
Chapter 31: Smile and Scowl

After Luke and Kaden left the theater room, the mathletes swarmed me. They had a million questions as to why Luke Dawson was dragging a junior mathlete out of practice.

I gave the five second summary, "Kaden bought a basketball player jersey and it's the same jersey that was used to intimidate me. I don't know or what he wants but-"

"He bought that jersey for his girlfriend," Toby said, confused, "His new girlfriend I mean. Not you."

Oh. My. God.

With that explanation, I ran out of the auditorium, shielding myself from the million more questions the mathletes fired out. It's. Not. Kaden.

I ran down the empty hallway. The sun was streaming in through the windows and bounced off the metal lockers. I skidded on the linoleum floor as I tried to make a sharp turn for the exit. I ran as fast as I could towards the front entrance and got there just in time to see it happen.

"Please don't! Stop!" I yelled.