
Chapter 46

The last 6 months were nice. I fixed up my house to livable condition, traded my gold and silver for some earth kingdom coins, healed the occasional villager, but most of my time was spent with the Kiyoshi warriors. Their fighting style reminded me a lot of how I fought as a Hero. They were agile, stealthy, and used throwing weapons. The village really started to accept me once I started regularly training with the girls. I spent a lot of time teaching them some of the things I learned about stealth and hand to hand combat. They taught me Tessenjutsu or fan combat. It did require me to dress in drag a handful of times, but overall worth it. None of the girls were really at my level of combat, but Suki was close. I mean my physical abilities and bending made the gap insurmountable, but based solely on fighting techniques she's a prodigy. She makes the Kiyoshi fighting technique look easy, which it is not. The style is incredibly cool, but if I had anything else to do I wouldn't be investing all my time learning such a complicated style. While I taught the other Kiyoshi Warriors some basics, I taught Suki some more specific fighting styles. As she taught me her style I taught her some of the mixed styles I learned in MHA. I had learned a variety of styles to help me face people stronger or with more abilities than me. A situation she now finds her self in. After 5 months she proved her prodigious talent by mastering and incorporating the new forms I had showed her.

But all things come to an end. Earlier today I heard a commotion at the beach and Suki and the Warriors are heading down to investigate. So, any minute now the avatar and companions will be brought to the town square and tied to the Kiyoshi pillar.

"I don't like this Silva. More people just showing up here."

"I think today is the day I've been waiting for Chief."

" You know you don't have to leave, the kids have really started to like you and I'll miss having a healer nearby."

"Thanks, I'll miss it here too, but I think destiny is calling." I can't tell, but I think he just rolled his eyes.

"Well, I've got to go interrogate Prisoners."

"Don't rough em up too bad chief"

As the chief walks toward the now tied up Team Avatar I can overhear Sokka and Suki start to argue over if women can be warriors. I decide to intervene now. I turn some of the snow near my feat into water then send it as a blade cutting them free.

"Avatar Aang I welcome you to Kiyoshi Island. I am Silva wanderer and Master water bender. I have been waiting here for your arrival"

There is a moment of silence before the chaos.

"That's impossible the last avatar was an air bender who disappeared a hundred years ago"

"Yea that's me! Check this out" He says performing an aerial acrobatic move followed by him spinning several marbles in his hands with air bending. Which only causes the town to freak out further. There's a lot to talk about so team avatar is allowed to stay in the town lodge. The chief, suki, team avatar, and I will be discussing everything over dinner. I make sure to tell the guy preparing the food that Aang won't eat meat then move back to the dining table. I Sit to the right of the chief with Suki to his left. Across from me is Sokka. Aang is in the middle with Katara across from Suki.

"We have a lot to discuss. I've already introduced myself but I'm Silva, this is the village chief, and this is Suki leader of the Kyoshi Warriors."

"I'm Aang and these are Sokka and Katara. You said you're a water bending master and you've been waiting for me here?"

"I went on a spirit quest where I received a vision of your arrival here."

"Wait when you told us about the spiritual quest you just said you had something important to do here," Suki added

"I believed that the Avatar would show up here, but felt it was best that the knowledge of his visit not spread preemptively"

"So you're a water bender from the Northern Water Tribe?" Katara asks me

"No, I was born in the earth kingdom then spent most of my life traveling" that seemed to disappoint her for some reason.

"What's up with your eyes?"

"Sokka!" Katara Slaps Sokka's shoulder.

"It fine. I'm blind, but I get around this by using water bending to see. Aang, Katara would you like me to train you?"

"Yes" they both answer with no hesitation.

"Great, Chief do you think you can prepare supplies for our travels"

"I can, but wait you plan on leaving so soon?"

"Yea we just got here" Aang agreed.

"Chief your village doesn't have any Fire Nation spies, but it does have some very chatty fishermen. How long do you think it will be before word gets to the Fire Nation that the avatar was spotted here in Kiyoshi? If we leave immediately that might just be played off as a rumor. However, the Fire Nation will show up regardless. While we would definitely be able to help you defend the village us not being here would probably lead to a more peaceful resolution. I guess we don't need to leave immediately I can see the merits in either plan."

The Chief goes quiet and places his hands over his face before taking several deep breaths.

"Kiyoshi Island can defend itself. Avatar Aang you are free to stay as long as you wish" I guess the final decision falls to Aang as five pairs of eyes turn to him waiting for a response.