
Sleeping Princess In Devil's Castle Part 2 Poisons are beneficial

Bulma and Pilaf were heading towards the Furnace of Eight Divisions. Towa instructed them via Telepathy it was for the best to help there when the chance arrived.

"This is absolutely bonkers!" Bulma gripped. Seeing the energy readings coming from Mount Five Element, she instead wanted to go home and let someone else deal with it. A knot in her stomach formed at the same note of the selfish thought. 'I am no coward!'

Pilaf just kept working away. Not on the spacesuits, working on some battle suits to help turn the tide. His martial arts were not at a point he would even try to use them as a main means of fighting.

'Mai and that Lunch girl better come back to help!' The sparks from some welding only stopped at the abrupt stop of the aircraft they were in. "There already?"

"No... we are going to land here." Bulma stared at the pillar of fire that engulfed the walls in the distance. "Then travel by vehicle. I am not that good at flying to risk going through a flame storm."

"Well.. hears to.." Pilaf's mouth hung open, looking at the flames and the different forces fighting back the pouring out spirits.

The hodgepodge group of Capsule Corp Forces, Ox-King Army, Red Ribbon Army, Royal Military, and Old Gohan's martial arts group received a breath of fresh air with the inclusion of Mercenary Tao and his students joining.

*Schup!* Mai, and Lunch were dropped out. The clothes they wore were the same as Towa's skin-tight Demon apparel, but they wore Modified Saiyan Armor on top of it. The noticeable difference of not having thick shoulder pads and the side skirt that exposed a leg each.

"Is this really a good idea." Lunch didn't look to sure of anything she learned in the last few hours. Also worried about the other who was still nowhere to be seen. "I am not that great of a fighter.."

"Well.. she said we should be fine." Mai gulped in fear as she looked at the large fire. "We can do this.. just.. take a deep breath and let the magic take over."

"Nice getup.." Bulma walked over with Pilaf as she threw out some capsules. "..at least we have two more for this."

"Not really." Mai gave a small grin as her eyes lit up with the Timebreaker Marks inside. Lunch eyes doing the same but unnoticed by Bulma and Pilaf. A thick white magic energy circled the two. "Here goes nothing."

Clipping purple earrings on opposite ears, Mai and Lunch fused into one creature. Towa's ability to Merge organisms together were placed inside the earrings. As long as they had magic, the fusion would remain before they seperated.

*Shine!* The fading light revealed dark blue-haired woman who kept a solemn look on her face. In a dash, she shot off to help hold the tide against the "invading" spirits of Other World.

"Come on Pilaf!" Bulma shot off on her hover-cycle. Guns already deployed as her scouter took in the quickest threats. "Hopefully, no other surprises are coming through!"

Pilaf hopped on the other vehicle and took off. The rabbit mobile had some heavy artillery on it that he was more than ready to fire quickly. He did have some mech suits ready for use afterward.

As the defense line against the opening in the Furnance kicked off, Kakarot was dealing with a more dangerous situation.


Lucifer v.s. Kakarot-


Kakarot had taken control over a few thousand demons in the castle. Cutting down the others wildly allowed him to have some breathing room. Magic was replenishing fast enough now, but that didn't bold well for his energy levels.

'Running across this chasm is getting tiresome already. I can't believe I can't find this bastard still.' His scouter, like his hair was chopped up during a fight against some giant centipedes. 'I need to remember to build a bunch of them in case this happens in the future.'

'The rest are back at the house but they are the older models. If you didn't give Mai and Pilaf the other new ones, maybe you would have found Count Lucifer.' Towa knew of him from the old legends told around different circles in the Demon Realm. Not to mention going through the life of Kakarot already. 'It would be best if you take care of it to help stabilize the Planet further against the other problem.'

'Yeah well.. not my fault.' Kakarot was getting ragged at this point. Creating an energy ball out of his magic to help tide over, he was back at least half over his energy levels. With his hair and scars healing from the damage before, he sat down to get himself some more back. 'Hmm, I can feel Yamacha gaining some strength, he must have a way to recover himself.'

*Fwish!* Powering up and eating more energy balls of magic, his energy continued to climb up faster. The desire to eat vanishing as well. How long had he been fighting in this place already?

As if he knew it was best to move, Yamacha disappeared from his previous location.

*Schup!* Teleporting next to kakarot a little haphazardly.

"I don't like this move at all. I feel almost sick." Yamacha really looked sick to his stomach. Closer inspection.. revealed he was sick. "Well, this isn't good at all."

The former bandit dropped to his butt. Searching through his capsules for any antidotes he may have.

"Hmm.." Kakarot defintely likes the sound of the magic boost gained from continuing to press on but it would be best if Yamacha didn't die here and now. Then the territory itself would also stabilize the Dimension further so couldn't just leave. ".. Sectas, come here."

The Majin marked demon moved over quickly and kneeled down. As six arm humanoid with several heads, the name was fitting.

Placing his hand on top of the central head, Kakarot used Telepathy to read the demon's mind. Searching for possible means to treat Yamacha. It took at least 7 minutes to find a way after looking through several demons' minds.

"This will have to do. Hold still." Kakarot pulled a pincer off a centipede demon. The irony that he killed its mate earlier was not lost on him. "We are going to fight poison with poison."

Before Yamacha could protest, he was stabbed not to far from the wound. Instructing him to use whatever method he had to help increase his blood flow to spread through his body.

"Bulk Up!" Yamacha body mass increased threefold. The sweat coming down his forehead and forearms the color of light blue. "Grrr!" The pain was nothing to scoff at by the looks of it.

Seeing as it would take a while, the Champion decided to scope the place out further and try to sense where to go.

"Well.. damn.." Kakarot came to a halt looking at the last wave of demons through their eyes. With the update via Telepathy, the outside forces were cleaning up the area nicely but were beaten down pretty badly. "The pullback will beat the crap out of my body. At least I will increase my spirit from it."

Returning to his normal size after flushing everything out, Yamacha ate the rest of a little green bean he had. His stamina and vitality shot back up to decent levels.

'Those Demons you have under control, let them come into your Internal Space soon. I have something to give them to help with their appearance.' Towa had several science chambers inside his Internal Space lined up. 'Just in case this Subsudary Dimension Collapses.. a backup plan isn't to bad.'

Nodding in agreement, the different demons disappeared.

"Haa, my spirit needs to be trained more." Patting his chest, he could determine the limit of how many people he could control with his Majin/Timebreaker Marks. 'If I had enough Magic.. I could control this entire Army!'

The combined spirit of all those added together was not enough to beat his own. Besides Lucifer, only a few, maybe two demons in the area could resist against it.

'His spirit?' Yamacha watched Kakarot carefully. Seeing him calm and collected despite the situation as unnerving. 'Chichi said all the anger, malice, and downright evil she had inside is inside him now. Yet he doesn't seem to different most of the time.'

One of those Demons was on its way actually. It was quite strong by all accounts. Without his scouter, it was at least stronger than Old Gohan last time he checked.

The red-horned demon was not in the talking mood. Neither were the rest of the troops of the castle that accompanied it.

"He is all yours Yamacha, I will fight the grunts!" Kakarot dashed off charging into the fray. 'Brush up the Demon Style usage to get through them faster!' Eyes trained on the ones with explosives, he fired Ki Beams from his eyes at them.

*Peww!* The red beams cut through weak demons easily and ignited a large swat of dynamite. The explosions tore most of the place apart.

He would defintely have to redecorate at this rate. By the feel of a large burst of power, Lucifer didn't take kindly to what happened in his castle.

Why he didn't charge out besides thinking it was beneath him was odd. That's what Kakarot thought anyway.

"Try my Wolf Wang Fist!" Yamacha did his signature attack crushing the swinging hammers in an instant with the first two strikes. On the additional strikes, the armor was crushed and ripped apart. "Haha!"

The red-horned demon fell back dead. Its organs underneath had been pierced. The poison had done more than cause damage to him earlier by making him sick. The mix from the other poison causes physical properties to increase a little.

The demon did have magic seeping inside their bodies. Even the saliva had different properties inside that could be beneficial.

"Hah!" Kakarot launched a Full Power Volley Burst out. The attacks destroyed support structures burying demons under rubble and ticked off Lucifer once more. Moving forward, he finally understood why the demon didn't come after him. "Why is Launch here?"

Feeling the Ki Life sign that he changed not to long ago, it was odd it was back to its old self. The closer he got the more the situation was odd to him.

"Hey.. Kakarot.. why did you shrink?" Yamacha jumped over some demons stopping next to a pint-size monkey tail boy. "Why are you weaker?"

"My name is not Kakarot.. it's Goku." The monkey tail boy said. Flipping out of the air, a ball-headed monk-looking boy landed. "Krillin, does this guy look familiar to you?"

"Hmm, nope." The now named Krillin shook his head oddly. "He seems to know you though."

"Hurry up Yamacha!" Kakarot kept going but froze looking back. Seeing the two children, he felt a sharp pain shoot through his skull. "What the hell!?"

*Brrp!* The Dimension started to shake a little at the inconsistency of reality. An outside force was trying to correct the place and didn't care what happened in the process.


Other World-


Chichi, Tights, and Roshi were currently in front of a very upset King Yemma. Not only did he have a long line of dead coming in, but the Ogre's were also having trouble keeping order in HFIL.

The Supreme Kai of Time herself had appeared to speak with the Judge of Souls herself. The conversation was not going well at all.

"Your proposal has merit.. but what makes her more qualified than the other?" King Yemma would not make a decision easily. "Getting rid of the Dragonballs does not sound bad to me. Or at least the ability to prevent them from reviving the dead and altering entire ecosystems out right."

"That is not part of what happens in the timeline." Chronoa voiced.

"Yet you yourself should not be here either." King Yemma stated. Arm propping his head up. "You smell as if you had a brush with death. Only alive thanks to the power of A Deity of sorts. The Timeline itself means nothing with everything going on."


"No buts," King Yemma waved her off. "The Guardian of Earth's job is to take care of issues like this. Since he has not acted, then that does not go in your favor. As for the trouble with the Furnance, I will assit in that now."

The person in charge of this task, Annin would have to answer for this failure later.

After meeting the cause of the problem firsthand, King Yemma lifted his hands and pulled his magic to the forefront. His hair turning from black to gray from the use of his power so excessively over life and death.

The spirits that tried to escape were forcefully pulled back inside. Flooding the lands of Heaven and HFIL in moments. Unfortunately, the recently departed in Devil's Hand were sucked away robbing Kakrot of the chance to turn them into Magic.

The line finally stopped growing with the end of the fight against the different forces at least. Seeing the group terrified of the sucking force that opened up in space was terrifying.

"King Yemma," an sagely voice came out from behind a pillar. The Guadian of the Earth walked over with the help of his cane. "I have a small proposition for you. One that I think will help you make a better decision in regards to the Supreme Kai of Time."

Not only Chichi was all ears, but so was Master Roshi. Tights looked at all the dead people in line and frowned. She wouldn't voice the concern she felt in regards to this just yet.

Chichi (Valencia)

Soul: Enduring Drive

Aspects: Sex, Sensuality, Music, Hope

Spirit: 2,003,931

Ki: 974

God Ki: 3 (Sealed)

Magic: 10

Styles: Namekian, Saiyan, Korin, Crane, Turtle, Ox, Kaioshin, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast, Sense, Power Up, Bulk Up, Ki Shout, Dodon Ray, Tri-Form, Solar Flare, Mouth Blast, Kamehameha, Afterimage, Evil Containment Wave, Kai Kai

Abilities: Time Lock, Medium Materialization, Healing

Governing Regions: West City, South City 1/2, East City 1/2, Ox Country, North City 1/4

Linked: 830 Humans, Briefs Family, Korin, Mr.Popo, Krillin, Ox Family

Magmatidecreators' thoughts