
Lightning Sage(dropped)

Follow the MC on his journey through this world where might is right as he tries to find out its secrets and live a full life Don't judge the novel with the first chapter only, I am a first-time writer and my first couple of chapters made a lot of people drop, but if you continue reading and see a plot hole please comment and I'll fix it. This is not cultivation, it'll be explained in the later chapters. MC is younger than Itachi by 8 months meaning different school year. -OC MC -No harem -I'll try yo do romance but I'm pretty bad at it The cover is not mine.

RaitonMan · Cómic
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48 Chs

Training Starts

In the village, you could see a child that looks he's four or five running around the village, that is obviously Raiden who had just started training under his mother. 'Running around the entire village, I am still three you know.' Thought Raiden while running. After finishing his lap around the village, he returned to his mom to see what is the next training she is going to make him do.

Aino looked out the window and found her son coming home panting. 'Although he has a good body already after those lightning strikes, awakening the Sharingan at such a young age made his spiritual energy higher than his physical energy so he'll have to train till he balances them out.' Thought Aino about his condition and how he should train for the next two years.

"Mom, I'm finally finished with the lap around the village. What do I do now?" Asked Raiden to his mother who was making lunch at the moment. "First, let me explain the training regiment I've thought out for you. Although your body is already pretty good you clearly lack stamina, but it's okay since your still young so first we'll work on that, which means you'll start every day with a run around the village until I deem your stamina good enough, after that, you'll start muscle training by doing leg exercises, push exercises, pull exercises and core exercises. then you'll have an hour rest for lunch followed by Taijutsu training in the Uchiha style taijutsu, but don't worry I'll give you the evenings to yourself." Said Aino all while smiling at Raiden.

Raiden was shocked at the only physical training programme so he asked: "Why are they all physical exercises mom?" To which she smiled and answered " Well a good body is the foundation of a good shinobi, why? you don't like my training regiment?" He looked at her and said: "Well I don't how to start training anyway so I'll listen to you mom."

After that conversation, Raiden went to start his muscle training while his mom gave him on last instruction before he begins "Do 10 squats, 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups and we'll add to them every day." He nodded before starting to train. Because he had already spent most of his stamina running, by the time he was finished he was extremely tired, so he welcomed the hour-long break for lunch.

During lunch, he asked his mother about the taijutsu style of the Uchiha "Mom, what is the Uchiha taijutsu style like?" She looked at him and said "Well at top mastery it heavily incorporates the Sharingan, shuriken-Jutsu and having high speed. For you, it's still too early to use the Sharingan in it and I won't teach you shuriken-Jutsu till you are at least four, so we'll try to focus on high-speed and how to repel your opponent." she explained to him while he was eating. Raiden nodded and finished his lunch and rested a bit before his mother started training him.

Now standing opposite his mother he asked her a question that has been in his head since lunch "Mom what is the Sharingan?" His mother suddenly recalled she still hasn't explained it to him "Well it is an eye technique only passed down in the Uchiha clan that gives you improved eyesight, the ability to predict your opponent's movements and a great boost to illusion techniques." She said while activating her Sharingan so he can see what it looks like. Raiden looked at his mother's eyes and was fascinated by their red colour and three tomoe.

"Does that mean I have them too?" Raiden asked, excited about having the Sharingan "Well, yes and no. See every Uchiha has to experience very strong emotions to awaken their eyes" answered Aino while thinking 'He doesn't need to know about them yet. when we go to Konoha, I'll ask brother-in-law for his help in training him to use them.' Raiden thought for a bit then asked one more question "When did you awaken yours mom?" She flinched and remembered a painful memory then answered: "When I was 13 and found out my father died in the war." Raiden looked down and said: "Sorry for reminding you." she looked at him after deactivating her Sharingan "It's okay now let's begin."

And with that, she started to teach him how to fight. He looked at how fast she could move and was in awe at her speed. "Although you might think I am pretty fast, but there a lot of people faster than me, some people can even teleport." He was stunned "Woah, teleportation how is that possible." She smiled and said: "You'll find out a lot of things ar possible with chakra so try to finish training your body soon so we start with chakra."

After that, he continued to train with his mother until dinner time after which he asked for books about the history of the elemental nations and the Great Ninja Wars. She happily gave him the books and told him to read them and when he finished he could come to her if he has any questions or wants any other books.

A week after he began his training his mother increased his training because he adapted to it. This kept happening with his training increasing every time he adapted to it by the time he was four he was able to run around the village a dozen times and do a lot more muscle training and because he was now four another thing was added to his training, shuriken-Jutsu and kunai-Jutsu!

Today, Raiden has been training under his mother for a year and a half he was four years nine months old and his physical and spiritual energy were finally completely tuned with each other, so his mother was going to start teaching him how to control his chakra the next week, but before that happened his mother heard some deeply disturbing news, the newly elected Fourth Hokage and his wife died protecting the village from the attack of the nine-tailed fox! One of her friends and her husband who had helped her both died.

Aino made a decision after this, it has been long enough, five and a half years away from her home she decided to go back to Konoha!

So I've seen a lot of theories about Itachi's strength and I've seen one in particular that says that Itachi was stronger than Hiruzen since he was able to beat Orochimaru without even using his mangekyo and that Obito was not moving along with his plans because he wanted to wait till Itachi dies because his mangekyo and Susanoo had extremely strong abilities. what do you think?

also Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

RaitonMancreators' thoughts