
LightBreaker (old)

Welcome to the world of Duiwaryk where the isekai smut story of lightbreaker is set. follow the story of Rai as he is brought into this new world and needs to learn about this newld inorder to Enjoy. *This fiction contains: Profanity, Sexual Content (18+ readers only!), read at your own accord * though it will not include a extreme perversions such as scat, vore, guro, etc. *Character art is made by me, please suggest what you want to see.

Lustfuled_Writing · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Ch 02 – Rebirth Reincarnation

Its dark again, I thought. I need to stop falling unconscious. I try to move but it's like I'm stuck in honey. In this weird state time dragged on and I can't seem to grasp what is happening around me then. Fwosh. The honey liquid rushes out from around me and I begin to be pushed towards a cold place I try to wriggle away but me efforts are all in vain as I was blinded by the light and frozen solid by the cold.

"Huu,Huaaa" I start coughing as my eyes adjust to the world around me and what is Infront of me leaves my speechless. People I have never seen are looking at me with worried eyes while they hold me over a naked woman. My brain freezes as the situation would do to anybody. Then with a "Smack" I knew what to do.

(Sou-lei Noe Perspective)

This is not easer the second time around I thought.

"Huung, Aaaahh" that last push leaves me dripping wet from more than just the birth water and leaves me feeling empty ready for my husband to full. But silence hangs heavy in the air. My boy Rai is being held above me but no sound no movement he is still. My heart stops I feel tears begin to pool in the corners of my eyes, but Neo takes action and strikes rai on the bottom and then.

"Ahhhhhhh, Aaaaaahhh, Aaauuuhh" he starts crying and squirming and I join him in joy with tears running down my face I grab him and hold him close to comfort him. He still squirms and pushes but I hold him close and kiss him all over his face.

"Thank you, Thank you, thank the gods! He is beautiful." Neo leans in and kisses me on the head.

"He is beautiful, just like his mother" Neo said then kissed me on the lips.

(MC Perspective)

Its taken me about 3 weeks to pull myself together and in that time, I learned a few important things. I'm a baby now, Great. I'm a stuck in this stupid baby body unable to move or speak on my own, this is the worst feeling I have ever experienced. I stay in this old wooden house that doesn't even have a proper wooden floor just packed dirt. My family seem fine with it though, but they also dress up like retro cosplayers.

On the bright side my mom is quite beautiful with caramel skin, she appears like she is just entering the cusp of adulthood with long ginger hair that lines her beautiful face drawing attention to her small nose, pink lips and hazel coloured eyes.

She has very ample breasts that with bright pink nipples at their peaks, and the best part of them I can enjoy them whenever I want. The worst part I can never enjoy them in piece. For some god daym reason my father in this life a who I am well-built man with crucut black hair and blue eyes. He decided that my boob time is the perfect time to fuck my mom, its so fucking annoying.

"Ngh, hah~~♡, Hyahhhh Ahhhhhn Ahhhhhhh. Honey do you really think that now is the mos - Auuuuh" my mother and father enjoy each other, and I am stuck there in between the two fuckbirds unable to even experience arousal, Because if I forget to mention. IM A FUCKING BABY!!!

"Auugh" I start moaning to show my disapproval. The constant shaking was upsetting my stomach, that has been getting worse this last week, like I'm always backed up. but I'm sure it's just a baby thing.

"Don't worry my precious baby boy you'll get your time with mommy when you're a little older." I'm not sure with what she means but with the heavy blush on her face it can only mean good things. Then I get violently turned around and am faced to face with my father.

"Don't worry my boy even I had till I was about 7 before your ol-ma taught me how to behave with a woman." he chuckles as he tries to convince me of his actions. I respond accordingly.

"Prrrrt" I soil my cloth diaper as I look him right in the eyes and start to laugh, feeling as backed up as before. He then hands me off to my mother almost as fast as he took me away. My mother held me at arm's length and shakes her head with a crooked smile.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you" she takes me to changing table in the corner of my small room. As she lays me down and begins to unwrap my diaper to check the damage that I have caused on my pants. As she lifts me up looks at my underside her smile turns to a frown.

(Sou-lei Noe Perspective)

Rai interrupted me and Neo's skin-play and caused quite a ruckus when Neo tried to take him away from me. But Rai has been a ray of light in the last moon passing, since Neo's ol-ma had died he hasn't really smiled or talked about it, but rai has broken through to him in a way Rei and I never could. That is what makes what I am looking at even more worrying.

"It still hasn't happened." I worryingly told Neo. "Usually, it only takes a few days for a baby to pass the cleaning flow." Neo looks at me worried and shakes his head.

"I'm not sure ether, I guess we will have to do that." I freeze and look down at my boy who flails and tries to turn around.

"I guess it is the only thing we can do now"

(MC Perspective)

Bath time, usually it only happens after supper but today we had a family bath in our large wooden tub after lunch. It was fun I don't get to play as much as I do when its bath times, so I splash and chuckle with glee.

"M~~a~st~~a" I freeze a familiar voice sounded right in my head, so I look around to find it, but it doesn't look like anybody here was trying to get my attention. Why did that sound so familiar.

"Up we go." a small voice called. My sister Rei lifts me up and drops me back into the water causing me to laugh in response with her. She was about 6 maybe 7 years old, with a younger version of my mother's face and caramel skin tone with my dad's hazel eyes. She is young but is curvier than what you would think for her age but I'm fine with it.

I get lifted up again but this time I get taken out of the bath and placed on the table by who I find out is mu mother. She puts her hand on my stomach and with a smile says.

"Just wait for a bit, ma's going to fix your stomach" I as confused how did she know my stomach was hurting is this mothers intuition, daym that's cool.

She begins to press and rub my stomach and rub in circles. It feels really nice like the feeling you get after holding in a pee for so long then finally get to go to the bathroom.

"it's leaking bit it's still backed up" I refocus as my mother talks to my dad who is either currently playing with or cleaning my sister who is leaning against him. He gives her a know and goes back to whatever he is doing.

She goes back to rubbing my stomach and I start fazing out again till suddenly I feel a pair of fingers smoothly slide into my ass and I come back to my senses.

"Aaaaaahhh" I try smacking, crawling, wiggling away but no matter how much I struggle or cry she won't let me go and instead starts fingering my ass hole more roughly. I don't understand what is happening, but I can't escape this now. A feeling of release starts to build in me, the same feeling that I got when I masturbated but the wet splashing sound brings me back and I stiffen.

"Auuuuu" a gush of clear liquid gushes from my ass and I feel the release that I haven't in weeks and just lay there is shame and afterglow. She lifts me up and brings me back to the bath and lowers me slowly into the bath. I stay iinactive and just look around. Rei and Dad were laying at the opposite side of the tub, leaning on each other breathing heavy with blushed faces. I just float there not sure now to feel as the woman that just finger fucked my ass starts cleaning me again. When a honeyed voice starts playing in my ears.

"Oh master, what was that sensation" I look up and see the worst possible thing a small familiar angel.