
Mysterious Book

Once upon a time there was a brother in Altar village, namely a brother named Ryuusei and a younger brother named Chiro who had the opposite characteristics from a brother who had a calm and ambitious character while a younger brother had a fussy and easy nature give up. One day Ryuusei and Chiro were hunting in the forest Ryuusei suddenly found a mysterious book.

"What book is this? ... I've never seen a book like this before..

And out of curiosity Ryuusei read it when the book was opened suddenly Ryuusei shouted and fainted then Chiro who was hunting hurriedly approached Ryuusei because he thought something had happened to him. Ryuusei then Chiro who saw Ryuusei was unconscious .

 "Huh, why did you suddenly faint?"   

Quickly bring Ryuusei home.

The next day Ryuusei, who had regained consciousness, told Chiro that yesterday he had found a mysterious book that had a black aura. 

"Hey, Chiro yesterday I found a mysterious book in the forest" For not believing Chiro to laugh at his brother.

"Huh, did you find a mysterious book in the forest? ... Did you joke yesterday when you fainted I didn't see any books around you ... Are you delirious, you better rest and calm your mind".

Because Ryuusei knew he was not delirious Ryuusei finally went to the forest to look for the mysterious book.