
Light of destruction

A middle aged man taken against his will. A dying world desperately trying to save itself. It was the time of the black dawn, a tale of survival from the desperate. Step into the light and face destruction!

Opatzo · Fantasía
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8 Chs

A great foreboding

Tic toc. Tic toc.

The sounds of the clock was small yet in the quiet atmosphere it was enhanced greatly. Even then, Samson was paying his full attention to the notebook, absorbing all new information like a sponge. In the end, he put the notebook down with a sigh, massaging his forehead.

All the items inside sound too magical, too fantasy that it was hard for him to accept. He was proud of himself as someone who could easily adapt to modern technology, even creating a small website. Yet this is much more mind boggling to him than any program can be.

For example, this sword called 'Starlight'. It was a sword forged from iron. It's power? The user can borrow the strength of a star to strike with it, leaving incurable wounds. This thing was considered 'trash' and 'not worth looking for'.

He can accept it if there's 5 of them, ignore it if there's 10. But there's nearly a thousand of those things in here, each have their own mythical and powerful uses. Not only is his view reversed entirely, he's also starting to devalue their existence due to how many there are.

He wanted to complain as a modern person from Earth but decided to hold it in. It's not good to complain about someone while he's inside their sentient moving house right? He didn't want to get eaten by the house like a certain horror movie, it was too terrifying!

"Quin. I'm going to call you Quin from now on. How long have we been moving."

Quin who didn't object to his name told truthfully. "Fourteen hours lord."

Samson reorganized his thoughts. After reading through these amazing artifacts, he found a few that he would like. A robe that protects him from external damage, a necklace that boost his thinking. They'll sure to be very useful and he would definitely be able to benefit from them. But the few he wanted the most was 3. The 'Rift Hand' that's capable of moving through dimensions, the 'Truthseeker' that can find the truth of all things and the 'Heart of the ancient one' being able to give him superiority over all living beings. The last one especially sounds more powerful and mysterious than any other one, with the place containing it sounds just as mysterious and dangerous.

"Quin, can we move to the edge of the laws?"

"I'm afraid the Palace of Dread is not so capable as to moving to that place lord."

Samson nod in his mind, something as amazing as it shouldn't be so easy to reach. He was slightly baffled at why such relic was left behind. Perhaps the old Samson only found out the location but never capable of going there or perhaps there was some underlying circumstances he didn't figure out yet. Regardless, Samson moved on to his next target.

"What about the faraway shore?"

"If the palace is in peak condition, we could take a visit."

"And the timestorm?"

"Same as the last one, lord."

"...I see." It was something that he expected but the disappointment was there nonetheless. Quin spoke again in a hesitant voice.


"Say it."

"My lord, you do not need to care about this lowly servant if you want to go somewhere yourself."

"No need, it was just curiosity."

"I'm sorry for being useless, my lord."

The house didn't speak up again, returning the silence to the place. Samson was calm on the outside but he feel his palm getting sweaty. He has said too much. Realizing his mistakes, Samson decided to read the book again to search for some minor things that could be usable and reachable with the 'palace'.

He also found out that this book is an artifact, giving the ability to let the writers write as much as they want. Only the registered writers can write in it and can't be modified by someone else. It was also thanks to this that he noticed a particularity. The page can't be modified but they can be rip out by anyone. The rip out page will disappear but the torn mark will remain. He tested it out on a blank page and it indeed leaves the tear mark. The thing is, there are many tear marks in this book, more than the already written page in fact.

This makes Samson feels uncomfortable, as if someone is deliberating leaving him in the dark. Like he was dancing on a stage not noticing the pulling strings on his body.

"Strange..." He muttered.

After giving another read at the notebook, he decided to go take the necklace that boost his thinking. It sounds like it would be of much help to the him right now.

"Quin. Make our next destination the elves plains."

"Are you going to take some artifacts back, my lord?"

"Yes." He answered slightly taken aback. Was it that obvious?

"Then lord, please put the endless book on the table with the page of the artifacts that you wanted, I'll bring you it for sure."

Samson put it like it said and the book was absorbed into the house. Samson was too tired by all these nonsense and decided to call it a day, going back to sleep.