
Life With Superpower

For me it was a normal day. Wake up, eat, go to school, go back home, sleep, repeat. Today however i decided to change my routine. You know spice things up in the best way i could. Go a different way. Little did i know that will forever change my fate.

JojoBizz · Acción
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1 Chs

Ch:1 A normal day

My name is Petar Radin, i was an ordinary student at a Japanese high school, I have a younger brother and an older sister, and the reason I live in Japan and not Serbia is because of my parents. My father died in a car crash. My mother works in Japan as an architect for a company. So when my father died I moved to Japan.

And there I was, waking up one morning due to my sister yelling at me to wake up so i could go to school and not be late. While I liked to live in a first-world country, it was boring. All my friends were back in Serbia while here I had none.

So to start my day i went to the bathroom to take a bath. Afterward, I combed my brown hair and took a look in the mirror. I looked at my tired green eyes and thought:

'Oh man, no matter how early I go to sleep I end up more tired' then I remembered, 'Oh god dammit i have a math test today'. Suddenly my sister Ana knocked on the door

"Hurry up you dumbass there are other people in the house who need to use the bathroom"

i replied "I know woman, calm down, it's not like it's 7 in the morning"

My sister replied with:

"you said that last time and i had to drag your ass out of the bathtub to your school because you fell asleep in the bath, so hurry the fuck up".

"Jesus calm down was just that one time, fine goddamn'll hurry up"

After i finished with the bathroom my sister gave me the death glare and i replied with a kind gesture of the middle finger. I went to the kitchen to eat. There i saw my mother reading newspapers and my younger brother Alexa eating some eggs.

"Good morning," my mother said with an enthusiastic smile "Good morning" i replied with not so enthusiastic smile. "So what for breakfast," I asked, "Some eggs or cereal if you want some"

I decided on some cereal. I asked my mom "What's up with Ana, usually, she's irritable, but today she's exceptionally so".

"Well first off it's because you fell asleep in the bath and made both of you late to school, then the fact that she was rejected for the role of the main actress in the upcoming show from the drama club at her school and to top it off her crush rejected her"

"Ohhh so that's why. Anyway, I'm gonna finish my breakfast then ill be going to school" "Alright good luck on that test". "Bye mom, bye Alexa"

After leaving the house i went to school. It was the same boring route i always take. Never nothing new. Arriving at the school I went to the class.

I don't have friends here. They pretty much treat me as an outsider.

After school, I went back to the usual boring route, except I didn't. I decided to go past an abandoned factory. For some reason, i felt the urge to go past it so i did.

While I was walking past the factory I heard some noise inside it. It wouldn't be unusual if not for the fact it was abandoned. So I decided to investigate the noise. Granted now I see that was a stupid idea.

So I entered the factory, and which doors were not locked surprisingly. The noise inside was getting louder the more I went in. I recognized the noise being metallic, like someone was hitting a metal pipe against another metal pipe. At some point, i heard grunting and yelling. After a few minutes i entered a large room full of old machines, then i heard someone talking :

"Come on Mira give us the crown part and i will give you a quick death, i promise".

"The only thing you will get is the feeling of cold steel on your throat you bastard".

"You never were a cooperative type, Mira".

I thought to myself 'What the hell is happening there, are they filming a movie or what'. So i decided to take a peek.

I think that was a mistake.

There i saw a group of people fighting with ... swords? What? And they were wearing ancient armor. I could recognize a Roman legionary armor. And i didn't see any cameras for a movie or a video. This was weird. There were 6 people in total, (not counting me), One group was lightly injured while the other group was more heavily injured. Some of them had short swords while one had a halberd.

The man continued:

"You know you were always a bitch Mira, always ordering people around, sticking your ugly nose in places it shouldn't go".

"That's rich coming from you Emanuel, honestly you are worse, you know why ?".

The woman who i presume was Mira said "Because at least im an honest asshole, tell me how many times you were an asshole to people behind my back, spreading rumors, making enemies"."If i had to guess id say all the time ". She said it with an exhausted sigh.

I thought it was most likely a gang fighting against a rival gang, but something didn't sit with me. How did a gang get access to high-grade weapons? I understand katanas or odachi since we are in Japan, but those swords were different. Also, most of them looked foreign.

One was, i think, an Egyptian khopesh, a roman short sword, and a rapier. Emanuel was wearing legionary armor and wielding a roman short sword. While Mira was wearing..... something french? I guess that compliments her rapier.

But what happened next enforced my thought about the fight. Mira took her rapier and went to attack Emanuel. The thing is, she was lightning-fast when she attacked. I barely managed to keep my eyes on her. Even Weirder was that Emanuel easily dodged the attack. "Oh come on Mira you are so easy to read, really, pulling the same shit you did when we first fought".

"Well it's worth a shot, for me it really doesn't matter if i hit, i just need to stall you long enough for reinforcement to come".

"Oh please, what reinforcement. They don't even know you're about to die".

At that moment I decided it was a great time to leave and go to the police to report it but as I was turning around I accidentally knocked over some pipes near my hiding place alerting them all to my presence.

Emanuel: "Who the fuck is that ?!".

At that moment the group who was fighting Emanuel took advantage and attacked his group.

Emanuel: "Mia go and get that motherfucker and bring him to me".

Mia: "On it!" she turned around to face me when I saw that she was equipped with a halberd.

I started running immediately after I knocked over those pipes, fearing for my life. My pursuer was oddly faster than me. I started throwing things at her to slow her down. And as I was about to escape the building she pulled out 3 throwing knives and threw them at me.

The first 2 missed me, but the third one managed to hit me in the leg and make me fall over.

Petar: "Ahhhh fuck".

Mia: "Hahaha not so fast are you" She came closer to me and twisted the knife in my leg "Not so fast are you now". I started screaming for help, hoping someone nearby could hear me.

Mia: "Opps can't have you disturbing the neighbors now do we ?" she took some rope that was nearby and used it as a gag and she started dragging me back to that room.

After getting dragged back to the room, and me getting beaten up along the way, i saw that Emanuel's group managed to beat Mila's group. To my horror, it looked like 2 of them died, as they were covered in cuts and were bleeding heavily from their wounds.

Emanuel: "Well, well there's the runner, tell me with what group are you or I'm gonna be forced to break both of your legs and leave you to bleed out next to this whore"

Mila: "Fuck you"

Petar: "Iiimmm with nnnnno one," I said scared. "Iiiimm not with any group or gang"

Mia: "Ahh shit it's a civilian" While she said that she covered her forehead with her hand and started massaging it.

Mia: "We are gonna have to take him to command to do some damage control."

Emanuel: "Actually i have an idea how to deal with him without reporting to command" As he said that he looked at me with sinister intent.

Mia: "How ?" She said puzzled

Emanuel: "Simple, we kill him," He said with a smile. "And because of that we won't deal with him and that British old bastard archaeologist will have to deal with his death, as well with the death of the gamma squad"

Mia: "Fine, but do it quickly, their reinforcement could be here anytime, in the mean time ill go and deposit the part"

Emanuel: "You are a buzzkill Mia, Bruce kill him first"

As he said that a somewhat skinny man dressed in roman legionary armor started walking toward me. Despite a lack of threatening features, he oozed a threatening aura. As he grabbed me i tried resisting him however he just shook off those attempts as if i was a fly. He then lifted me and trowed me towards a wall. I could feel a couple of my bones crack, and the pain was the most i have ever felt.

Emanuel: "HAHAHA he's still alive ?! That's hilarious, but no seriously Bruce finish him off we need to finish this"

Mila: "Just wait Emanuel, you are gonna regret your life choices one day and will have to pay tenfold you bastard "

Emanuel: "Maybe if that day ever comes HAHAHAHA "

In the meantime, i was feeling like i was dying, thinking this is it, i will die to some weird gang in one of the safest countries in the world, however, at that moment I started to feel something inside me. At first, i thought it was internal bleeding there to finish the job, however, it started to feel warm as if its something waking up inside me.

When Bruce started to approach me I started to raise myself.

Emanuel: "Hooo you are one tough bastard aren't ya, unfortunately, we don't have time for games, Bruce use your sword."


In the room, I heard an audible crack coming from me. At the time I didn't know that it was my spine cracking in half. As I rose to my feet I could powers surge thru me. As I took a look toward them I could see on Mila's face a smile forming into a big grin, and see that Emanuel and Bruce were looking with horrified faces.

Emanuel: "Fuck he's awakening, why the fuck is he awakening now !"

Mila: "Hahaha looks like that day came didn't it, Emanuel ?"

Emanuel took a glance at Bruce and said "What are you waiting for kill him! The chances of him getting anything good are slim, plus he's practically half dead. "

Bruce slowly started going towards me if a bit scared. I felt that my bleeding stopped and i had a feeling i was stronger than ever. I closed my eyes for a second and when i opened them i felt that they were glowing.

Bruce: "Why are his eyes glowing ?!"

Emanuel: "Ignore his eyes and just kill him"

Bruce went ahead with his sword raised scared of what i would do. And what i did was i started running towards him. He raised his sword in time cut me on my arm, however, it didn't stop me, in fact, i didn't feel the cut and i just started attacking him with my fists. I hit him so hard it knocked him out. When he got knocked out i just took a look at Emanuel to see him start to run. As he was about to turn a corner he got impaled by a pike. Slowly some people dressed in ancient armor started entering the room. I wanted to say something, however before I could say anything i collapsed. Mila managed to catch me and said "Shush rest now, you deserve it, I'll see you later.".

I started to slowly lose consciousness not knowing i changed my destiny forever.