
Life of the demon form's vessel

A young man in a world of low magic energy and advance technology , how is he going to fare, read on to find out!!!

King_Sam_7881 · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 1; Return of the demon

" Hu,hu,hu what's with that crazy bitch and this orb , is she really determined to kill me for this orb ,?, or should I just give it ,no its mine "


" just give me the orb and this will be over with,I promise "

"No way motherfucker !!! , and careful with those energy blasts !!!"

"You sure you can take it huh, bitch ?", a female seductive tone ;

" Sure this shouldn't be so hard right ?, you ain't gonna make it hard for me right ,Kiba Romore ",

Kiba; eye widens " how the heck do you know my name",

"Oh nothing is hidden from me darling ,so just hand it over "

Kiba ,in a low tone "should I, or maybe I sho... what the fuck!!!",

In a vast sea of consciousness"

Kiba; "One slice of her blade, that's all it took , but if it was that easy why waste all the time trying to force me ..."

"Because it doesn't work like that baaka "

Kiba; "then how does it work ... wait who said that ?"

"Well that would be me ..." Kiba ; " who are you ?"

" What's with the tone and those dead look in ur eyes ,aren't you happy to see me ?"

Kiba; "I don't even know who you are !!!"

"Yeah I'm the demon form ,listen don't interrupt me,the demon form is an overlord form ,it is creation in its base but it can't manifest on its own , it needs a host ,"

Kiba;"that doesn't still explain why that bitch wants it soo bad"

Demon form; "with my demon form comes diverse powers but you will have to find out your unique trait before I can give you more secrets "

Kiba; "any more pointers "

Demon form;"nah, just give your consent"

Kiba;"fine , take it ,it's not so helpful anyways"

Demon form;"good boy"


Diana;"damn it I released it, I guess I really need to learn to control my temper ,but for now...". Diana looks at Kiba being possessed by the demon form,"Requesting for immediate backup!!!" a voice in the earpiece"State your status" ,

Diana;"The demon is back!!!"

Its my first time so please don't be too picky Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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