
Limited Progress System: The Fanfic(Demon Slayer Arc)

In the vastness of space, there was a planet called Earth, and there inhabited humans as the dominant race, among the humans, there was a young man, who lived as a normal student, until one day, he just dies. Then he meets a self-proclaimed God, who sends him to hell for being atheistic. At that moment he meets with someone who changed everything for him. From there he is given a system and given a quest to acquire the necessary power for his journey, and someone to keep him company as well as explain things. This began Zellrith's journey with his limited progress system.

HaremFanficFairy · Cómic
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4 Chs

1-Standard Start

In a typical high school, more specifically one of the senior-year classrooms, there was a young man called Zellrith among the students, who was trying to pay attention but the lesson was so boring he was half asleep throughout most of it, even drool coming out of his mouth without noticing, that was how sleepy he felt.

Soon the lesson ended and Zellrith went back to his house directly since he didn't have any friends in his current class or school, then as he got inside, to an empty house, he just went to his room.

"Man, I wish I had a girlfriend... Then again maybe getting new friends would help me get over this loneliness... It was my bad to expect things to just stay the same with my old friends." Zellrith looked at the roof of his room with a solemn expression.

He then moved on with his day, and at some point went to sleep.

From there, Zellrith found himself in a white room, and in front of him, was an old man with an insurmountable aura, that left him speechless.

"Hello my child, I'm the one humans refer to as their God, then again just call me old Yan." Old Yan introduced himself.

(Image here)

"There you are, one of the many failures of humanity. You just had to do as I said and maybe your family would have been there. Anyway, normally someone like you could still go to heaven, but you lost that right, you can no longer repent, no matter how many times you beg for forgiveness, I gave you a last chance, and you failed." Old Yan said.

"Why are you doing this at all? Aren't you all-powerful?" Zellrith took the chance to ask.

"Even I can still get bored, and you humans have always been quite entertaining, but lately it got a bit too stale, so I decided to make things more interesting, and just as I had seen, things became more interesting with all the conflict derived from this, that's how lowly beings like humans grow, through conflict... If only I didn't love them too much to rid them of their pitiful existence." Old Yan answered.

"... So not only am I going to hell, you're still going to torment those who stay behind?" Zellrith questioned.

"You're not looking at it as you should, I am the creator, I know best what will take humanity on the path to not be so pathetic. If your family has to suffer or die for it, it's nothing new, that's how it's always been for humans." Old Yan replied.

"You're a jerk..." Zellrith concluded.

"Don't you say... Everyone wants to be above a system they don't believe in, after all, anything that doesn't jell with your views of reality is dumb, stupid or idealist… maybe all three, whatever the case, I hope you can make the best out of the situation, you inferior existences love to surprise." Old Yan smiled.

Just like that, Zellrith was sent to a different place, and as he looked around, it seemed he was in a completely dark place, where no form of light could be found... That was until it could when in the middle of it, he saw his family carrying weapons, looking at him with sadistic smiles.

"This... Can't be... Right?" Zellrith couldn't believe what he just witnessed.

Before any more could be said, they ran at him and hunted the young man, day after day, nonstop, he was harassed and mutilated by the image of his family members only to wake up tomorrow good as new for the next hunt.

There were many forms of personal hell, some of solitude, some of company, some of love, some of hate... In Zellrith's case, it was a hell of betrayal, one done by the few people he put his trust in, his family.

Every time he died, he hoped to wake up from what he considered a nightmare, one where no matter what he said, things would never improve. Even though he knows these aren't his real family, they themselves don't seem to know, as they adopted from the simplest of mannerisms to the deepest memory the real ones had. The biggest dividing factor was, that his actual family would never do this to him, never the less, it hurt to be killed by the image of his mother while she told him about that one embarrassing baby story for the millionth time.

Eventually, he was tired of running, and the feelings started getting numb, but then just like it was nothing his mind felt empty for a second before he looked around in confusion like it was the first time he was there, then like a replay, he saw his family and.

"This... Can't be... Right?" Zellrith couldn't believe what he just witnessed.

The cycle continued until once again he went numb and as that happened, the memories of the first time came back to him, and the horror of the situation hit him.

"This! This! THIS IS HELL! And it's far worse than I thought!" Zellrith cried in pain and distress with an expression that matched that.

Before he could think any further, his mind went blank again, and his confusion about the location came together with it, until once again his family came and.

"This... Can't be... Right?" Zellrith couldn't believe what he just witnessed.

It was endless, and it repeated itself countless times, only the memories of the last hunt cycle being given back to him every time in the end, so he could never overcome what he was never allowed to understand.

Even in the times he snapped and managed to kill some of them or maybe even all of them, or never changed the outcome since they would come back and keep hunting him until he was dead.

Things seemed impossible to improve, but then in the same mystical way that he just appeared in this space, everything stopped as even the demonic copies of his family were frozen in place.

And from the darkness came a tall being wearing a top hat, but that wasn't the most unusual feature the creature boasted, no, that honor would go to its head, for being a camera, an old-looking camera at that.

(Image here)

"Greetings young one, I couldn't help but notice you're in quite the pickle." The being said.

"Hahahaha! That's a light way to put it! I'm not in a pickle, I'm totally and completely fucked!" Zellrith replied with his eyes wide open not even questioning the creature before him.

"Not inaccurate to your situation, indeed. Anyhow, I would like to propose something much less... Unsightly than this... At least you won't be stuck in a loop... Not by me." The being added.

"Hahaha, trying to give me false hope? That's low, but it's to be expected from a shitty God, what's the deal?" Zellrith understood the situation he was in and no matter what he did, he was stuck in this cycle.

"I will get you out of that... As you said Shitty God's grasp and send you to the fictional omniverse with some things I've prepared in advance. In exchange, once you reach the Final World, you'll come back to kill the Shitty God." The being continued.

"Oh really?! If you're so powerful, why not kill him yourself?" Zellrith was skeptical.

"Because as one of the True Primordials, who form the True Omnipotent being, I follow our rules, which forbid me from interfering with a lower form of existence in such a direct manner, I can at best do what I'm doing with you, without getting into some seriously annoying meeting." The being expressed.

"Just who are you?!" Zellrith raised his eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, I'm who an individual at your level would call, The Camara man. Just call me Cam tho. I'm one of the most powerful beings to have ever been in all of the worlds, reality, omniverse, or verses, whatever you want to call it, I can even feel the eyes of the beyond on us right now, they seem to be following you." Cam commented and the image of a smiley face came out as a photo.

".... What kind of... That makes no sense... Just what is going on?" Zellrith found himself confused.

"Don't worry, it gets much more absurd than this, some of my subordinates seem even more absurd than me. Like UI Shaggy, Stevis Christ, Final Boss of Ohio, and among many others. Just take my deal, at least you won't be stuck here anymore, and even get a chance at revenge... I can even promise you'll get a girlfriend... Multiple even, whatever floats your boat." Cam said as a photo of a creepily wide smile came out as it reached out with its hand.

"Each word makes you more suspicious, but I'm already in hell... So why not?... It's not like I'm taking the deal for the girlfriend or anything like that!" Zellrith took Cam's hand and they shook on it.

"Wonderful! This will definitely be a good show for all the others... Good luck, I hope you bring chaos." As Cam said those words, once again everything just disappeared for Zellrith.

In another empty space, Zellrith was floating around just before a girl with grey skin, red hair, and four arms appeared in front of him, then jumped at him with a tight hug that warmed him up like there was no tomorrow.

(Image here)

"... W-Who are you?" He asked with his eyes narrowed.

"Oh right, I got so excited seeing you that I didn't introduce myself, sorry... Tee hee... Errrggh... Gosh, how do some girls do this?... So, I'm Tessaria, your bonified super strong girlfriend... Mister Cam said that I was made according to your desires and fantasies or something... It was a lot to process at first, but then it was like, since I'm already here, I'll just see where this goes, and Mister Cam promised me a great journey...

"Though you don't have an obligation to anything... Hehehehe... Sorry, I'm a bit excited." Tessaria spoke quickly and had a wide smile with starry eyes during it all.

'On one hand, this is morally questionable... On the other hand, she's 100% my type and is excited to be here, so who am I to ruin the fun? Yes! Hahaha! I must be a man and take responsibility.' Zellrith instantly convinced himself that it was ok.

"Of course! We'll go on a journey... That guy said something about fiction and some preparations... I should have paid more attention." Zellrith realized he took things too lightly while rubbing the back of his head.

"Ah... I see... You're an airhead... Then again this did seem a like too shade for someone with a cautious head. Don't worry though, I can be a bit of an airhead myself, it's cute on you." Again Tessaria hugged him, but this time Zellrith noticed something, she was way much taller than him at 2,54m(8'3ft) and lifted him up from the ground.

"Cute?..." Zellrith blushed at the notion, not really being used to complements of any kind.

Before their little moment could progress any further, a floating screen appeared.

[Welcome to the Limited Progress System!]

[A message from Cam has been received, would you like to open it? Yes/No?]

"That looks creepy... Just floating transparent." Tessaria commented with an eyebrow raised.

"... Yes?..." Zellrith narrowed his eyes looking at it.

[HELLO! It's me, Cam, your favorite boundless being! I'm here to inform that you're kinda weak right now and it looks bad on me if you stay that way, so I made the system to give you missions and stuff... Don't take it to heart, OK?! Oh, and I might've possibly maybe perhaps also given you a tiny minor spec of a curse... It's nothing to worry about though, it just makes it so that any girl who falls in love with you, dies if you don't accept their love and make them yours, nothing much. In exchange, you got an amazing girlfriend and a super system, and aside from that, a ticket out of hell, I think this was the best deal you ever made! I have high hopes for you, you'll be the best, I know! tchao tchao! Love ya!~]

"This guy... You can't just curse me and call it a day?! That wasn't in our dea!!!!" Zellrith was not too excited knowing he didn't have much of a choice.

"I know you're right babe, but I think you should have been a little more careful with the deal... It was quite obvious that something shady would take place." Tessaria commented while hugging Zellrith.

"... Urgh... Then again, Old Yan was worse than this... So let's just move on, what now?" Zellrith pouted as he thought of the situation.

[Initiating transportation to a low-tier stage 1 world.]