
Limitless Chat Group in the multiverse

Ever since the day Alex was born he has never felt any type of emotions and when people looked at him the only thing they could see was an average looking person with black hair and no distinct features except his deep black eyes that seemed they would peer into your soul. Alex on the hand looked at the world through those same eyes and could only see black and white. Until one day his sister introduced him to anime and manga, this was a whole new world for Alex with so many different colours and powers, he admired those OP characters who could do whatever they wanted and wished to be like them. Finally at the end of his life, surrounded only by his sister, Alex finally let out a small smile before passing away. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Harem will be at most 2 or 3, with the romance being hopefully well developed and not just making the women pokemons. This is a fanfic, I don't own any of the anime series or manga I may mention in my fiction. Also this is my first ever time in writing a story so please be patient with me. BTW english isn`t my first language so pease bear with the poor grammar. cover photo also belongs to owner and not me (I only took it from google)

Temporal_Daoist · Cómic
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2 Chs

Update 2: "Eternal Odyssey: Unorthodox Group Chat"

Release Schedule:

-Every Tuesday

-Every Friday

-Every Sunday


"Chapter 4: Unorthodox Group Chat Members" of "Eternal Odyssey: Unorthodox Group Chat" out right now!!!

Go check out the new group chat members and show some support 😊.