
Lightning Monarch

Synopsis: A spark ignites in the ordinary life of Alex Cain, a down-on-his-luck New Yorker. A chance encounter with a celestial anomaly grants him the power to command lightning, shattering his mundane existence. Thrust into a world teeming with monstrous threats, Alex navigates this perilous new reality with the assist of a cryptic system embedded within him. Hunger for purpose and a desire to master his newfound abilities fuel his journey. He battles grotesque creatures, hones his electrifying talents, and unravels the secrets behind the chaos erupting in his city. But the deeper Alex ventures, the more he uncovers a destiny intertwined with his powers. This destiny holds the key to safeguarding not just New York, but the entire world. "Lightning Monarch" is a pulse-pounding urban fantasy adventure that explores themes of self-discovery, the weight of power, and the fight for survival in a world teetering on the brink. note: While the events of this story may echo real-world anxieties, This thrilling adventure is a product of imagination, set in a world entirely separate from our own. A work of pure fiction.

bossy_Noob · Fantasía
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28 Chs

Undercover Maneuvers

The morning sun streamed through the window, rousing Alex from his sleep. He stretched, a yawn escaping his lips, and with a determined glint in his eye, headed for the bathroom. Today was the day his plan would come to fruition.

The scene shifted to a vast solar farm, shimmering panels basking in the sunlight. Alex, clad in inconspicuous clothing, navigated the rows silently, his target – a large building housing the power grid's batteries. A fence and patrolling guards secured the perimeter. Nightfall was his window of opportunity.

He ignited a small fire in a distant field, drawing the guards' attention like moths to a flame. As they rushed to extinguish it, their confusion etched on their faces, Alex, his legs strengthened by a surge of mana, bolted towards the building. With superhuman agility, he scaled the fence and through an open window, slipped inside.

Darkness cloaked the interior, muffling his movements. Rows of batteries glowed with an eerie light, a strange tingle resonating within Alex. As he approached, the sensation intensified. His body, like a magnet, drew in the surrounding static electricity.

The first touch sent a jolt through him, a surge unlike anything he'd ever experienced. The electricity coursed through his veins, seemingly vanishing into a void. Yet, notifications materialized before him:

[Get charged electricity, talent evolution point +0.100]

[Get charged electricity, talent evolution point +0.100]

[Get charged electricity, talent evolution point +0.100]

Euphoria washed over him. He was on the right track, each notification a step closer to evolution. But the constant barrage became overwhelming, and with a silent wish, they vanished.

He methodically absorbed energy from battery after battery, the notifications a steady stream. Suddenly, a sharp sound broke the silence – footsteps. Alex whirled around to find a security guard, face grim, aiming a gun at him.

"Don't move!" barked the guard.

The building plunged into darkness. Alex, understanding the cause, saw his escape. He bolted for the door, only to discover it locked from the outside. Reacting swiftly, he conjured an energy sword and sliced through the lock with ease. As the lights flickered back on, Alex, a blur of motion, slipped past the bewildered guards and vanished into the night.

Exhausted but exhilarated, Alex emerged from the solar farm. He contemplated resorting to violence, but the thought repelled him. He wasn't a murderer, nor did he crave chaos. While ruthless with enemies, he wasn't a mindless hero either.

As he strolled, enjoying the cool night air, his enhanced vision caught an unsettling sight through a hospital window. A monstrous figure, barely human, raw power leaking from its body, lunged at a terrified nurse. Without hesitation, Alex sprinted towards the hospital, determined to intervene and unravel the mystery unfolding before him.