
Chapter 8

I woke up this morning full of energy. But how did I get in Danny's bed when I said I would sleep on the coach? I swam down to see him sleeping on the couch.

"Danny, wake up."

I whispered in his ear.

"Someone is here to take me away."

"What?" "Where?"

I laughed so hard I fell to the floor.

"That wasn't very funny." "What if it was really happening?"

"Nothing will happen which reminds me I have to go to the witches' town and forgive them." "It's time for me to do that." "I want mermaids and witches to live in peace for today on." "After all I am the queen."

"What if something happens to you?"

"Nothing will happen." "You can come with me if you would like."

"No I trust you but please stay safe." "I would never forgive myself if something happened to you."

"Well I have to get going, I will see you later tonight."

I kissed his lips and went on my way.

"Bye and be safe."


"Danny?" "Good, you're awake now about Penelope."

"No more mother, not unless it's something good to say about her."

"It's alright, it's just about your future plans with her." "Where is she anyway?"

"She had an event to go to and she will be back later."

"When are you going to propose to her?"

"Mother." "Sigh." "I am hoping soon I just don't know when for sure."

"Please tell me before you do." "I want to be there to take photos so that you can have lots of memories."

I still hate that he is with her but whatever it won't be me getting hurt.

"That's a great idea mother, thank you so much."

I kissed her on the cheek.

"I have to get ready for tonight." "I just really want to ask her tonight."


"Mermaids and witches, I have come here today to talk about this war." "We must stop being all some sort of creature so why can't we just get along and become friends?"

"Because mermaids hate us."

"No, because witches hate us."

"Enough!" "Why don't we try to get along?"

"Who are you to tell us what to do?"

"Because I am the Prophecy Queen."

"If you are, then prove it."

I showed them my powers and everyone fell silent.

"So as I was saying Why don't we try to get along and not judge anyone until we know them one hundred percent because from this day on we are all united as one kingdom thank you and have a splendid rest of your day."

Wow I am glad that is over, now it's time for me to go home into Danny's arms.

"Danny I am home."

Finally I missed you so much."

I hugged her and kissed her lips.

"Wow." "So how was your day?"

"It was good, how did it go for you?"

"Horrible and exhausting, they didn't want peace because both sides thought the other side hated them." "So I said don't judge someone until you know them one hundred percent and that all mermaids and witches are now united under one kingdom and now I am at home with you."

"I am glad nothing bad happened and I am glad that you are home safely."

I am so happy that I finally get to spend time with her. I can't wait to ask her to spend the rest of her life with me. I still don't know what she will say.

"You look tired."

"I am well, I think I am going to take a shower and get ready for bed."

I kissed his cheek.

"Ummm alright."

Well I should let mother know it's not going to be tonight. Penelope seems off in a way.


"Mother, Father, did you see the Queen?" "She is so beautiful."

Why are they so surprised?

"What's wrong?"

"Mia looks closely at who you are looking at."

"Umm I still don't know why?"

"That's your adopted sister, it's Penelope."

She is still alive?

"It can't be mother, isn't she dead?"

"She must have escaped, thank the lord she is alright." "Right bob?"

"Yes it's great that she is alright." "I am also glad that both sides are now under one kingdom."

"I don't get it father, how did she escape?"

"I don't know but that has to be her." "I should know my own daughters."


I went to bed after a long tiring day of work. Well, it's not really work like a speech. Where is Danny going to sleep tonight? My eyes grew heavy and I fell fast asleep.

When I got upstairs Penelope was already asleep in my bed. Well the coach for me is I swam to the closet, grabbed a pillow and blanket. I went back to Penelope's side.

"Good night my love."

I kissed her cheek. Before closing the door I turned to see Penleope smiling. I am the luckiest merman alive to have found such an amazing mermaid.

I tossed and turned all night. When I wake up I am as tired as I was when I went to bed.


I went down stairs.

"Good morning Penelope."

"Morning Rosemary."

"You look so tired." "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"I wish I could tell you that I slept well but I will be alright please don't tell Danny but I was tossing and turning all night." "I also don't know why I was." "I think it might have been a dream but I can't seem to remember the dream at all."

"I won't say anything but you really should talk to a therapist about what's going on that might help you so you can get more sleep."

"That's a great idea, thank you Rosemary."

"Morning mother." "Morning Penelope."

"Good morning my son, how did you sleep?"

"I slept great, how did you sleep mother?"

"Just fine dear."

"Good morning Penelope."

She looks exhausted.


"Morning Danny."

I gave him a hug and kissed his cheek.

I will get breakfast made." "How does eggs, bacon, and pancakes sound?"

"That sounds great." "Mother, could I please have a word with you?"

"Sure." "what's up?"

"Is Penelope alright?"

"Yes she is just fine she told me that she is excited to spend the whole day with you."

"Mother please, I can tell when you are lying to me."

"Sigh." "She is having trouble sleeping."

"Why didn't she tell me?"

"She wants to be strong for you, she wants to make you happy, and she doesn't want you to have to always worry about her." "She wants to be the one that worries about you; she really wants to be your hero too." "Do you understand what I am trying to say?"

"I understand." "Thank you mother."

I kissed her on the cheek. I swam up behind Penelope as she was starting to fall asleep at the stove. I put my arms around her shoulders.

"Why don't you go lay down for a little bit and I will get breakfast ready."


"No, Please go lay down."

I kissed her lips.


I am happy that I can go lay down. I might have hurt myself badly if he didn't come into the kitchen. I hope that going to therapy will help me. I sat down on the couch next to Rosemary.

"Penelope you can sleep for a little bit, he's busy anyway right now come on my dear."

I pulled her close and she leaned on me and in no time she fell asleep. I laid her on the coach.

"Danny I am going to town for a while and I will be right back."

"Okay mother."

I looked back to see Penelope was fast asleep on the couch. I grabbed the blanket and covered her with it.

"Sleep well."

I wish I could have stayed awake. I hope Danny didn't see but he probably did. I started to toss and turn again.


That was a wake up call.

"Penelope, are you alright?


"I just wanted to try and make you happy and not to have to worry about me all the time I just wanted you to know that I am here for you too I want to be more than just the girl who cries all the time I want to be more than that for you and that is why I didn't say anything and I am sorry."

Tears ran down my face. I just couldn't hold them in anymore. I got up and swam out the door.

"Penelope, wait."

I know she wants to be there for me but right now I need to be there for her.

"Good morning son."

"Morning father, how did you sleep?"

"I slept well, thank you for asking." "Where's your mother and Penelope?"

"Mother will be back." "She just went to the store and Penelope just swam out the door." "I hope she will be back soon as well."

"Alright then I have to get going to work before I am late." "Have a good day son."

"You as well father."

Penelope I hope you are alright.


I swam away from Danny. I am sorry I just wanted to make you happy. Where am I anyway?

"Hello." "Can I help you sweetly?"

"Yes please where am I?"

"You are in, wild town."

"Why is it called, wild town?"

"Well it's a place where anyone at any time parties when they want it's so open and beautiful." "By the way my name is Jenny."

"It's nice to meet you." "My name is Penelope."

Nice to meet you as well." "Want to tell me why you are crying?"

"It's nothing."

I wiped the tears away.

"Well it was nice to meet you but I should get back home because someone is worrying about me." "Would you like to come with me?"

"Yes I would love this place to, crowded any way."

"So what kind of animal are you?"

"I am a lobster."

"Wow you are so beautiful I have never seen anyone like you before."

"Thank you and you're the most beautiful mermaid I have ever seen come this way."

"Thank you."

We got to town looking around and everyone was having a great time. I looked at myself seeing that I am still in P.j.s.

"I have to go home, I need to change into some better clothes." "Bye Jenny."

"Bye, I can't wait to hangout again."

I got back to Danny's house, slipping in quietly so no one would hear or see me. I got to his room, closing the door behind me. I just can't do anything right. I mean I just left Jenny there all by herself. I hope she is alright. I felt tears forming in my eyes don't cry, you have to be strong. Telling myself doesn't help.


Why isn't Penelope back yet? I am starting to get worried. I should go to my room, grab a photo of her and start asking around. When I opened the door.


She was there sleeping with tears staining my face.

"Thank you for trying to be strong for me but no matter what I will always love you."

I kissed her forehead.

"Sleep well."


"Bob, Mia let's get going." "I want to know what is going on and how Penelope is still alive."

"Coming honey."

"Coming mother."

It took a while to get to Danny's house.

"Knock knock."

I wonder who that could be.

"Hello?" "Oh hi Daisy, Bob, and Mia how are you?" "Please come in." "What brings you all here today."

"Penelope does." "Is she alive or dead?"

"She is alive and well right now she is sleeping up stairs."

"Can we see her?" "We are so worried about her."

"Sorry not right now she needs the sleep."

Daisy didn't listen to me as we swam to Penelope.

"I am sorry Danny, she is just so happy that Penelope is alive."

"I understand."

"Anyway, why is she still sleeping?"

"Just a small afternoon nap."


"Oh Penelope you're alright." "Why did you leave the ocean?" "How did you escape?" "Are you hurt?" "Please tell me."

"Hello mother, I am alright." "I saved myself and somehow I had the powers and was told I am the Prophecy Queen." "The reason why I am queen is because of being brave and kind and some other things." "I am sorry I know I should have come home earlier, I.. Well it's just that something has been keeping me away."

"So you really are queen and what problem has been keeping you away?"

She doesn't look well.

"Are you feeling alright?" "You look pale."

"No, I didn't get enough sleep last night."

"Well go to bed early tonight so that you can get enough sleep."

"I will."

"Well I better get going please come and visit us when you can."

"I will, good bye and take care and say hi to father and Mia for me."

"I will, bye Penelope see you soon."

I kissed her forehead and swam out of the room.

"Let's get going, she is still sleeping, bye Danny and please don't forget to come and visit."

"Yes, we will." "Good bye."

I swam upstairs to see Penelope awake.

"I am sorry I tried to tell her that you were asleep." "Do you want to talk about anything?"

"About what?"

"About this morning when you swam away."

"Not really."

"Penelope it's not good for you to keep it all in please you need me right now I know you want to be there for me but right now I need to be here for you so will you let me?"

"Yes." "I have been tossing and turning and not able to get any sleep." "Tomorrow I want to go see a therapist." "It's been this way for a while now and it's always the same dream over and over again but yet I still don't know what the dream is."

I leaned into Danny.

I embraced her, holding her tight.

"I wish there is something that I can do to help you."

"You have been helping me a lot and I thank you for that."

I looked into his deep blue eyes and we both leaned in for a kiss.

"Danny I am home."

"Coming mother."

"How is Penelope feeling?"

She swam up behind him.

"You told him didn't you?"

"Yes Penelope I am worried about you well not as much as Danny is but I just had to."

I looked down at my fins.

"That's alright I am going to get cleaned up."

I swam to the restroom. Why would she do that? She promised me that she wouldn't say anything to him. Well now that I am cleaned up I think a stroll around town will do me good.

"Danny I am heading out, I will be back soon."

"Be safe."

Now I feel bad that I made my mother tell me. I should have let her tell me herself when she was ready.

"I will be safe." "See you later."


I got to town and everyone, mermaids and witches, are all getting along. I am so glad my idea worked.

"I Penelope, I was hoping to see you again."

"Jenny, how are you?" "Do you have a place here yet?"

I hugged her.

"No not yet I can't seem to find anything that would suit me."

"I am so sorry it must be cold here at night."

I have an idea.

"How about you stay with me?" "I live with my boyfriend Danny."

"Really?" "Thank you so much Penelope, I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome."

We swam home Jenny talking the whole way there.

"This is it." "Danny we're home."

"What do you mean we?" "Oh hello I am Danny."

"Hi, my name is Jenny." "It's nice to meet you." "Penelope told me so much about you and that you are both dating."

"Jenny?" "Sorry Danny." "Jenny, let's go to where I usually sleep."

We got to the room and I closed the door.

"Jenny, why did you say that to him?"

"Haha look at your face, you really do love him and I can tell he really loves you."

"I mean he does tell me how much he loves me."

"How romantic."


I followed them. I know I shouldn't have but it's something that Jenny said. I have a great idea. I passed my mother as I was heading out the door.

"I will be right back."

"Hurry back."

When I got to town I bought some flowers, candles, and a diamond ring. When I got home I set everything up.

"Knock knock."

"Come in." "Hi Danny if you are looking for Penelope she is down stairs."


I swam down stairs.


"Yes?" "You finally made it back at a good time as well." "I just got done with making dinner."

"Perfect timing I will help you bring ours outside."

"Thank you but why outside?"

"You will see."

I opened the door and set the food on the table.

"We have been together for a long time and we have been through a lot." "Will you marry me?"


I swam into Danny's arms as happy tears ran down my face.

"Penelope are you alright?" "Please don't cry."

"I am not sad, silly, I am happy and these are happy tears."

"I love you Penelope."

"I love you too."