
Life Speedrun

This is only trashy novel that lacks of everything

Shiroe_Neko · Ciudad
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21 Chs

Lights Out. Ending

As I lay on my deathbed, I reflected on my life and all the experiences that had shaped me into the person that I was.

I thought about Emily and the love that we had shared, and how her memory had continued to guide me throughout my life. I thought about my children and grandchildren, and the joy that they had brought into my life.

I had lived a long and full life, filled with both happiness and sadness, triumphs and failures. But as I took my last breath, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for all the moments of beauty and love that had filled my life.

I was grateful for the moments of laughter and joy, for the moments of love and connection, and even for the moments of pain and sadness, for they had all taught me important lessons and had helped me to grow as a person.

As I closed my eyes for the last time, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. I knew that my time on this earth had come to an end, but I was content knowing that I had lived a life filled with love and purpose.

As my family gathered around my bedside, tears streaming down their faces, I felt a sense of comfort knowing that they would be okay without me. They were strong and resilient, and they had each other to lean on.

I looked up at them and smiled weakly, trying to convey all the love that I felt for them in that moment. They held my hands and whispered their goodbyes, telling me how much they loved me and how grateful they were for all that I had done for them.

And in that moment, I knew that I had truly succeeded in life. I had created a family filled with love and support, and I had shown them the importance of staying true to oneself and following your heart, no matter the obstacles.

As my vision began to fade, I heard the gentle hum of my favorite song, and I smiled once more. It was a song that Emily had loved, and it had become our song over the years. It was a fitting tribute to the life that we had shared together, and to the family that we had created.

And with one final breath, I let go. I felt the weight of the world slip away from my shoulders, and I felt myself being lifted up towards a bright light. I knew that Emily was waiting for me, and that we would be together once more, in a place filled with nothing but love and happiness.

As I crossed over into the next realm, I felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over me. I knew that I had lived a good life, filled with love and purpose, and that my legacy would live on through the lives of my children and grandchildren.

And as I closed my eyes for the final time, I whispered a final goodbye to the world that I had known, and I welcomed the new adventure that awaited me. I was ready for whatever lay ahead, secure in the knowledge that I had lived a life filled with love, and that I would be remembered for generations to come.

The End.