
Lifting of the Veil (BL)

When he woke up, he didn't know who he was, where he was, or even which year it was. All he knew was that he was somewhat impaired... There was just sand and he couldn't even see a few meters ahead. There were other survivors, and he even found a friend. Was this the apocalypse? And why is his clingy friend getting clingier as time goes by? Both MC and ML straight, mutual bending, shou perspective / dual perspective of MC and ML, they will probably be a reversible couple.., love interest falls in love first, there are explicit scenes planned. Have fun ^^ WARNING: LOTS OF SWEARING, BLOODY, GORE Cover is of "Global university entrance exam" (highly recommended), if I`m not allowed to use this please inform me! MC and ML should generally look like the two on the cover.

watAm0Te · LGBT+
Sin suficientes valoraciones
37 Chs

6. Death

He turned and was about to go out when the rough man called out "Hunter."

He looked back, confused, and the other man added "My name."

"Ah.... J-Jack?"

"Is that a question?"

"No sir, it's Jack, that says my ID."

Hunter looked at him for a moment before he smiled lightly "Thanks, Jack."

Jack only then remembered to give away a bit of his loot.

He took out nuts and chocolate and the water bottle, for no other reason as that he finally found someone more clueless than himself about the situation. Hunter was surprised to receive so much from a kid he had known for 3 minutes.

He thanked him again and placed the scalpel he had in his hand, behind his back unnoticably to the floor, to take the water and snacks.

Jack turned back to the hospital corridor and through the VIPS suites to search for a wheelchair, there was none and he only found one on the second floor, the rest where strange one with a hole in them, the guy had lived here for a minimum of 2 days so he should know how to solve his needs on his own, no need to scratch at is self esteem. Before he entered the VIP room he paused.

'Was Hunter real? Or was he like the first Jack?' No, he didn't even know if the first Jack was really his imagination, maybe he was real, he had to ask the other people later if they saw a 'Jack'.

As he entered again he presented the wheelchair like a treasure.

Hunter cooperated: "Good Job." And prepared to heave himself in the wheelchair, but Jack unexpectedly put his hands under Hunter's armpit and lifted. Hunter jolted but allowed his help.

He couldn't help but make a face " You reek of vomit."

Jack answered "Yeah and you reek like you haven't bathed in a while." Jack naturally pushed the wheelchair through the corridor.

Hunter was speechless because it was true, and the other followed up " Man I vomited like crazy since the incident yesterday."

"Wait, you mean the explosion or whatever was yesterday?"

"Wasn't it?" Hunter had a bad premonition.

"No, at least two weeks have passed since then."

"Ha?" Jack was stunned, that couldn´t be true, could it? Isn't it that you can't survive without water a few days in a row? How is it possible that he was out for that long? It is true that he can speak again clearer and can move better since the vomiting in the toilet, but it wouldn't be this long, would it?

"You sure?"

"Yeah." Hunter had turned his head and observed his reaction, it didn't seem fake.

"Man, I have been out two times since the incident, didn't think it was this long.... " Jack mumbled.

They reached the staircase through the window frame next to the security door and looked at each other. "Lets try with step by step?"

"Let's give it a try" He nodded, and Jack pulled him up and secured Hunters arm over his own neck, but he wasn't careful and his arm touched the end of the metal thing above- Jack jolted and his vision went black as tried to regain balanced but failing bitterly, he crashed at the ground with Hunter giving his best to pull him away from the stairs. As Jack landed on the floor with Hunter on him, the metal thing met the ground at the back of his head, and it was pushed a bit more through his forehead. After a moment of dizziness Hunter propped himself on his arms and saw the bloody metal pole on the other's forehead.

"Ah....FUCK." He grunted as he looked at the youth under him. This couldn´t be true?!

The other's face was sharp, his nose straight and good looking, thin lips and a strong jaw, eyebrows full and black straight slightly longer hair. The girls should have gone crazy over him. But here he was lying, just tried to help but should be dead now, it was strange that he survived till now- how the hell did he do it anyway? But anyway, there is no way he survived this time. Hunter felt it was a pity, he leaned to the side and with a strong push, he was finally on the ground himself. He weekly lifted a hand and put it under Jacks nose. There was no breath. Hunter sighed. He wanted to be sure, so he put his hand on Jack's chest - he couldn't feel a thing. Just to be really really sure he lifted his head hand put it on Jacks chest, he found a comfortable position and listened with all his might.

"Come on Jacky.." but there was nothing.

Kill MC in the first 6 chapters - check

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