

A group of counselors and a doctor specialize and experts in certain fields, bringing of new era in school system established for improving students and teachers' living condition in all aspects in countryside and outskirts' schools. Lighthearted and warm heart, with various attitudes and personalities far different from those of elite schools students and conditions, Seiran Ryu, having blast choosing theater and soap opera presented to him day by day without board to uncover hidden truth and intentions.

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8 Chs


Billowed curtains in the afternoon, along with greenish leaves coming in into the room without being invited. As well as flowers, all kind of flowers. Seiran Ryu let those leaves and flowers scattered, all was spread on his table. He doesn't mind of it. There's smell of nature, water, earth and as well as fragrant air around those nature things. Somehow, he's relaxed with it after reviewing files of students prelude sickness he will have as he never had any of them before. 

That's to say, a wonder, Doctor and Counselors Committee of High School was brought forth and inaugurate by the Ministry of Universities and Education Exchange.

Pen spinning is a natural habit as his green lush eyes screening the papers throughout the files. Long and slender fingers flip pages one by one, while his left hand showed the skills that others will take a long time to master, such as being an expert in pen spinning. 

"What's your chosen career? Have you thought about it?"


"Don't. You suck at it." He had first-hand experience of it.

"Craft Artist."

"No. You're not delicate enough. Probably you prefer, I say, rough and tough to be one. Another?"


"Nay. Your body of that chicken's chick. Feeble and frail." Seiran's pen spinning never stop as well as his interrogation resembling much of a criminal interrogator.

"What's got to do with anything?" Akatsuki Saya's disaffection.

"You're just not attractive enough to display those haute couture clothes. No one would buy clothes from a weak looking model." An outright, a slap in the face for 16 years old boy. He just wants to trample and object to everything.

"Curse you, Seiran Ryu."

"I'm having a demonstration of how Doctor Career Counselor working time look like. Isn't that what grandma want me to show to you, Akatsuki Saya?" 

Seiran Ryu's eyes never left the paper sheets. He keeps flip thorough of them without blinking the eyes. Something there interested him more than the joy he has now. Supposed he'll finish them after few more psychological wounds through his questions to Akatsuki. 

And the boy in front of him didn't also understand why he's being questioned as he's not part of Doctor Career Counselor of students listed name. 

"Save your time, I'm not interested to delve into in your career or what it is. When will we hit the road? I'm hungry."

"Just earlier, you had your lunch. Why are you hungry again?"

"A lunch for you. I don't remember taking a bite of it."

"Is your stomach kind of bottomless pit one?" Seiran Ryu's an endless joy of teasing. 

Akatsuki Saya gritted his teeth. Wondering why he is with an 21 years old adult in school office, especially in Counselors Convocation and Doctor Office, of the one school counselors as well as a doctor doing his job and at one point getting an insult after an insult from him.

At a time when he should leisurely be at home doing something useless, as it's his holiday time. "Are we done yet here? I really want to go home and have you as my chef to cook a large and various cuisine from aboard. That much won't be a problem for you, right, Mr. Oxford Graduate?"

"Sure, that won't be a problem, but the problem after it is you. I won't be up all night taking care of you, Mr. First Year of Shiraie High School."

"What do you mean?" Akatsuki's intrigued by the question.

"Your sickness is your own problem, not mine, as you're the one asking for it."

"What? Are you going to put something in the dishes? I wonder how long-lasting grandmother's trust will last long before it get broken by yourself?"

"Rather worrying about hungriness, I'm more worried if your stomach is as so much as softie as you. In case like it, Japanese food is much better suited to you than overseas foods."

Another insult landing hard on his head. He hasn't tried it yet, how would he know or he himself know? Losing the debate, he chose the silence. He's the one to lose in the battle ring here, why would he ever win in talks to someone who's a doctor and a counselor? 

Talking more will only get himself more thirst than he should right now. He can get one canned drink from a vending machine or in the fridge, but he doubts any property here should be touched without permission or by an outsider such as him. Yeah, him. 

"Take whatever you want from here. I'm to pay for whatever you take and want from here on out."

"Thank you!" blurted Akatsuki in annoyingly jerky mode. "You made it sound as if I'm a thief in coercing you into giving everything here to me after you beg me austerity helplessly, don't." Akatsuki's eyes declaring each of the words was the world whole truth while prognosticate Seiran Ryu's savoir faire dare need to manipulate each of the words again. 

"You're right. Indeed, it's. But as well as I'm sincere about not letting you go any more needy than you have. Your health is more important than anything else. I wouldn't want to see an unhealthy student in front of me as it's my responsibility to take care of you."

Akatsuki felt he's almost fall into the trap lay down by the emotion called 'touched'.

"You're spurious," declared Akatsuki.

"As I would be bored without a teddy bear to play with." The truth lay bare itself without its malodor.

"The students are going to have their disastrous time with you as their counselor, Seiran Ryu," averred Akatsuki. He looked out the window. A smile for the spring breeze, smell of trees and flowers and as well as fresh air. It's a serene and tranquil moments.

Seiran's small smile towards Akatsuki. His pen spinning stopped. Closed the file and stand up. It's as Akatsuki said, the throat feelings quite thirsty. After all, they had walked, talked and bickered all the way to school.