
The Overbearing Fuxing Chan (4)

The ceremony ended. The guests wanted to immediately tell the main church about the wonderful news, however Bishop Nathan had told all the guests to keep tight lipped about the matter. Although they were disatisfied, they were just Star County's citizens and therefore should respect the Bishop in charge. Not only that, the Star County's church had done a lot for them and it would not be appropriate if they didn't give the same kind of respect back.

Meanwhile, the beautiful and pure priest they just saw was sulking in the bath. His face was bright red as he silently threw a tantrum to the innocent water. When one hypnotized oneself one could still see, but not control. So irritable!

Liang Xingbai felt embarassed at himself. If not for the fact that the hypnotized self had some self-control, he might've pounced on the statue instead. If so, then without mentioning how the God of Light would react, he would be exiled first for such...perposterous actioned. It was simply disrespectful, absolutely disrespectful!

That other version of him was too dangerous, it would be better if he rarely used it again. His life might even be at stake!

Now, it was the matter of gathering funds for Star County's church. It might be a long project, because it would be a long term one. The source of income had to be stable to return Star County to its previous prosperous state.

But, Liang Xingbai would think more about it later after he was at least three to four years older. After that age, his achievement wouldn't be so confusing and shocking anymore. Though it would be rather hard as he was merely a soldier in his last life. He didn't have that much access to business related books.

That night was uneventful, but Liang Xingbai couldn't sleep, not even a single wink. He tossed and turned the whole night. Liang Xingbai wondered himself why he couldn't get even a bit of a shut eye. He only slept five hours and had black circles around his eyes.

"What happened to you?" Joshua beamed, looking at the tired boy in front of him. Liang Xingbai frowned at Joshua before looking away. After Liang Xingbai went out, Joshua burst into laughter, not caring that Liang Xingbai could actually hear him as he just went out earlier. Laughter spilled out of his mouth like a mock towards his comrade.

As he needed to pray two hours every morning, he quickly hypnotized himself before going into the prayer hall. Just like that, the grumpy Liang Xingbai was gone and was replaced with a bouncy, cheerful Liang Xingbai. The black circles around his eyes seemed to have faded a bit.

Meanwhile, the Church servants, along with the Phase Bishop, were frantic as they received a message from Star County's governor. The governor specifically said to prepare some ladies for Fuxing Chan. The governor did mention that Fuxing Chan didn't look too pleased when he arrived. He feared for his head so he hoped the Church could cooperate with him. Although Marcus was blackened, he still understood that the Church was supposed to be a pure image in the citizen's hearts. In addition, the church wasn't a brothel. Where could they find ladies?

When Star County's prosperity plummeted, their Red Light District's businesses had shut down and could barely hold on. Only a few bars were left and there were barely any flower houses in the County. Of course, the church would have nothing to do with these barely surviving flower houses. But to think that Star County's governor wanted the church to prepare some prostitutes over...

The governor was indeed looking down on the church. He didn't even come to Liang Xingbai's ceremony. After all, Star County's church was the weakest amongst all of Fu Xing's. Who told the old church staff to run away during the catasthrope? If Star County's church was considered the worst of the worst, then what was the grandest church?

Though, he understood that Star County's prayer hall was of lower quality compared to the other churches. Star County was previously a merchant county and the God of Light devout believers were usually in a religious county.

The sound of hooves and wooden wheels against cobblestones could be heard from inside the prayer room. After finishing his prayers, Liang Xingbai immediately went out to investigate. In his heart, he felt extremely annoyed that the noise disturbed his intimate moment with the Father. Then, the rational side of him immediately took over and walked more calmly...to avoid suspicions.

'That was close,' he thought. If the God of Light fanatic him went out and had a squabble with the carriage owner, it would harmhis and Bishop Nathan's reputation. He did not care about his, but Bishop Nathan was the closest to a father figure he had in this life. He didn't want to become Bishop Nathan's source of trouble.

In his heart, he cerished his mother and Bishop Nathan. He had not ounce of care for his hypocrite of a father and his sister who never had the time to visit him.

Liang Xingbai finally arrived in the guest hall. Two loveseats were placed in the middle of the hall. On the two loveseats sat two handsome men, which Liang xingbai guesses were Fuxing Chan and Fuxing Longyue. To his surprise, the princes didn't look anything like eastern Asians. Instead, they looked like middle eastern people.

Noth men had tan skin and were dressed in exotic clothes. The one with a gentle aura was wearing a deep blue turban and a light blue Indian robe. His ears, neck, arms, fingers, ankles, you can name them, were decorated with gold and diamonds. On the other hand, the one with an aura similar to a bloodthirsty warrior wore a deep purple turban and a bright red Indian robe. Other than the emerald green earring on his left ear, there were no other accesories on his body.

Bishop Nathan beamed when he saw Liang Xingbai enter the room. He waved a hand to Liang Xingbai, indicating him to come over.

"Xingbai, son, come here!" Bishop Nathan called out affectionately. Liang Xingbai only smiled mysteriously in response, trying to ignore the killing intent thrown his way.

He thought that he was civil with Joshua!