
Life of Oliver Splixson

A man got reincarnated in a world full of magic and powers. The only things he remember after the process of reincarnation are his training and the love for his wife. Will he find his wife in this new world and be with her again? As they say in "In this life and the next, I'll be yours." ---------------------------------------- Thursday, Friday, Saturday - Chapter release days. (3 Per Week)

EddyVirgil · Fantasía
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5 Chs


"Jason, you're services are no longer needed. It's time for you to retire." Saying that to me, Nicholas placed his gun on my head.

I just chuckled at that and said "So the boss man don't want a dog that is more efficient than him huh? I get it. Let's get this done."

"You're not going to fight us to death?" Nicholas asked me.

Shaking my head I said "I'm going to die either way, why bother and tire myself out? But I do have a request, Nick."

Raising an eyebrow at me, Nick asked "And what would that be?"

Smiling at him I said "Take me home."

Nodding at me he said "Rest in peace my friend."


With that the bullet pierced through my head and my life flashed through my mind.

Abandoned when I was born, raised by one of the family that controlled the world in the shadows, trained as the hunting dog of the family, falling in love with a branch family member, secret marriage, my wife's death at the hand of an enemy family, my rampage, being numb to everything, getting efficient in what I do, and finally getting killed by the hands of my own friend by the order of the family who raised me.

'If there is a next life, I want to live a life where I will be happy like I was with Raven.' With that final thought and a small smile adorned on my face, I fell backwards with everything going black.

In the blackness, all I felt was peace. I didn't feel any resource towards Nick, nor to the head of the family. I didn't feel any regret either, all I felt was peace.

And that was what has been bugging for some time, as I believed that after death there's nothing. No heaven nor hell. But I'm wrong, I know that now and I'm sure that this is neither hell nor heaven.

"It is as you think Jason." I heard a voice.

Without waiting for my reply the voice continued. "After death, everyone is sent into the cycle of reincarnation. In that process, the memories of the dead soul will be erased and they will be given a fresh start. And you will no exception either."

Well, I have no problem with that. Just that I don't want to forget the love for Raven and my training, because I'm going to be reincarnated, I don't want to be helpless.

"That can be arranged, as they is a simple thing. Along with that I will be giving you three boons as per the request of your wife."

Raven was here? Yeah right, everyone gets reincarnated. But how can someone request something like getting boons?

"That's the privilege of the few pure hearted souls. Your wife was one of them. She got seven boons, but she declined there and requested me to give them to you."

Even after death she's looking after me huh? But, if she is also reincarnated then doesn't that mean she would be teenager by now? And will I be reincarnated in the same place as she did?

"Time work differently here. And one of her wish was for you to be reincarnated in the same world as her's."

Okay, that's good. So what now?

"As I have said earlier, your memories will be erased, but you undying love for your life will be there and your training too. Now onto your boons."

Do I have to request for the boons?

"No. Your boons has been decided even before you were dead."

Good to know.

"The first one is that your body will be like metal, but without it's weight."

What kind of metal?

"Its like an alloy, it will be able to absorb and store energy, you can enhance your body through runes, you will have high resistance to heat, cold and psionic abilities. Not full resistance, but high, there's a difference. Your second one is that you will have the power to shrink and expand things."

Like Ant-Man?

"Similar. Now on to the final boon, it's a personal dimension where anything you plant can be harvested."


"Except for living beings anything can be harvested."

That's cool. I won't have to worry about that. But won't I forget everything?

"Your memories of meeting me and your previous life will be erased, but the knowledge about your boons will be there. And for you information, the world you're going to be reincarnated is filled with people who have powers. They're known as Awakened's, if you are lucky, you will be able to awaken. If you don't, then you can just use your boons as the evidence of awakening."

How many can awaken?

"Roughly ten percent will be awakened beings and get one special ability. And in them there are special ones who can get two, that is the maximum a soul can have. If they get more than that, they would die."

Then won't I die?

"No. The boons can be used without consequences, so don't worry."

Will there be other people who would have boons like this?

"There will be. Now, it's time for you to reincarnate."

Will I be near Raven?

"You will feel it when she's near you. You don't have to worry. And live a life that you want to live."

Alright. Thanks for all of this.

"Sure. But your gratitude is to be directed at you wife."


After the Nicholas shot Jason square in the head, he took out his phone and dialed a number.

Right after the first ring, the other end picked up and asked [Is it done?]

"Yes sir. Jason is dead, he didn't put up a fight." Nicholas said.

[Did he have a final request?]

"Yes sir, he wanted me to bring him back home." Nicholas said.

[Understood. Take him to Raven, he deserves it.]

"Yes sir, I'll do as you say." Nicholas replied and the call was disconnected from the other side.

Sighing in sadness, he picked up Jason from the blood soaked floor and placed him in car.

After driving for an hour, Nicholas drove the car into a private cemetery.

Near a headstone, three people were waiting for him and Jason. All of them were wearing a black trench coat to honor Jason.

Walking up to them with Jason in his hands, Nicholas asked "Is it ready?"

The three of them nodded at Nicholas and showed him the headstone prepared for Jason.

"Here Lies, Jason Dawn, A Loving Husband."

Chapter Release Schedule:-

Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

3 Chapters per week.

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