
Lightning Monarch

Synopsis: A spark ignites in the ordinary life of Alex Cain, a down-on-his-luck New Yorker. A chance encounter with a celestial anomaly grants him the power to command lightning, shattering his mundane existence. Thrust into a world teeming with monstrous threats, Alex navigates this perilous new reality with the assist of a cryptic system embedded within him. Hunger for purpose and a desire to master his newfound abilities fuel his journey. He battles grotesque creatures, hones his electrifying talents, and unravels the secrets behind the chaos erupting in his city. But the deeper Alex ventures, the more he uncovers a destiny intertwined with his powers. This destiny holds the key to safeguarding not just New York, but the entire world. "Lightning Monarch" is a pulse-pounding urban fantasy adventure that explores themes of self-discovery, the weight of power, and the fight for survival in a world teetering on the brink. note: While the events of this story may echo real-world anxieties, This thrilling adventure is a product of imagination, set in a world entirely separate from our own. A work of pure fiction.

bossy_Noob · Fantasía
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28 Chs

System Upgrade

Chapter 7: System Upgrade

The world dissolved into darkness. When Alex's vision returned, he found himself back in his body, drenched in sweat. A chime echoed in his mind:


A smile crept across Alex's face. The system was about to evolve again. He recalled the vision – the lightning user, perhaps a past authority holder. "Permission granted," he declared.


After six minutes, another chime resonated:


Alex called for his status, and the revamped interface materialized:

[NAME: Alex Cain]

[AGE : 21]

[CLASS: Lightning Monarch]

[LV 2 EXP:9/10]

[HP: 10/10]

[STR : 2]

[AGI : 2]

[VIT : 2]

[MP : 5/5]

SP: 0

EP: 2

[SKILL: Appraisal]

[TALENT :{ Lightning Manipulation}]

[AUTHORITY :{ Lightning(1%)}]

The upgrade was significant. He now possessed a class – Lightning Monarch. The white-haired man's warning echoed in his mind – caution and distrust towards the other monarchs. He sighed. Additionally, a skill section materialized, currently housing a single skill: Appraisal. Its usefulness was undeniable, proving valuable in the future.

His gaze drifted to the newly introduced EP – Evolution Points. He activated Appraisal, and a window materialized:

[EP: Evolution Points] – Used to evolve your talent! Current evolutionary point: 2]

Satisfied with the explanation, his eyes landed on the class section. Another Appraisal brought forth the details:

[Lightning Monarch (SSS): You have a natural control over any form of lightning. Each time you absorb lightning by contact, you can gain talent evolution points and develop your rest of your abilities.]

"Absorbing lightning to increase my talent, meaning authority. Ha! What a cheat," Alex thought, a spark of excitement igniting in his eyes.

With his gaze fixed on the class section, he willed his evolution points. branching out like lightning, slowly forming a talent tree.

[Lightning Enhancement Evolution: Strengthen yourself through lightning, primarily enhancing your own ability and control over lightning]

[Lightning Mental Parasitic Evolution: Create mental parasitic lightning that can damage and bypass enemy mental protection, causing hallucinations, illusions, and critical stun effects. Strengthening parasitic lightning can create a special parasite that can control the enemy.]

"Lightning Enhancement and Mental Parasitic Evolution! Both branches hold potential, but with limited evolution points, a choice is crucial," Alex pondered. Mental control, akin to a summoner or puppeteer, held a certain allure, but its effectiveness in combat was questionable. Additionally, developing this ability might be time-consuming. Compared to that, directly enhancing his strength through lightning was a clear advantage.

With only two points available, Alex made his decision. Lightning Enhancement lit up, revealing a further branching path. His breath hitched in anticipation.

[Lightning Essence: After evolution, it can greatly improve your control over lightning, your physical fitness, strength, and mental protection. After opening, you can consume evolution points to further develop this ability.]

A wide grin stretched across Alex's face. With this point, he could evolve the Lightning Essence, boosting his physical prowess, lightning manipulation, and mental defenses. The remaining stat point would be allocated to mana. After all, what use was control over lightning without sufficient mana to wield it?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

bossy_Noobcreators' thoughts