
Lightning Monarch

Synopsis: A spark ignites in the ordinary life of Alex Cain, a down-on-his-luck New Yorker. A chance encounter with a celestial anomaly grants him the power to command lightning, shattering his mundane existence. Thrust into a world teeming with monstrous threats, Alex navigates this perilous new reality with the assist of a cryptic system embedded within him. Hunger for purpose and a desire to master his newfound abilities fuel his journey. He battles grotesque creatures, hones his electrifying talents, and unravels the secrets behind the chaos erupting in his city. But the deeper Alex ventures, the more he uncovers a destiny intertwined with his powers. This destiny holds the key to safeguarding not just New York, but the entire world. "Lightning Monarch" is a pulse-pounding urban fantasy adventure that explores themes of self-discovery, the weight of power, and the fight for survival in a world teetering on the brink. note: While the events of this story may echo real-world anxieties, This thrilling adventure is a product of imagination, set in a world entirely separate from our own. A work of pure fiction.

bossy_Noob · Fantasía
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28 Chs

Beneath the Surface

Chapter 11

A notification flickered in Alex's mind: [Kill a low-level creature +1 exp] [Lv3↑]

Just then, sirens wailed in the distance. Several police officers rushed in, their expressions a mix of urgency and surprise. The frantic grandpa and aunt, who had just explained the situation, choked on their next words when they learned the "patient" who attacked the nurse was… dead.

They insisted on accompanying Alex to the station to prove his innocence. However, Emily, the kind-hearted young nurse, volunteered to go with him instead and record a statement.

Alex remained surprisingly calm throughout the ordeal. He knew he might be in trouble, but he had no regrets. Killing the zombie-like creature had granted him enough experience to level up to Lv3, and he received two precious stat points. He invested them both in mana, boosting his MP to (+2).

With a thought, he opened his status panel:

[NAME: Alex Cain]

[AGE : 21]

[CLASS: Lightning Monarch]

[LV 3]

EXP: 0/10

[HP: 30/30]

[STR: 6]

[AGI: 6]

[VIT: 6]

[MP: 7/7]

[SP: 0]

[EP: 2.1]

[SKILL: Appraisal]

[TALENT :{ Lightning manipulation} ]

[AUTHORITY: {Lightning(1.5%)} ]

Disappointment flickered across his eyes as he turned his attention to the evolutionary point earned from absorbing the solar batteries. It seemed his evolution wouldn't skyrocket unless he absorbed a mana-based, lightning-affinity monster. He had no choice for now.

Shaking his head, Alex masked his frustration. However, the police officer next to him misinterpreted his frown.

"Don't worry," the cop reassured him, "there's video footage. You were saving people, there shouldn't be any trouble!"

Alex eyed him suspiciously. Even if the attacker was a zombie, it wasn't common knowledge. This wasn't a zombie apocalypse where human life was cheap. This man was dead. Even if it was self-defense, wouldn't things get complicated?

Sensing Alex's apprehension, the officer clarified, "That man had been dead for a while! You're okay."

The other officer, however, was visibly sweating. A realization dawned on Alex. New York wasn't small, and this might not be the first such case. The higher-ups were probably trying to suppress the news to avoid public panic. Alex knew about these things through snippets online, but they were mostly unsubstantiated rumors. Cops on the front line, however, were privy to more information.

No wonder they hadn't arrested him; they understood the situation. After recording his statement and explaining the zombie incident in detail, Alex was released.

As he walked out of the station, a voice called out from behind.

"Are you alright?"

Turning, he saw Emily, her eyes glistening with concern. Her doll-like cheeks were flushed, and her youthful energy radiated a charming innocence. It was impossible not to be captivated by her.

Alex, ever the charmer, flashed his most reassuring smile. "I'm fine. Are you?"

"I-I'm okay," she stammered, her heartbeat thrumming in her chest. "Thank you for saving me. Would you like to have dinner with me as a thank you?"

Given the situation, how could Alex, such a kind (and slightly mischievous) soul, refuse a beautiful nurse eager to express her gratitude?