
Lightning Monarch

Synopsis: A spark ignites in the ordinary life of Alex Cain, a down-on-his-luck New Yorker. A chance encounter with a celestial anomaly grants him the power to command lightning, shattering his mundane existence. Thrust into a world teeming with monstrous threats, Alex navigates this perilous new reality with the assist of a cryptic system embedded within him. Hunger for purpose and a desire to master his newfound abilities fuel his journey. He battles grotesque creatures, hones his electrifying talents, and unravels the secrets behind the chaos erupting in his city. But the deeper Alex ventures, the more he uncovers a destiny intertwined with his powers. This destiny holds the key to safeguarding not just New York, but the entire world. "Lightning Monarch" is a pulse-pounding urban fantasy adventure that explores themes of self-discovery, the weight of power, and the fight for survival in a world teetering on the brink. note: While the events of this story may echo real-world anxieties, This thrilling adventure is a product of imagination, set in a world entirely separate from our own. A work of pure fiction.

bossy_Noob · Fantasía
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28 Chs

Awakening in a Crackling World

Chapter 2: Awakening in a Crackling World

A thrill of anticipation coursed through Alex as he focused on his hand. Images from countless novels filled his mind - crackling bolts, electric whips, devastating storms all under the control of a single mind. With a deep breath, he concentrated all his willpower on his palm.

A jolt of pain erupted, momentarily stealing his breath. But then, a sight that made his eyes widen in awe. White-hot electricity crackled and danced across his skin, snaking along his veins like a living current. It felt alien, yet strangely familiar, an extension of his very being. A laugh, tinged with nervous excitement, escaped his lips.

Experimentation followed. He channeled more mana, willing the electricity to condense. Slowly, the current coalesced, morphing into a sphere of crackling energy that pulsed in his hand, the size of a tennis ball. It felt heavy, potent, brimming with unleashed power.

He clenched his fist, the pressure building. With a surge of determination, he aimed his hand down at the inky void. A blinding flash erupted, followed by a deafening boom that echoed through the emptiness. The ground shuddered beneath an invisible impact, the force akin to a grenade.

Exhilaration flooded him. A genuine, unadulterated joy bubbled up within. He could manipulate lightning! His mind raced with possibilities. Swords of crackling energy? He focused again, picturing a blade, and to his astonishment, the lightning solidified, morphing into a shimmering shortsword that hummed with restrained power.

A frustrated sigh escaped him as he glanced at the status screen. His authority over lightning sat stubbornly at 1%. Training, leveling up – those were the keys to unlocking his full potential. He couldn't wait.

Reaching out, he attempted to speak to the system, to inquire about his predicament, the endless darkness. But silence greeted him. Perhaps, he mused, the system wasn't as interactive as he'd hoped.

With a resigned sigh, he closed his eyes, the thrill of his newfound power battling with the weariness that had settled in. Opening them again, he found himself back on the familiar sidewalk, the bustling streets of New York a stark contrast to the inky void. People hurried past, oblivious to the drama that had just unfolded. Had time stopped? The thought sent a shiver down his spine.

Exhausted from the day's ordeal, he dragged himself home, his one-room apartment a chaotic mess of clothes and takeout containers. A wry smile touched his lips. Typical Alex, he thought. Cleaning could wait for after a well-deserved nap.

He awoke with a start, disoriented for a moment. Darkness peered through the window. How long had he slept? A glance at his phone confirmed his suspicions – 11:00 pm. His stomach rumbled in agreement, a demanding tenant reminding him of its neglected needs.

Scrambling to his feet, he threw together a quick meal of instant noodles, wolfing them down straight from the pan. Suddenly, a sound like a jet breaking the sound barrier shattered the night's quietude. He rushed outside, his breath catching in his throat at the sight that greeted him.

A fiery comet streaked across the sky, hurtling towards Earth. And stranger still, the moon glowed an ominous blood red. The world seemed to hold its breath as the comet slammed into the ground, unleashing a bone-jarring earthquake that rattled the city. Panic erupted as buildings crumbled and sirens wailed.

The crash site wasn't far. Drawn by a morbid curiosity, Alex joined the throngs of people hurrying towards the devastation. The air thrummed with the cries of the injured, the desperate pleas for help. Homes lay in ruins, victims of the sudden upheaval. A cold dread settled over him as he surveyed the scene.

This wasn't the world he remembered. This was a world on the brink, and Alex, with his newfound power, stood right in the thick of it.