
The truth of my darkside

When slendy Intoduced me everyone,I could tell I will live a happy life, but I had questions like "do I really fit in this group or am I just a bother to them.... Should I have killed myself also.. Should I have really made a deal with my demon... I don't wanna tell hem about my demon... I hope slendy doesn't go through my thoughts today..."

It completely went the other way...

9pm night time in the creepypastas mansion.

I was having an argument with my demon named lea, we had a long argument that slender got suspicious of me having an angry face in the middle of the night, he thought I was having a back story of my old past, apparently I had an angry face till 22:30 and slender trued waking me up... Somehow he-he entered my thoughts were I comunicate with my demon, he was shocked I never seen him like that I could tell he was mad... So he told me to explain this issue.. I told him everything and how I made the deal with lea and how my eyes changed colour while me murdering my family.. He didn't mind about that but he was still mad.. He left and I went back to sleeping... I guess I shouldn't have done that deal with lea but I couldn't stand my family either, so I guess I did a good choice and a bad one in the same time...