
A natural phenomena

It's better to feel the elation of your life and make sure that you are the boss of your life. If you let your life to be the boss of you. Believe you me it will pass but it will pass very harsh. No matter how talented and effective you are! But the truth is, when someone is dominant on you, you are surviving very poor in this subjugation. This slavery always makes you to face the every coming bullet filled with sarcasm and many more like this. So the point which I want to make is, be the boss of your life although you are very poor in command but still the regulation authority is in your hand and you can switch it anytime anywhere. This life is not a bed of roses and cup of cherries. It's you who makes it sometimes beautiful but sometimes hard as well. So let make your life beautiful and be the boss, rest all depending upon you, how you control and how you regulate.