
Chapter 5

*Sunshine's point of view*

I wake up with an immense headache and struggle to reach the window. As I open it, the cold but refreshing morning air fills my room and I take a deep breath. I grab a fluffy long coat that I wear usually till noon and my stick. But before I reach the lower floor, I trip and would've fallen if I didn't know there was an old wood decorative cabinet with drawers in my left side to hold on to. I still touch the floor with my arms but what I hear next is making me scream; mom's glass vase broken in a thousand pieces on the floor. I catch my breath but don't want to move because I'm scared of cutting myself since I'm barefoot.

I hear someone rushing up the stairs to see my little accident.

'Oh, God. Are you okay?'

'Don't come closer. There's broken glass everywhere, you could cut yourself.' I warn Josh and I manage to get up.

'Okay, I'll try to take your hand and big step afterwards, alright?'

He makes a big deal out of it. I slightly tap the floor before me with my right foot to check if there's any glass that could cut me deep, and since I feel none, I dare to make a step. I make the second as well, but at the third I'm not doing it with the same carefulness and step in a group of sharp little particles of glass. I hold a scream.

'You stubborn.' I hear him saying as he gets closer and lifts me in his arms.

'I'm fine, put me down.'

'You wanna jump around in one foot? You're bleeding.'

He takes me to the living room where mom startles and runs to get some bandages and a couple of tissues.

'My hero.' I sarcasticly sigh as he lends me on the couch.

Mom comes back before he can answer me.

'Why all the rush, dear? No one is going to steal your favourite cereal, and the stairs have been here since forever. There is plenty of time for everything. I told you before, you can get more hurt...'

'Mom, I'm okay.' But I'm not okay with the fact that she mentioned my cereal in a very childish way in front of Josh.

She cleans my injured foot and then she bandages it.

'Thank God we had Josh to save you.' Mom says with an amused voice.

'Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I can't take care of myself, mom.'

I get off the couch and walk as fast as I can, with my foot hurting me really bad but making me even more mad. It was just a little incident and I could've handled it. It happened before, it's not the end of the world and I surely didn't need Josh to accidentally hear the glass breaking and come upstairs thinking that I'm helpless. I lock myself in one of the bathrooms and it surprises me that I'm... crying.


*Josh's point of view*

'Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I can't take care of myself, mom.'

It's obvious that she got very mad about all this. She leaves the room limping and I can't let myself call her name. She is so spoiled, being the youngest and considering her condition, still I just tried to help her. I guess she is too proud.

'Headaches again, probably.' Her mom says. 'She's been having them for a while, and all this rush pissed her off. But she is proud, she thinks she can do everything without our help. She did learn how to do things we didn't believe she could do but she will not admit that there are moments when struggling by herself will not help her.'

The redhead is doing her best to prove her independence.

'I should go.. Thank you and everyone else for having me.'

With no words left to say, I turn around quick and go get my things. But I meet with Devon on my way upstairs.

'Leaving already? Why is there a broken vase..'

'Yeah, my sister is worried, hopefully.. Sunshine had a little acident but she's fine.'

'Are you sure you don't wanna stay longer? I don't think it'd mind anyone.'

'I'm just a social case, remember? Your sister's lucky choice, nothing more. Tell her thanks for me?' I say in a rush and make my way up to the bedroom I slept in.

There's a maid cleaning up the room already, and that makes me believe even more that the Wimbles want me out, even if Devon or Grace were nice to me, Dally too even though I haven't seen her yet this morning. Well, I guess Mr Wimble is not that social anyway. Still, I don't know why the only person's opinion and words that should mean the least for me actually matter the most. Right now I feel her tensioned, so I just wanna leave and pretend I do not care.

But for a moment, I thought I was making friends.

As I leave the house and follow the alley guided by Winston, I hear the front door opening and a pair of rushed steps following us. I know who it is but I don't turn an inch.

'You don't need to show anyone that you're a hero. What do you want from us? Were you expecting a reward from my mom, who is an angel and can't say no to anyone?' The redhead starts shouting at me.

'I don't think anyone needs your drama now. You're just looking for attention.' I answer to her and continue my walk.

She runs after me, wearing the exact clothes from ten minutes ago.

'Yesterday you were interested in my hobbies, and now you've turned like the rest of my family?'

'What is your problem with me? I just wanted to help, okay? I didn't throw you off the window or steal your walking stick! But you are too insensitive to see that your family is also trying just to help you, to make you feel safe, even if this time was something less important and serious. And they suffer because you don't let them.'

'Don't tell me how to behave myself...'

'Maybe your brothers or your dad don't show it, but your mom is hurt. I lost my mom, Sunshine. You still have her, do you get me?' I realise that I'm shouting at her, louder than I'd want to. 'She is alive, breathing, right there to support you and love you and protect you. I wish I had mine with me. You don't understand, because you're so spoiled and stubborn and annoying and she is so kind and nice and understanding. For her sake, let her help you!'

'I never let anyone help me because I don't need help! I learned how to ride a bycicle right here, in this yard, by myself! All alone, just a little girl, I learned how to cook and braid my hair and draw and...'

'Then you destroyed your childhood, all by yourself. The magic that makes this short time special and memorable is in the time your family spends with you, learning you things and showing you what they know. Not in your struggles to prove them they're useless in your life. You're entirely blind.'

My hand is shaking very bad and I can hardly breath. I hold my tongue and run down the alley; Winston doesn't follow me, and when I look back for the last time I see him talking to Sunshine. I've been too harsh on her, why do I even care? Surely, I'll never see her again, or maybe if I do I will just ignore her.

I call a cab and ask for a ride to the park. I wish I could go to mom's grave right now, but I have no money. I can't even buy a silly bus ticket to get me there. I sit on a bench and squeeze the wooden planks in my hands till my skin turns white and it starts to hurt. I let them go and just do breathing exercises, like mom thaught me. I started having anger issues when I turned nineteen. Because of it, I did some things that I'll regret for the rest of my life. Today, while yelling at Sunshine, I felt a part of the old me again rising up. I stopped in time.

When I feel calm again, I get up but, out of nowhere, run into Amy. Her eyes are red.

'Josh...' She starts crying and falls just in time for me to catch her.

She faints in my arms. How did she know I was here and what in the world happened to her while I was gone? I rush to her apartament and look for the key in her jeans pockets. She rests her head on my shoulder and I almost fall three times while carrying her up the stairs. I'm getting scared as I notice a few yellow and purple stains on her arms and neck. She is bruised. After I let her rest on the couch, I run to get a glass of water and start shaking her as soon as I get back. She moans something but then screams and pushes me away using her arms and feet.

'Get away from me! Please!'

It's like she's having a nightmare. I watch her fighting and yelling because I have no idea what to do.

'Please.' She beggs in a whisper and then opens her eyes.

It finally hits me. Someone abused her.

'Amy? Are you okay?'

She stars shaking so I get two blankets and tuck her in.

'Who did this to you?'

But she doesn't say a word.

'I'll kill him, Amy. Just tell me who he is.'

She holds he tears.

'He said that if I say anything... he'll kill me.'