. The gentle breeze and warm sun felt like a perfect way to spend the day. They skated with laughter and joy, cherishing each other's company until tragedy struck. Lillie twisted her arm while attempting to do a spin and winced in pain. Lincoln immediately rushed to her side and examined her arm. He felt the bone and expression on his face turned serious. "It's broken, we need to take you to the hospital," Lincoln said with concern in his voice.

With trepidation, they made their way to the hospital, where the doctors confirmed Lincoln's diagnosis, and Lillie needed a cast. Lillie felt a little scared, but her big brother's reassurance helped her stay calm. Doctor Lincoln stayed by her side the whole time, making sure she was comfortable and felt safe during the process.

After a few hours, the cast was finally in place. As they drove back home, Lincoln explained to Lillie that the cast would need to stay on for three months and that she couldn't rollerblade during that time. Lillie was disappointed, but she nodded in understanding. She knew her brother was right, and she didn't want to risk injuring herself again.

The following days and weeks were challenging for Lillie, who struggled to adapt to her limited mobility. But Lincoln was there to support her every step of the way, helping her with everyday tasks and cheering her up with games and stories. As the weeks passed, Lillie's spirits lifted, knowing she had her brother's unwavering support.

Lillie diligently followed the doctor's advice and took care of her arm, eagerly waiting for the day when she could finally be free of the cumbersome cast. Finally, after three long months, the cast was removed. Lillie's smile was as bright as the sun as she moved her arm freely for the first time in what felt like an eternity.

Elated, she immediately turned to Lincoln, "Thank you for taking care of me, big brother."

"Of course, Lillie. I'll always be there for you," Lincoln replied with a warm smile.

As they left the hospital, Lillie looked up at her brother and said, "I don't need to rollerblade to have fun, as long as I have you by my side, everything is perfect."

Lincoln's heart swelled with pride and love for his little sister, knowing that they had grown even closer through this experience. And together, they continued to make the most of every moment, finding joy in each other's company, and cherishing the simple pleasures of life.Lincoln and Lillie were gliding smoothly around the park on their rollerblades, enjoying the warm sunshine and fresh air. Lillie, feeling confident, decided to attempt a tricky maneuver, but the next thing they knew, she had twisted her arm badly in the fall.

"Ouch! My arm! It hurts so bad," she winced.

Concerned for Lillie, Lincoln helped her up and carefully led her to Stella's house, the closest place they could get help. Stella's parents were understanding and quickly offered to drive them to the hospital. Stella stayed with Lillie to provide comfort as Lincoln hurried to fill out the release forms.

After a long and tense wait, the doctor emerged and gave the diagnosis. Lillie's arm would need to be in a cast for three months. Disappointed, the trio slowly walked back home. It was now dark, and the streets were quiet.

When they reached Stella's house, Lincoln turned to her and said, "Stella, I don't want to sound weird or anything, but I've had a great time with you today. I know this is a bit sudden, but would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Stella's eyes widened in surprise, and then a smile blossomed on her face. "I'd love to be your girlfriend, Lincoln!"

The next day, Lillie's parents were full of concern when they heard about the accident. Lincoln explained everything to them while asking if Stella could stay the night to ensure Lillie wasn't alone. Thankfully, Lillie's parents agreed.

The next morning after breakfast, Lincoln walked Stella back to her home and had a heart-to-heart with her parents. He told them about their new relationship and asked if he could teach Stella how to skateboard while she recovered from her injury. They couldn't help but smile seeing the young couple's budding romance and agreed to let Stella join Lincoln in learning how to skateboard.

Excited by the news, Stella asked, "Could you really teach me, Lincoln?"

"Of course! I have an extra skateboard, knee pads, elbow pads, and a helmet for you. Let's take it slow and make sure you're comfortable," Lincoln reassured her.

As they skated away, the two of them cruised down the sidewalk, enjoying the warm sun together, grateful for their new friendship and blossoming romance.Lincoln and Lillie had spent the afternoon rollerblading through the park, enjoying the warm weather and each other's company. As they were performing tricks, Lillie twisted her arm in an unfortunate fall and winced in pain.

Concerned, Lincoln helped her up and looked around for a place they could go for help. Stella's house was nearby, so he quickly led Lillie there, knowing that Stella's parents would be able to help them get to the hospital.

Once at the hospital, the doctor informed them that Lillie's arm would need to be in a cast for a few months. Lincoln stayed by Lillie's side, comforting her as the doctor treated her arm. Stella, being the good friend that she was, stayed with them until Lincoln had to sign the release forms.

As they walked home, the sky had darkened, and Lincoln asked Stella if she wanted to be his girlfriend. Stella's eyes widened in surprise, but she smiled and replied, "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend, Lincoln."

When they arrived home, Lincoln's parents asked about what had happened. After Lincoln explained, he asked if Stella could stay the night. His parents agreed, and Stella happily agreed as well.

The next day, after a filling breakfast, Lincoln walked Stella home, and they officially went public about their relationship. Stella's parents welcomed Lincoln into their home, and Stella asked if Lincoln could teach her how to ride a skateboard.

Excitedly, Lincoln agreed and even gave her his extra skateboard, along with knee pads, elbow pads, and a helmet to ensure she was safe while learning. From that day on, Lincoln and Stella spent more time together, with Lincoln teaching her skateboarding tricks and solidifying their newfound romance.Once upon a sunny afternoon, Doc Lincoln and his little sister Lillie, decided to go rollerblading on the promenade. The gentle breeze and warm sun felt like a perfect way to spend the day. They skated with laughter and joy, cherishing each other's company until tragedy struck. Lillie twisted her arm while attempting to do a spin and winced in pain. Lincoln immediately rushed to her side and examined her arm. He felt the bone and expression on his face turned serious. "It's broken, we need to take you to the hospital," Lincoln said with concern in his voice.

With trepidation, they made their way to the hospital, where the doctors confirmed Lincoln's diagnosis, and Lillie needed a cast. Lillie felt a little scared, but her big brother's reassurance helped her stay calm. Doctor Lincoln stayed by her side the whole time, making sure she was comfortable and felt safe during the process.

After a few hours, the cast was finally in place. As they drove back home, Lincoln explained to Lillie that the cast would need to stay on for three months and that she couldn't rollerblade during that time. Lillie was disappointed, but she nodded in understanding. She knew her brother was right, and she didn't want to risk injuring herself again.

The following days and weeks were challenging for Lillie, who struggled to adapt to her limited mobility. But Lincoln was there to support her every step of the way, helping her with everyday tasks and cheering her up with games and stories. As the weeks passed, Lillie's spirits lifted, knowing she had her brother's unwavering support.

Lillie diligently followed the doctor's advice and took care of her arm, eagerly waiting for the day when she could finally be free of the cumbersome cast. Finally, after three long months, the cast was removed. Lillie's smile was as bright as the sun as she moved her arm freely for the first time in what felt like an eternity.

Elated, she immediately turned to Lincoln, "Thank you for taking care of me, big brother."

"Of course, Lillie. I'll always be there for you," Lincoln replied with a warm smile.

As they left the hospital, Lillie looked up at her brother and said, "I don't need to rollerblade to have fun, as long as I have you by my side, everything is perfect."

Lincoln's heart swelled with pride and love for his little sister, knowing that they had grown even closer through this experience. And together, they continued to make the most of every moment, finding joy in each other's company, and cherishing the simple pleasures of life.Lincoln and Lillie were gliding smoothly around the park on their rollerblades, enjoying the warm sunshine and fresh air. Lillie, feeling confident, decided to attempt a tricky maneuver, but the next thing they knew, she had twisted her arm badly in the fall.

"Ouch! My arm! It hurts so bad," she winced.

Concerned for Lillie, Lincoln helped her up and carefully led her to Stella's house, the closest place they could get help. Stella's parents were understanding and quickly offered to drive them to the hospital. Stella stayed with Lillie to provide comfort as Lincoln hurried to fill out the release forms.

After a long and tense wait, the doctor emerged and gave the diagnosis. Lillie's arm would need to be in a cast for three months. Disappointed, the trio slowly walked back home. It was now dark, and the streets were quiet.

When they reached Stella's house, Lincoln turned to her and said, "Stella, I don't want to sound weird or anything, but I've had a great time with you today. I know this is a bit sudden, but would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Stella's eyes widened in surprise, and then a smile blossomed on her face. "I'd love to be your girlfriend, Lincoln!"

The next day, Lillie's parents were full of concern when they heard about the accident. Lincoln explained everything to them while asking if Stella could stay the night to ensure Lillie wasn't alone. Thankfully, Lillie's parents agreed.

The next morning after breakfast, Lincoln walked Stella back to her home and had a heart-to-heart with her parents. He told them about their new relationship and asked if he could teach Stella how to skateboard while she recovered from her injury. They couldn't help but smile seeing the young couple's budding romance and agreed to let Stella join Lincoln in learning how to skateboard.

Excited by the news, Stella asked, "Could you really teach me, Lincoln?"

"Of course! I have an extra skateboard, knee pads, elbow pads, and a helmet for you. Let's take it slow and make sure you're comfortable," Lincoln reassured her.

As they skated away, the two of them cruised down the sidewalk, enjoying the warm sun together, grateful for their new friendship and blossoming romance.Lincoln and Lillie had spent the afternoon rollerblading through the park, enjoying the warm weather and each other's company. As they were performing tricks, Lillie twisted her arm in an unfortunate fall and winced in pain.

Concerned, Lincoln helped her up and looked around for a place they could go for help. Stella's house was nearby, so he quickly led Lillie there, knowing that Stella's parents would be able to help them get to the hospital.

Once at the hospital, the doctor informed them that Lillie's arm would need to be in a cast for a few months. Lincoln stayed by Lillie's side, comforting her as the doctor treated her arm. Stella, being the good friend that she was, stayed with them until Lincoln had to sign the release forms.

As they walked home, the sky had darkened, and Lincoln asked Stella if she wanted to be his girlfriend. Stella's eyes widened in surprise, but she smiled and replied, "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend, Lincoln."

When they arrived home, Lincoln's parents asked about what had happened. After Lincoln explained, he asked if Stella could stay the night. His parents agreed, and Stella happily agreed as well.

The next day, after a filling breakfast, Lincoln walked Stella home, and they officially went public about their relationship. Stella's parents welcomed Lincoln into their home, and Stella asked if Lincoln could teach her how to ride a skateboard.

Excitedly, Lincoln agreed and even gave her his extra skateboard, along with knee pads, elbow pads, and a helmet to ensure she was safe while learning. From that day on, Lincoln and Stella spent more time together, with Lincoln teaching her skateboarding tricks and solidifying their newfound romance.Lincoln and Lillie were enjoying an afternoon rollerblading around their neighborhood when Lillie unexpectedly tumbled and twisted her arm. As she winced in pain, Lincoln quickly helped her up and thought on his feet. The closest person they could turn to for help was Stella. Lincoln steered Lillie to Stella's house and urgently requested for her parents to take them to the hospital.

Upon arrival, Stella stayed by Lillie's side, providing comfort and support as they waited for the doctors. Lincoln anxiously paced the hospital corridors, occasionally checking in on Lillie and thanking Stella for her kindness. Lillie's parents arrived shortly after, and they were soon informed that Lillie's arm was okay, albeit a little sore.

As they made their way back home, Lincoln expressed his deep gratitude to Stella for helping them through such a difficult situation. As they walked in the dimly lit hours of evening, Lincoln found the courage to ask Stella a question that had been on his mind for some time, "Stella, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Stella's eyes sparkled as she smiled and replied, "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend, Lincoln."

On their return home, Lincoln's parents were eager to hear what had transpired. As Lincoln recounted the events, he requested if Stella could stay the night at their home, and his parents assented. The next morning, after breakfast, Lincoln walked Stella back to her house and confidently informed her parents that she was now his girlfriend. They warmly accepted the news, pleased to see the bond between their children.

Before leaving, Stella asked Lincoln if he could teach her how to ride a skateboard. Lincoln gladly agreed and gave her his extra skateboard, along with knee pads, elbow pads, and a helmet, ensuring her safety as she got to grips with a new skill. Over the following days, Lincoln and Stella's connection grew stronger as they spent time together, exploring new activities and discovering shared interests.Lincoln and Lillie had been rollerblading down the street, trying to make the most of the summer afternoon. It was then that Lillie took a wrong turn and twisted her arm, grimacing in pain. Lincoln immediately knew they needed help, and since Stella lived just a couple of houses away, he helped Lillie to her feet and they made their way to Stella's house. Stella, as always, was quick to assist, and called Lillie's parents right away, suggesting they take her to the hospital.

The three of them sat in the emergency room waiting area, Lincoln feeling concerned for Lillie. Stella stayed by his side, offering support and comfort throughout the wait. When the doctor brought the release forms, Lincoln escorted Lillie outside to meet her parents. Stella stayed close, showing genuine care for her friend, which didn't go unnoticed by Lincoln. As they walked back home, Lincoln asked Stella a question that had been playing on his mind, "Stella, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Stella smiled, her eyes lighting up, "Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend, Lincoln."

When they got home, Lincoln's parents were waiting. He explained what had happened and that Stella would be staying the night. His parents agreed, understanding the situation. The next morning, after having breakfast, Lincoln walked Stella back to her house. Her parents greeted them as they arrived, and Stella proudly stated, "Lincoln and I are together now!" Her parents smiled, expressing their support.

Before leaving, Stella asked Lincoln if he could teach her to ride a skateboard. As an enthusiast of all things wheeled, Lincoln pulled out his extra skateboard, handing it to her with a grin. "Of course, I'd love to show you." Stella beamed at him, thrilled to spend more time together, knowing they were embarking on a new journey as a couple.Lincoln and Lillie were having a blast rollerblading down the park when suddenly, Lillie took a tumble and twisted her arm. She winced in pain, causing Lincoln to quickly rush to her side. "Are you okay, Lillie?" he asked, a worried look on his face.

Lillie shook her head, her eyes filled with pain. "It really hurts, Lincoln. I don't think I can move it."

Lincoln knew they needed help, and the closest person he could think of was Stella. "Stella's house is just a few blocks away. Let's go there, maybe her parents can help us."

With Lillie leaning on him, they made their way to Stella's house. Stella's parents, both doctors, immediately took care of Lillie and suggested they take her to the hospital for a check-up.

Stella offered to stay with Lincoln and Lillie until Lillie's parents arrived. She supported them through the anxious wait, and Lincoln was grateful for her comforting presence. After Lillie was released from the hospital, Lillie's parents took them home. As they arrived, the night had fallen, with the sky dark and stars twinkling above.

Lincoln turned to Stella, feeling grateful and a bit nervous. "Stella, I really like you and I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend?"

Stella's face lit up and she replied, "Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend, Lincoln."

Hearing the commotion, Lincoln's parents asked what had happened. He explained everything, and when he asked if Stella could stay the night, they gladly agreed.

The next morning, after breakfast, Lincoln walked Stella home. While walking, Stella asked, "Lincoln, do you think you could teach me how to ride a skateboard? I've always wanted to learn, and I think it would be fun to try something new."

Lincoln grinned. "I have an extra skateboard at home. Let's go get it, and I'll show you the ropes! It'll be a blast."

From that day on, Lincoln and Stella's bond grew stronger, and they enjoyed spending time together. They shared their hobbies, and as Lincoln taught Stella how to ride a skateboard, their friendship blossomed into something more.Lincoln and Lillie were enjoying an afternoon rollerblading around their neighborhood when Lillie unexpectedly tumbled and twisted her arm. As she winced in pain, Lincoln quickly helped her up and thought on his feet. The closest person they could turn to for help was Stella. Lincoln steered Lillie to Stella's house and urgently requested for her parents to take them to the hospital.

Upon arrival, Stella stayed by Lillie's side, providing comfort and support as they waited for the doctors. Lincoln anxiously paced the hospital corridors, occasionally checking in on Lillie and thanking Stella for her kindness. Lillie's parents arrived shortly after, and they were soon informed that Lillie's arm was okay, albeit a little sore.

As they made their way back home, Lincoln expressed his deep gratitude to Stella for helping them through such a difficult situation. As they walked in the dimly lit hours of evening, Lincoln found the courage to ask Stella a question that had been on his mind for some time, "Stella, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Stella's eyes sparkled as she smiled and replied, "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend, Lincoln."

On their return home, Lincoln's parents were eager to hear what had transpired. As Lincoln recounted the events, he requested if Stella could stay the night at their home, and his parents assented. The next morning, after breakfast, Lincoln walked Stella back to her house and confidently informed her parents that she was now his girlfriend. They warmly accepted the news, pleased to see the bond between their children.

Before leaving, Stella asked Lincoln if he could teach her how to ride a skateboard. Lincoln gladly agreed and gave her his extra skateboard, along with knee pads, elbow pads, and a helmet, ensuring her safety as she got to grips with a new skill. Over the following days, Lincoln and Stella's connection grew stronger as they spent time together, exploring new activities and discovering shared interests.