
Chapter 5 -part 1[updated]:

Attention: this is the updated version of chapter 3. Just so you don't get confused I paywalled all the old ones. So yeah, enjoy!

Lilith PoV:

*flashback last thanksgiving*

It was cold outside. Inside the house was warm and the table was set. Mother wasn't there and Lilith was left with grandma. They were getting into an interesting conversation when her grandmother suddenly started talking about magic.

‘Oh come one g’ma I said I believe in ghosts, not in some mambo jumbo magic’

‘Oh come on dear, you loved listening to grandma's stories when you were little, remember?’

‘Yeah but only because I was little and naive’ she chomped on a turkey leg.

‘But what if I told you it exists and that I’ve seen it with my own eyes?’ she saw her grandma's eyes glinting.

‘Well then good for you but I still don’t believe you’ Lilith smirked.

‘What? Why not?’

‘Because I haven’t seen it with my own eyes. And besides, it’s just stories people tell from their figment of imagination' Lilith declared.

She was very confident with her proof but grandma was not at all convinced.

‘Maybe not yet dear. Soon enough.’ She chuckled as she ate her porridge.

The atmosphere was very quiet. Lilith was baffled but decided to ignore it. Then the night moved on normally.

*End of flashback*

I scrolled uninterestedly through Facebook. A lot has happened these past few days and I decided to have some rest. I like school but I can’t deal with Megan right now. that brat is seriously getting on my last nerve. Suddenly, I get emotional when someone mentions her name. And occasionally mad. I wonder how she feels when she harasses people.

It’s just her death that affected me in ways I never thought it would. I looked at the time. 1.00 am. 8 hours 34 minutes and 36 seconds after her funeral. 37. 38 .39. And still counting.

I got out of bed for a midnight snack. I didn’t eat much for dinner. The light from the fridge was the only light in the room.

I foraged the fridge. I poured a glass of milk and took some Oreos from the pantry. Looks like mom didn’t buy groceries this time. She’s getting more and more irresponsible. I sighed and sat down on the wooden chair with the matching table. I didn’t even care to turn on the light. I prefer the dark.

As I munched on the Oreos I couldn’t stop thinking about her. We sat down at the same table for every single holiday. We talked about everything: neighbors, gardens, tv shows, movies, boys, school. She was my mom. At that time I didn’t care much.

My favorite thing to talk about was supernatural stuff. About demons, angels, secret supernatural societies, ghosts. I may be persistent but I do too believe in ghosts. So what? even Albert Einstein did.

My eyes swelled when I think about her. I guess she always believed I could do something big with my life.

I was wandering in my thoughts when suddenly an alarm snapped me out. It was my sister. She quickly turned on the lights and stared at me for a while until I noticed her.

‘what are you doing here?’ I jumped from my chair startled.

‘Well looked like you needed help eating all those oreos’ she smiled. she snuck back in just like how she did 3 years ago.

She took a seat and everything was quiet for a minute. She didn’t say anything for the past 5 minutes.

Her aura was complicated to read. It's mixed like any other human being. I can't see her face clearly.

I recalled a passage from the Auraology book.

'Every human being has mixed feelings and emotions unlike simpler beings like animals. It's difficult to read them at some point and only experts can do that. But you can also read them with the help of vibrations from the aura. Sometimes you can see the energy levels and detect the energy within.'

I chomped on some Oreos. Delicious.

‘Hey, Lilith mind if I ask you something?’ she asked.

‘What is it?’

‘Well, you see, well…’ she kept rewinding like a broken record.

I can see her aura changing with hues of light blue and grey, forming a thick blue color.

She looked me in the eye. She didn’t say anything. Then she looked up at the ceiling and asked: ‘are you mad at me for leaving you here?’

‘Of course, I am, I am happy that you left me here while you enjoyed a 6-month vacation with your boyfriend'

‘Sorry Lily, the situation was like that, I was going to let you stay at aunt's house but mom argued constantly with me and I kinda already planned to move in with John.’ Her aura became a bit darker.

'it's okay, I know it's hard for you Martha, but please don't talk about that with me anymore', I sighed. Even I needed a break from all the drama.

‘Lilith you don’t understand-’

'Martha please! just...stop. I know why you're here. But Grandma is not here and you just came here to make it worse. please just go..' I cried.

'I just came here to share this message grandma sent me the day before she died ', she said and showed the text to me.

It said: 'dear Martha, I know we lost touch after the incident and I wanted to see my great-grandchild too before I die. But unfortunately, the wish didn't come true and I must go without saying goodbye to you. I want you to support Lilith and let her be the best she can be. I love you both. Stay strong.



I laughed through my tears. I think I finally lost it.

'you, look after me? I'm sorry but haven't you had enough to let me down already?' I laughed inappropriately.

She looked at me innocently making me look like the bad guy.

'I know you sacrificed a lot for me. but this time I wanted to do something for you instead. From today on, I will support you as much as possible.' she smiled and tried to hug me.

But I pushed her away violently and shouted.

'Just go away, I don't need you!'

Of course, I didn't mean it but somehow they slipped through my mouth.

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