
Chapter 1

It was a sunny day outside.

"Alright mom, I'm going to go now!" a young man said as he left his home.

'Alright, I guess it's time to go to schoo-' but before he could finish his thought a very loud noise interrupted his thoughts. It was a truck which was going way too fast to be considered a normal speed.

"W-what the-?! The individual said before getting crushed by this truck.

And everything became black, he lost consciousness. After a while, he woke up and found that he couldn't move at all. Everything around him was black.

'Where am I? Why can't I move my body? Help, somebody help!' But alas no one could hear him because he couldn't talk. 

'Am I in the afterlife? Maybe it's a different form of hell? Who knows how long I will be here?'

And indeed, he was there for a time equivalent to a few months. During this time, he really couldn't do anything and only had his own thoughts to occupy him. So he felt like he understood himself better, but at the same time was going insane. Maybe this was hell, sure there were no fires, but boredom can cause pain too.

As time passed, he eventually discovered that he could move a little and could manage to kick. 'Oh look, when I kick I can feel something. This is definitely not a void, but I wonder what it -' he thought before realizing something he should have figured out some time ago.

'I am inside a lady's womb. I read enough novels to be able to figure something like this out. So it's something like a reincarnation. Come to think of it, I got hit by a freaking truck, it should have been obvious from the beginning.' He thought as he stopped kicking. Now that he knew it was the inside of a woman's belly, he knew he shouldn't kick too much. Just enough to let them know he was lively here.

'I really hope I get out of here soon. Honestly, I lived as a loner in my past life. Wow, what a weird thing for me to say. But there is a reason why isolation is considered an inhumane punishment. It's not good for people to have no social interaction for long periods of time. Honestly, I think it's a miracle I am still able to think this way. ' the fetus thought to himself as he continued to stare into the darkness.

After a while, he did in fact start to get out. And he saw the light for the first time in a long time. 'Finally the light! I have been born' and to celebrate this he screamed as loud as he could, and to also let them know there was nothing wrong with him.

"Man, he is a loud one honey. Seems like he is my son!" a burly man said as he burst with laughter. 

"Yes, it seems like it." A woman with black hair who looks like she went through a lot, because she did, said as she caressed her newborn.

'Man, this is kind of awkward. I am just going to close my eyes and keep screaming' the baby thought to himself as he bawled as loudly as he could.


In a village, with big trees covering the surroundings, a black haired toddler could be seen enjoying his meal while a burly man could be seen cutting firewood.

In this time, the boy grew to be a bit chubby but healthy and strong. He didn't have to relearn a language because conveniently the language he learned was the language that is commonly used universally. He still had to pretend because he was just a toddler and didn't want to draw unnecessary attention to himself.

'Ah, such good food. And I get to eat while breathing in this wonderful air. It would be hard to do this where I came from.' the boy thought to himself as he continued to enjoy the moment. 

The burly man, his father, was chopping wood in order to prepare themselves for the winter. He also worked as a mercenary, the boy found out as sometimes the man would leave and come back with injuries. And this was indeed a fantasy world, as he would see his mother heal him and his father when they got injuries.

After some time, they head back inside to their cabin, if that's the word to use for this place of shelter made of wood. Then they sat at the table, where they prepared to eat dinner.

At the dinner table, while Charles ate his dinner, the father spoke to his wife. "Right now, Charles is three years old, don't you think it would be a good time to teach him swordsmanship right now.

The mother responded saying "Harold, he is still just a baby. But I don't think it's a bad idea to teach him to at least defend himself. The world is a dangerous place after all.

That's right, this world was a place where monsters that had special abilities and could manipulate mana were commonplace. But not only that, other people also had special abilities. And unfortunately, not every person is a good person and thus the world was a dangerous place. Charles agreed with this notion, and also wanted to learn swordsmanship. He preferred to use his body instead of his mind most of the time. It made sense since he had a body with pretty good genes. That's just how he is.

"I want sword" said Charles, which the parents were both surprised at.

"Ok, but Charles I want you to understand I am being serious here. This is not a game, and I want you to take this seriously.

"Yes!" said Charles as he showed his father his serious expression. His father looked into his eyes before sitting back on his chair.

"Then it is decided then, starting tomorrow we will start your first swordsmanship lesson." The father declared before continuing to eat his meal.

Charles was excited, and couldn't wait to start learning swordsmanship.