
Life of Kal

Grandson of the God Emperor of the Human Race, Kallik "Kal" Valkner sets out on his journey. He comes across many, from friends to lovers, allies to enemies, all from many walks of life. This fantasy world jam packed with all kinds of races from your typical Dragons, Elves, and Dwarves, to even Beastkin, Phoenixes, and Thunderbirds! Kal is setting off on his path like all Valkner children are compelled to as he climbs the realms of power.

KC_Milton · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 0. Birth

A thundercloud began to loom over the land. To any who had their eyes in the sky at that moment they knew it was no ordinary cloud. For one, it carried the crack of thunder on the wind and yet there was no flash of lightning proceeding it. But you still knew it was coming. The second reason, and the far more foreboding one, was the fact that this cloud covered the entire sky. It should be mid-day if not late morning and yet somehow this thundercloud blocked out the sun marking itself as the only thing present as far as the eye could see. Only the few dozen streaks of lightning that moved throughout the cloud served as the only source of light for all below its expanse. But just as soon as this cloud of thunder formed, a single silent streak struck, signaling its departure from from the skies. For only five minutes did this bizarre unnatural event occur, and it would be talked about in the homes of those who got to witness it for years to come. That is if not for the majesty of the cloud at its truest size, nor the fact that lightning managed to strike without sound, but most importantly the place at which it struck. Said place being a large castle that played host to a very powerful family.

At the sight of impact, from this silent flash out stepped two beings. The first is a beast whose control over the lightning and skies is practically unrivaled. And then the second is a man who can claim sovereignty over everything having to do with the concept of lightning.

In this world even the weakest have the ability to rise to the pinnacle of power. Strength matters most in this world trumping morals and righteousness, your strength dictates all. Strength shapes history, and in order for one to leave even a stain on the long tapestry that is this worlds history, one needs to have absolute strength.

The path to strength is divided into many realms that the beings inhabiting this world acknowledge as the universal constant. These realms are divided into three tiers based on what describes your being. Mortality, Immortality, and finally Divinity. There are many different races in this world all striving to rise to the pinnacle of mastery over weapons and magic alike in order to stand at the top.

And the man who claims sovereignty over lightning is at the pinnacle of this hierarchy, a Cardinal of the human race. Thunder God Barak Valkner.

Cardinals are beings that are so strong and show such mastery over their skills that their divinity is engrained and tied to the world itself. These are beings who it would take another of their realm of power to kill, and even then the process itself is virtually impossible. To say it is impossible is an understatement, but it doesn't even matter seeing as there are only 12 such beings known to the denizens of the world as its masters. Barak himself can claim to be one of the strongest even among the Cardinal Realm.

So it shouldn't be a surprise what the catalyst for such bizarre weather was. This being of absolute power named Barak stepped forward laying eyes on his destination.


A beaming woman of exceptional beauty was at the front of the castle door Barak was approaching. She had long shiny blonde hair that was tipped black that matched Barak's, along with a pair of gleaming emerald green eyes that reminded Barak of her late mother. This was Barak's youngest and only daughter, Astrape Valkner.

Barak gave a small smile as he greeted his daughter. Her innocent smile that she returned was saved only for family. Being the baby of the family may have fooled most, but it was those she saved this side of herself for that knew better. Astrape was a mage of exceptional might after all, capable of volleying spells that can fell immortals of all races without even chanting. This immortal daughter of Barak's had enough power currently to take over and name herself the monarch of a small continent. But her potential, like all of Barak's children, went even further.

"Hello Dios!" Astrape called.

Barak glanced back at the man who arrived with him.

Diodorus Condor, also known simply as Dios was a man who has been at Barak's side as his aid since the time Barak first met his late wife and before his children were born. It was only fitting he be here for this birth just like the others.

"Greetings, Lady Astrape," Dios gave a small bow in greeting allowing his shoulder length black hair to fall in front of his dark gold eyes.

Astrape rolled her eyes at the greeting and waited for the pair to approach.

"He's here," Astrape informed the pair, "It's a boy!"

Barak was in no way surprised by this as he knew almost a month after learning about the pregnancy. There is almost nothing more connected to nature than giving birth after all. And being a Cardinal, Barak was the most tied to not only the world, but nature as well.

"Another grandson," Dios started, "Congratulations my lord."

Barak gave an appreciative nod to Dios before turning into the hug from Astrape. She then turned almost as quickly ushering the pair inside the castle as she began to pick up speed with her words.

"Indra seems to believe he's already found the perfect name," Astrape spoke as if it was her intention to get the drop on informing Barak on what's happened since the birth.

A small imperceptible smile played on Barak's lips, "Does he?"

Astrape, ever the baby of the family, scrunched up her face in disagreement, and that was all that needed to be said.

Barak was led through the castle he used to rule from as an immortal. These were times he hardly remembered save for meeting his queen. It brought a smile to his face now that he could return here to a castle that was otherwise foreign to him; he could see it marked with the pulse of his children as he returned to see the births of theirs.

Barak wasted no time once Astrape opened the door as he quickly greeted five of her six older brothers. He intended to check in with them another day to see where their personal journeys had taken them until this point. Or at least hear what he already knew from their own mouths. But today was about another.

As his children returned to their own excited chatter, Barak turned to the bed that lay at the center of the room. Barak took a long look at a sight that warmed his old divine soul like almost nothing else could. It was the loving gaze that reminded him of his own wife as she saw him with their first born-the current target for such a gaze. None could see this reaction from Barak as he remained stoic on the outside, but he was pleased to see his daughter-in-law Iridiana had taken to being a member of the Valkner Clan so well.

Right at home in the bustling noise that was this large family as she recovered from the birth. But the target for this loving gaze was Barak's first born. Current king of his kingdom-and his first heir-Indra Valkner held a child who had yet to show which parent he would resemble most in the future. He was completely rapt in the newborn in his arms, his son; but as if sensing the gaze of his own father, he barely managed to tear his eyes away from the baby, never dropping a goofy smile he wasn't known for.

"Father!" the pride in Indra's voice rang out through the room to all present, "The first grandchild I give you. Tempest!"

Barak's hand twitched as he intended to take the baby handed out to him, but then his face-like everyone else's, fell upon hearing the name. The entire room fell silent in fact as even the recovering Iridiana let out a weary sigh upon hearing the ridiculous name for the third time.

Barak finally recovered but just when he finally intended to take the baby his eyes opened, catching the attention of Indra who turned away and immediately set about playing with him.

Unseemly noises such as "Cootchie cootchie coo" or even blowing raspberries in the poor newborn's face came from Indra as he showered him with love. He was completely unaware of how he had soured the mood not five seconds ago. Such noises would never be related to Indra in the eyes of the most powerful warriors he has fought and even slain over the years. Such things just weren't done by a warrior of his caliber and he seemed to care little as he brought a smile back to the faces of everyone present.

Barak cleared his throat before he spoke, "It is a little obvious, no?"

Iridiana called for the baby as Barak spoke so he could see his son's face fall, "I guess..."

There was a distinct collective sigh from Indra's siblings and if that wasn't a clear sign the room hated the name, Barak didn't know what was.

"Did you have any ideas, Iridiana?" Dios asked into the silence.

"Only for a girl," Iridiana spoke as she prepared for breastfeeding, "I did like Astrape's idea though."

Barak and the rest of the room turned to Astrape, "What was it?"

Astrape became uncharacteristically shy at her fathers question and answered softly, "Barachiel."

Barak's face went rigid as he worked all of his divine powers into showing no emotion. But nonetheless beneath was a raging storm that seemed never ending all the same.

"Fitting," Dios spoke first.

Barak's children all gave their opinion and they were all in the camp of it being the perfect name. This child would be the heir to the kingdom built by Barak, now ruled by Indra, and when the time came he would take the reins when his father inevitably ascends to divinity.

As his children continued to speak as if the name was a done deal, a lone word escaped from Barak's mouth, "Kallik."

It was spoken low, but these immortal beings of power were more than capable of picking up on Barak's voice and thus turned to him hoping for an explanation.

"Kallik. Let him tread his own path," Barak cleared his throat although none seemed to notice except for Dios, "We are Valkners. I never gave you all my name with that intention and you all have forged your own paths. It has worked for you all just as it worked when my father named my siblings and I. Kallik."

Indra and his siblings were stunned into silence. Not only was their father a Cardinal of few words, but even still those words moved them like nothing else could. Even this sacred and precious birth didn't carry the weight of Barak's words at this point. Astrape even found herself wiping a tear from her eye as she turned back towards the baby.

Iridiana, after a glance towards Dios, broke the silence this time, "Would you like to hold Kallik, father?"

Barak didn't speak as he simply approached the bed in order to greet the first grandson of his eldest.

But just as Barak was getting ready to accept the child for the third time, he was halted by a sudden movement.

The newborn Kallik, most likely still craving more of his mother's milk, reached an arm out. The jerky movement startled not just Barak as Iridiana lowered her child closer to the bed to avoid any mishaps. Indra also appeared to the left of his father to give himself the best vantage point in case of anything.

But Kallik's arm and his entire body flinched when he came into contact with something hard.

Barak glanced down and a smile played on his face. He reached down and grasped his newest grandchild in his hands just like he did the rest. His divine hands worked to invigorate the infant body and were a soothing balm at the same time.

"The sword for this one," Barak turned to his son and daughter-in-law, "Nurture this boy's love for the sword. As he grows, may he one day be worthy of Quaking Thunder."

Gasps could be heard from Barak's children as they glanced down at his right hip. Strapped there one could find Barak's treasured sword Quaking Thunder. It was a blade of legend that blacksmiths of all races strive to equal. The name of the blade itself carried its own tales just like the wielder. It was the first weapon of a Cardinal, of course it held great renown.

Barak returned the small baby back to Iridiana sensing he was still hungry and gave a few small words of farewell to his children stating he had business to attend to. Dios gave further congratulations to Indra and Iridiana before bowing to the room and following after Barak.

Once Dios reached the castle doors however he immediately found the reason for the quick escape.

A beaming smile could be found on Barak's face as he continued to walk unnecessary steps away from the home. It drew Dios back to when he saw his master freeze up upon hearing the idea his youngest had for a name. It was a good name just like Kallik, but when one thinks more on the excuse given you realize his reaction didn't match up. But as Dios thought more on it remembering the births of all of Barak's grandchildren, he came to a new realization. Barak was without a doubt the happiest he had ever been in his life when they suggested giving his name to the newborn. But then this jovial excitement was trumped by one thing. When he got the chance to name the child himself.

Dios shook his head at how ridiculous the Valkner clan was at times. None of the children would ever even dream of daring to ask their father to bless their children with a name for they revere him too much, and yet Barak himself found it impossible to express his desire to name his grandchildren. Thankfully Iridiana picked up on the mood and confirmed the decision as the children couldn't even imagine their father doing such a thing.

"What are you smiling about, Diodorus?" Barak asked curiously.

Dios covered up his oncoming chuckle as he answered, "I am reminded that my first should be born within the year."

Barak gave a short nod in acknowledgement as he had never forgotten. But in Dios' mind was what he would do with this new hatchling.

The two of differing minds continued on as Barak activated a teleportation spell sending the pair out to continue their nonexistent business for the day.