


I was mortified. The Alpha came to my home to apologize, and I was covered in paint and cleaners to the point that I couldn't open the door. I couldn't let my new Alpha's first impression be of my looking and smelling like a hot mess. So what do I do, but hide behind the door?

At least I only looked stupid and hopefully not disgusting. After I hear him leave I finish up what I'm doing and clean myself up and settle down for the evening. I finish up my dinner and pull out one of my favorite books. I'm reading and getting lost in the story when my phone goes off. I look down to see a text from Zack.

Gamma Zack: We are having a bonfire tomorrow night in celebration of your arrival. Kyle will come by and pick you up around seven. You have to come.

How did this guy already know me well enough to know that I was not wanting to come? It was a nice thought, but I'm not that big of a large crowd person. I also don't like having attention on me. I sigh knowing there is no way for me to get out of it, so I resign myself to my fate of having to deal with it.

I send a text to Eva asking if we can meet in the morning so that I can get the lay of the clinic and get an idea of what to expect. The more that I can help the better. Alpha had asked if I would be willing to help teach Eva more things, but I wonder if that will go over well with her.

She seems like a nice person, but sometimes people take offense to the thought, that they may not know everything they need to know. I don't want to offend her in any way. Maybe if I wait and see if she asks for help would be the best option. All of this thinking reminds me that I haven't talked to Sebastian yet. He told me to call when I was settled, so I better get on it.

"Well, well, if it isn't my friend Sabrina. Did you finally remember your best friend?" Sebastian says with his voice soaking with sarcasm.

"Yeah, I know. I'm a horrible friend." I say, laughing at his pouting.

"How is it over there? Are they treating you right?" He says in all seriousness.

"They've been very nice. I did, however, have the most interesting introduction to the Alpha possible." I sigh at the thought of it.

"Was he an ass to you? I'll come over there right now and get you if I need to." His voice raises in anger.

"Goddess, no. I walked in on him having sex with the other healer. Who, by the way, is not his mate."

"You're kidding, right?" I can only imagine Sebastian's face as he says this.

"Nope. Totally serious. She seems nice, but I feel uncomfortable with the thoughts of the two of them together. He came by today to apologize and met for the first time. I didn't see him face to face since I was covered in paint and cleaner." I still feel mortified by the timing of everything.

"At least he was trying to make it right. That pack is known for not waiting on their mates. A lot of them have never even found their mate. Don't let them change how you feel about your mate. If you want to wait, then wait. If you get to the point where you want to come back, let me know. I wouldn't blame you." Sebastian says this with sadness in his voice.

Sebastian wants his mate so much that it hurts him. He has always talked about how much he would treasure her and treat her like a queen. His parents were great examples of what mates should be. Sebastian watched everything that happened between them and made it a point to learn how he should treat his mate.

I can only hope that my mate will be half the man that Sebastian is. To have someone so in love with you that they wait and pray for you to come to them. I'm not in a rush to find a mate, but I do hope for him to love me like that.

We talk for a couple of hours, filling each other in on what has been happening that last few days. I eventually start getting too tired to talk. I promise to call every day and let him know that I'm alright. I set my alarm and fall asleep ready to meet the new day.


"This is the clinic. I know it doesn't look like much, but it works. Most wolves don't need all that much help with healing, so it doesn't get used all that much. There is a doctor that comes in to help with the births when the she-wolves don't want to go into the hospital's nearby." Eva says as she walks me around the building.

For years now this pack has relied on the human hospitals that are close by to help with most of the needs that they have. Since wolves do heal on their own, only the biggest medical issues are needed for the hospitals. Eva seems proud of the small little two-room building.

I don't have it in me to tell her that this is nothing more than a glorified waiting room and a room with a bed. I don't know how long this clinic has been in use or who set it up. Right now all I know is that from the looks of things Eva feels like she has it all under control.

I think back to what I thought yesterday about the whole training idea. Her actions today show she doesn't like the idea. She's not being rude, but she is trying to assert her dominance in the healing arena. If she feels this strongly about it, I will stay in the background and try to not make waves. The last thing that I want is to upset the balance of things.

"So, what do you think?" She asks, smiling.

"It's great. Do you see all your patients here?" I ask, trying to sound polite.

"Oh no. I only heal Oliver." She giggles as she says this.

"Oh, that is an honor. I'm sure he appreciates all that you do for him." I say, grinning.

"He shows me his appreciation all night!" She giggles like a schoolgirl, and I blush like one. "The pack goes to the hospitals for anything I can't help them with. It's been that way since humans learned about our existence. Oliver said that his pack has been doing this for as far back as anyone can remember."

I can't help but feel sorry for the pack. The thoughts of having to travel into the human towns and to go see a doctor that may or may not know how to help you, seem like a lot of trouble. Most packs have their own doctors and even ask for their healers to train in our pack.

"So, are you going to be at the bonfire tonight?" I ask, trying to get the topic off the pack's lack of medical help.

"Of course! I'm Oliver's date. He is so amazing. He's handsome and so good in bed. I have at least three...." I cut her off before she can finish.

"That's great. I guess I had better get going so that I can get ready for tonight. I'll see you there. " I smile and make my way out of the clinic.

The last thing that I want to hear about is her and the Alpha's sex life. I'm glad that she's happy, but I can't help but wonder what will happen to her when he finds his mate. I know she thinks he will name her his chosen mate, but a true mate will make you forget everything.

I get home and take it easy for a bit. I go to my closet and look for something to wear. I normally don't worry much about things like what I'm wearing, but today I want to put in a little effort just in case my mate is in the pack.

Once ready, I head down to the living room and wait for Kyle to come and pick me up. I hear a knock on the door, signaling Kyle is here. I open the door to find a grinning Kyle.

"Ready to go celebrate?" Kyle says, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah, let's go, you silly boy." I chuckle as I close the door and lock it.

We arrive, and it looks like most people are already having a good time. I look over the crowd and see Eva hanging all over what I assume is the Alpha. I have yet to get a good look at him, so I'm just assuming.

Zack sees me and waves as he heads over to the Alpha, whispering in his ear. I watch as the Alpha nods and then turns to the crowd. He starts talking as he looks over the crowd. As soon as his eyes find mine, my world stops and crumbles.