

Ruthie_Balogun · Ciudad
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25 Chs

Chapter 24

sher stood at the door, his feet seem to be numb and heavy for him to lift. His heart cried seeing his mother on the hospital bed, it was obvious death lurk around her.

He was holding back tears. He couldn't move. Adrianna stood beside him their thought was of the same. She has to be strong for herself and her little brother. She held his hand and nudge him forward. Let's go closer. They were the only ones behind, the rest had gone forward, circling around the bed.

Asher sat on the bed beside his mother and Adrianna on the other side, sitting on the bed too. Each of them holding a hand.

"I'm so happy to see you both" Brenda's voice barely came out as a whisper. Asher sniffles. He didn't want to say anything he feared her might cry if he talks.

"We're happy too, thank you for bringing us together," Adrianna told her, she kissed her hand.

Brenda handed the file to Adrianna, Malcolm will give you the other file too, everything is been changed and corrected. She told her daughter.

Brenda smiled at Asher.

"My baby boy, I remembered how I gave birth to you, Jesus, you stressed me, you didn't come out until two days later, " she stroked his face. "Asher " she smiled. And struggle to steady her breaths.

She looked at Adrianna. "My beautiful baby, you're one of the best things that ever happened to me" she coughs.

"Its okay mommy" Adrianna cautioned.

Asher bent his head and kiss his mum's fingers. His tears dropping on her hand.

Brenda raised his head to look at her, "Do not cry my son, I'll always be with you in spirit, I will watch over you and your sister in heaven".

"I have two other sisters, Melanie and Stephanie" he pointed to both of them "They're Reina's children". He gave his mother a big smile.

Brenda smiled at all of them. She was too tired to say anything again, silently she was struggling with her spirit not to leave her body yet. She pointed at Malcolm and Reina to come forward. She joined their hands together and begged them to take care care of Asher. She also gave Elijah and Adrianna her blessings.

"On your wedding, I'll be there, I'll be with you both when you notice the waves of the sea roaring louder than usual and the trees sweating harder, the breeze blowing softly, the melody sounding sweet to the ears, I'm lurking around. I won't cross over until then, I'll ignore the light until your marriage is done" Brenda cough and her whole body shook. Adrianna was crying hard, her tears blocking her vision. She held onto her mother's hand. Malcolm held Asher's hand tightly.

The heart monitor began to beep loudly. Rachel opened the door and screamed for a doctor. The doctor and the nurse hurriedly entered the room, Malcolm covered Asher's eyes. Elijah moved Adrianna away from her mother so the doctor could attend to her.

The heart monitor stopped beeping. Her heart stopped beating.

The doctor turned to face them. He looked from one of them to the other.

They all understood what he was going to say. Malcolm's hold faltered on Asher. "I'm sorry," the doctor said, he gave Malcolm shoulder a squeeze.

Asher ran to his mother. He stood beside her bed, shaking her to wake up.

"Wake up mommy, don't leave yet, you can't leave, I told you I want to be a medical doctor, I told you" his voice broke.

Adrianna was crying on Elijah's shoulder. She was crying bitterly. Her mother died right in front of her. She felt her touch lingers on her hand. He didn't let her go.

Malcolm had to carry Asher out of the hospital.

The drive back home was full of cries and silent after. They were not ready for what had hit them even though they saw it coming, even though they knew that she has just a few days to leave. They were never prepared for it. Who would have known that a few hours ago that their happy faces would change to a sad one?

Rachel had succeeded in making Asher sleep, the whole time he was crying she was patting his back and rubbing his head slightly.


The burial had taken place in Norwich Cemetery, the same place Tyson was buried.

The friends of the deceased were there to sympathize with the family and the lawyer had to come again after the Burial to make sure the wills of Brenda and Tyson got to the real owner, Adrianna. The burial had ended quickly and people began to file out one after the other. Except for the rest of the family who decided to stay for a few days.

One month later.

Asher, you should get out of bed now, or else Elijah won't be able to drop you off at school" Adrianna told him her baby bump obvious in her nightwear.

"Okay." he groggily answered.

Adrianna sat on his bed beside him and shook him lightly. "I've set your bath, hurry up okay" she brushed a hair out his face and peck his cheeks.

After Asher had gotten ready and waited outside the door with Stephanie, who's now living with Adrianna including Melanie and Rachel. Although the latter's are in college and would not be back until school is over.

"Bye honey" Adrianna waved at Elijah and her siblings.

Its been a month since her mother's death. It has been hard for her to come out of it, to accept her mother was dead.

It was painful. Especially for Asher but she had been strong enough for the both of them. Whenever she's alone she tried hard not to think about it or else she would end up crying and no amount of crying would bring her mother back. She was grateful that Asher was strong, she admires his heart, she knows that he still missed his mother but he would never show it.

She promised him she would never let go of him that she would always be there for him. Everyone promised to be there for him. Since the daycare has introduced him to Reina, he always called her "mom" and Reina was happy. She would be a good mother to him and fill the void of his late mother.

Adrianna was done thinking about her late mother. She smiled and checked her time. "Aahh" she screamed

"Oh my gosh, I'm gonna be late" Dr. Hannah will eat me raw. I'm always late. She muttered loudly. She was supposed to meet with Dr. Hannah by 10 am and she has just thirty minutes to get ready. she has been going to the clinic for weeks now and her sex life has improved. Thanks to Savannah who recommended her to the doctor.

She started the car and drove off, she parked her car in an empty space and ran into the clinic. She didn't wait for the doctor to say 'com in" as usual. She entered immediately after she knocked.

"Hi, I'm sorry I'm late" she smiled at her.

"You need to see another doctor help you manage and keep to time"

The therapist smiled back and Adrianna burst out laughing.