
Light Human In MHA

Disclaimer: I don't own anything The Cover was put togheter by a reader named LordValmar Allan, a massive fan of One Piece, dies in a strange but tragic manner, his soul wanders into an unknown place where he meets god. God agrees to send his soul into the world of MHA along with one wish. ___________________________________________________________ I'm new to writing, but I'm hoping to create something more substantial than a rushed power fantasy. {I also suck at writing a synopsis sry/ hope the new one is better}

VeganMaster · Cómic
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109 Chs

Entrance Exam

Three days passed quickly, I managed to find a junior school for Eri somewhere in our neighbourhood. All it took was a quick search on the internet.

I was really idle two days ago, not really doing anything but sit around the teacher's lounge. And when Midnight saw me looking bored she decided to use that favour of hers to pull me into a photoshoot.

And just like that, I became a swimsuit model with a weird hero clinging to me. The only thing on my mind being my desire to go home.

But home wasn't kind to me either. Rumi didn't really like hearing about me doing a photoshoot while barely wearing anything with another woman.

That night I slept on the couch. Not really an excruciating punishment, but it felt a bit lonely. In a short few weeks, I already got used to sleeping besides Rumi and Eri. Sleeping on the couch might have been worse than her beating me up again.

But I powered through it, as Rumi managed to forgive me the next day. All it took was doing a photoshoot with her. This time I was at least having fun.

I hadn't yet gone to a beach with Rumi, from what I have seen on the photoshoot I need to organize a date at the beach as soon as I can.

Today, the entrance exams started. Nezu only telling me yesterday that I needed to take the written exams too.

Thankfully, they were subjects I had done before in my previous life. I managed to get a decent grade after reading a bit in the night. Just to remember the stuff I had learned before.

The test itself felt pretty easy, multiple-choice and a hundred questions. I managed to finish it all by the end of the first hour.

The other hour was spent trying to look busy so that Nezu doesn't make me do something.

It didn't work.

The second I came out of the room he called me in his office and said.

"I need you to supervise the practical exam this year." He said, with a smirk on his little rat face.

"Why would you need that? Don't the robots you use have a failsafe or something?" I said, trying to ignore the annoyance welling up inside me.

"Of course we do! But since Majima was busy doing things for you he might've missed some things..." Great way to pin the blame on me. I just give Majima ideas from time to time. He's the one that tries them and doesn't allocate enough time to finish his actual job.

Technically, my presence changed the plot a lot. Even a Nomu appeared earlier. Sure it was one with only 2 quirks, but it still showed All for One making his presence known before the plot.

I doubt some extra work will make Majima do a mistake in a safety protocol.

I just pouted a bit. Looking at the principal.

"You aren't getting out of this one! Anything that happens to the students is on you. Majima said you owe him a favour or something..." Great. More work. I just want to go home and spend more time with Eri and Rumi.

But my tyrannical boss just doesn't want to give me some free time. Even though all I had was free time for a few months. But that doesn't matter.

Nezu looked at me, his smirk widening as if he could read my thoughts or something.

"You know, your face is very expressive..." That's a weird compliment...

"Ok, Nezu! I'll do it." I said, turning to leave the room as I heard a faint. "As if you had any choice..." from behind me. I chose to ignore that comment.

Making my way to the field I stood near the podium as Present Mic gave his speech. The usual interruption happened and Iida made Izuku look like a mumbling idiot.

I'm not going to help him out of this embarrassing situation, no matter how much he looks in my general direction. Some insults will help build character, I guess? I also don't really feel like doing anything.

I could feel some people looking at me weirdly. I was also in a blue tracksuit, looking like a student. It seemed to tick Iida off for some reason.

"And you, the tall one! Why are you sitting on the stage? Do you not have any respect for this establishment?"

What? Do people no longer recognize me without my sunglasses? Maybe because I was sitting down? Whatever.

In my mind, my answer would be. 'Of course, I don't respect this establishment.' But I didn't say anything.

I just looked at him. Not really bothering to answer his question. It might be my fault that I'm not wearing my costume. But I wasn't feeling like going back home just to put it on.

If I went home I wouldn't be coming back. Present Mic just had a wry smile, answering all the questions Iida had for him and ignoring the last one.

Mic didn't really bother introducing me to the others. Some people did recognize me, but they seemed to keep to themselves.

As Mic finished his explanation of the practical exam. I took off to the highest building I could find.

Spreading my perception all over the testing areas and creating a clone for each area. I wasn't going to actually move.

Looking at the students, not much changed from the original.

Izuku seemed determined, unlike his scared appearance from the show. He gained his quirk a few days before the Exam, but he shouldn't have used it before. So not much has changed there.

I could also sense Lord Explosion Murder somewhere around the testing grounds. Probably angry for some random reason. Again, no change there.

They were on different sites, just like in the anime.

As the test was going on, I was contacted by Nezu on my phone.

"Allan, the test only has 5 minutes left. We seem unable to release the zero pointers. You figure something out." He just hung up on me after those words. Actual bastard.

Shrugging a bit. I quickly made my clones move. Each of them starting to gather light from around them and growing into light giants. They had no facial features besides an elongated mouth. They were at least 100 meters tall.

I styled them after the Parent, a monster from a game called Risk of Rain 2. They looked ominous, I made them move around at high speeds, it looked like they were teleporting.

Although I made them blink around, the movement of their bodies was extremely slowed down. Making the teleportation only usable when closing the distance to a target. I also made the 'teleportation' have a delay.

It was an attempt to balance things out for the examinees.

Izuku seemed to be in a bad situation. His body moved on its own, jumping in the air, breaking both his legs in the process.

He punched a hole through the light giant. Making it drop all of the people it had captured. I quickly made a net out of the dispersing light and softened the fall of everybody present.

On other sides, most people choose to just run and hide. Entering buildings and taking cover from the gigantic light statues.

As soon as I heard the alarm, I dispersed the other light giants, putting all the captured examinees to the ground beforehand.

It seems my display was quite shocking for the new students, as many of them seemed either scared or excited. Two extremely different reactions from different types of people.

Nezu just called me to say that I did a good job. Not even offering me a bonus or something.

Meh, I'm heading home.


Eyy here's a chapter.

Not much to say now.

Plug: https://www.patr.eon.com/VeganMaster