
Chapter 6

I place my hands over my face and sigh and I feel his arm wrap around me and pulling me closer cuddling me, I remove my hands and look down at him. He was adorable with his messy hair but whatever we did it wasn't so adorable oh god, I try to get up but he pulls me back down holding me tighter.

"Where do you think you're going?" He mumbles and wakes up a bit looking at me, I nervously look away and try to push him off but his grip was too strong. 

"I need to use the bathroom and we got to go to work today don't forget you're a famous singer and today is a meeting day so we have to go" he let's go and I get up but fall down. I felt pain below my waist and my legs were weak and I groaned in pain.

"You should of just waited for me to help, last night you were annoying me about doing it so I gave you what you wanted" he smirks then gets up and picks me up into his arms, I get nervous turning red and I look down at his chest that had marks and I look back at him.

"D-did I make that?...." he smiles and leans in kissing my head softly.

"Yeah silly, but you should see you" he walks me to the bathroom and I look into the mirror and my neck was filled with them and some bite Mark's I look up at him.

"You stupid I have to cover this up, you didn't have to go all wild on me and bite me" I place my hand on the marks and I turn red a bit ~man he did all this just for what? He must really like me I mean who wouldn't ~ I smile as I look in the mirror and he stays staring at me with his goofy smile.

"I can tell you like it, and I'm pretty sure no one will ask about it now hurry up we got a meeting to go to" he takes me back in the room and places me down gently and goes to his closet grabbing some clothes.

"Well one problem you completely destroyed the lower half of my waist and now I cannot walk so you will need to get me clothes." I sit back against the bed smiling,  I mean I wouldn't mind having him doing things for me since I'm the one who helps him with his clothes on set.

"Fine alright, I will get you some just let me change first and check your phone it kept buzzing last night" he puts on some pants and a shirt as I pick up my phone.

*46 new messages*

*10 missed calls*

*5 voicemails*

I checked the messages and most of them were from Soo jin but the calls and voicemails where from Hyungs manager I'm really hoping I don't get fired and it wasn't important. I clicked on the voicemails first to see if it was anything I need to know first.

"Myung why aren't you picking up? I need to know if you have Park Hyung with you, there are news reporters everywhere"

"Myung you better pick up the phone, there better be good explanation why you are not answering."

"News and reports are saying they had seen Hyung with a women and now its everywhere you both are big trouble"

"If you both do not show up by 10 you will get fired and Park Hyung will get replace" 

I gulped in fear and tried to get up and go tell Hyung but I ended up only making it half way and falling again on my side. Hyung came back from getting me some clothes then places them on the bed and helps me up.

"Where were you going" he smiles and sets me back on the bed but I was to terrified to even try to focus on anything else.

"We have to go now or at least you please, news reports been saying they seen you last night with that women and your manager was mad so we have to go now" he continued to smile roll his eyes and help me change. "Why aren't you rushing or taking this serious?" 

"Because, I'm pretty sure my manager would forget this by today and the news reports will dial down after a while about it, no need to worry" he places his hand on my cheek and kisses me softly and I sigh looking down.

"Okay I trust you" he smiles again and helps me up finishing putting on my tie and fixing my collar then putting my arm around his shoulders.

"Now let's get going" I nod and we walked downstairs to his car I was still in pain but I tried to walk on own so it would seem any suspension so I let go of him and walked by myself limping. He walks ahead of me and opens the door and he just kept smiling, I wonder how he keeps smiling through tough situations he seems so carefree of things. Probably because he had grew up in the rich life so I guess he had no such thing to worry about, I get in the car and he closes the door for me then going around to the drivers seat getting and buckling up.

"Hyung…." I looked down as I buckled up and hold my hands together nervous.

"Yeah?" He looks over at me then grabs my hand holding it.

"What was your childhood like? I mean like, I don't know you just seem so happy all the time nothing ever worries you" he chuckles and lifts my hand and kisses it.

"We can talk about that tonight when we aren't busy, and I'm only happy because I have you in my life so that's why, I worry all the time but mostly of losing you" I look up at him and he smiles and I turn red blushing from his words. "I got you blushing" he teases me and I pull away my hand in embarrassment.

"Oh shut up you big goof" he laughs then starts to the car.

 "You're so adorable, and this is the first time you didn't try pushing me away when I try flirting with you" I roll my eyes and look away looking out the car window

"Just be quiet and don't question it" I smile a bit and he puts his hand on my thigh again and I turn red, why does he always do this *fanboying in the inside*

After a while we made it before it hit 10 o clock making it inside, well mostly because I dragged him out and ran to the elevator pushing the button quickly.

"Come on bab-" I cover his mouth and shake my head.

"This is work remember" he nods them I remove my hand and the elevator opens, I drag him inside and push the button to floor 5 and it closes but a hand stops it. A boy comes in he was tall with dark red hair, with dark green eyes, he had worn a fancy red suit and he smirks as he enters the elevator with us.

"Hey sorry to disturb but I'm in a hurry as well" he comes in and stands besides me, I look at him then back at Hyung he was glaring the dude down and I can tell he was jealous, I smirk ~this should be fun~.

"My name is Myung" I hold out my hand to the boy and he smiles down at him and shakes my hand.

" I'm Sung ho but everyone calls me red since that's my color" I look back a bit at Hyung and his clenched his hands into fist

"Nice to meet you red, well what floor are you heading to?" I smile letting go of his hand and I feel hyungs pinky hold mine and tug at me pulling me back a bit.

"Floor 5 I've got a meeting to go to, how about you guys?" He looked down seeing Hyung getting closer then smirks.

"We do to it makes it more of an easy one way trip" I smile brightly then the bell rings reaching the floor, "Well it was nice meeting you see you around red".

"See you around myung" hyung grabs my arm and takes me out the elevator quickly and away into the halls until we lost track of red. He opens janitor closet door and drags me inside with him then locking it.

"W-what are we doing here?" I look up at him and he gets closer he slams his hands against the door.

"You were doing that on purpose weren't you?" I look up at him smirking.

"Doing what?" He shakes his head smiles then his face gets closet to mine.

"You like playing games, I like that but you're mine know that" he kisses me deeply and I wrap my arms around his neck, ~I love it when he gets jealous and all protective~.

"You're such a baby" I smile as I break the kiss and he smiles as he places his hands on my waist.

"You know you love it" he gets all cocky and I just laugh at him places my head on his chest and notice the time on my watch *9;58*

"WE GOTS TO GO" I turn quickly and open the door and grab him running to the office we were almost late and we finally make it *10:00*. I open the door and a group of men were talking and I see his manager across the tablet then red sitting next to him.

"Nice to see you both make it on time, meet your personal fashion designer Sung ho" I look at him confused as he just smirked back and Hyung glares at him…..

"Excuse me?"....