

The sun was burning,the last thing I remembered was me,myself.... alone by the shore,I lost consciousness.

his unconsiousness:

"Is this dream?am I dead?Where am I?(this place seems odd but...it is elegant and spacious tho)",zillian murmuring in his head.

Ivant, you're awake?

Wait..what, I am..

shh,please rest my son you've just recovered

(Wait I'm in a kid's body,what's his name again? Iven?Ivant?This kid looks like he is around 5..is he? or is it am I?Actually he's quite handsome as a kid and hmm... cute?

wait..wait..wait,so,now I'm a kid and my name is Ivant.)

In The Present (Tuesday,August 25 2xxx):

zillian :uhh..my head..

Luke : you okay,bro?

zillian : I'm okay,thanks luke

Luke : You can be out on Friday,for now

please rest and umm you can go out

for a walk

Zillian : Does that mean I can go out of this

place?to buy food or do something..

Luke : Coz you seem to be quite good,okay

then,I'll let you but you must be

accompanied either by me,the nurse,

or the staff.Okay?

Zillian : okay then(finally I have a chance

to runaway..wait just call it an


The Next Day(Wednesday,August 26 2xxx):

Josse(Nurse): So,where do you wanna go,sir?

Zillian : To Dietoriar,please

Josse : Ohh..the recreation park?

Zillian : That's how they call it..but,for me

it feels like a calm relaxing place

and it is a really suitable place to

do Yoga

Josse : Shall we go now sir?Let me help


Zillian : It's okay,thanks,I can walk


They get into the car and drive to Dietoriar

Josse : We've arrived sir,I'll wait for you

here you may go around

Zillian : okay and... thanks for the ride

Zillian walks slowly,slowly he vanishes.Josse realizes that he can spot Zillian.He gets out and looks for Zillian,he sees Zillian who is going to cross the road but he is still far away from the sidewalk.Zillian looks back to make sure that no ones following but he sees someone running towards his direction... Josse!!It's him.He's shock and he instantly flees,running accross the road...but then.... at the same a car drove fast and ....he ..is... struck

doctor : The patient's condition is very critical

,take me the apparatus

nurse : Yes,doctor

-~-~-~-~-~-~30 minutes later-~-~-~-~-~-

doctor : The patient,Mr.Zillian.I.Lavwendski

is in a ....coma MrmLuke,we're very


Luke : I can see it, and the thing I can do

now for my brother is to pray and be


doctor : And for now,the patient can't be

visited even if he's condition has

gotten a lot better now.